Tag Archives: Saudi Barbaria

Keynes, AOC, Bezos, Saudi Barbaria, Nat. Enquirer, Ghosn, IQ, alarm clocks, tawking, Peterson-Golden Rice, Lebanon, Nationalism, Pinker, Kelton,

@LaikiEksixroni1 What about her?!: https://youtu.be/9uj1mD0w7Ww   Permalink 9:51 AM – 10 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Imbecilic Keynesianisticists find *ad hoc* arguments to argue deficits don’t cause inflation. The focus is on “foreign debt”. There are tons of counteramples, including close to me the Lebanese devaluation (rate frm 3/$ -> 1500) that ruined my grandfather https://twitter.com/msilva12000/status/1094644393854844929   Permalink 9:15 AM – 10 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Industrious BS producing psychologists have been using correlation/regression for 100 years like parrots without trying to figure out what it means intuitively. They can’t even define it. Correlation (unlike mut information) is randomly subadditive or superadditive! https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1090626453018955776   Permalink 8:19 AM – 10 Feb 2019

@NeutralTesla And Khashoggi died as the result of a fistfight. Saudi Arabia says has ‘nothing to do’ with Bezos-AMI dispute https://reut.rs/2GjiNnI   @nntaleb Permalink 8:16 AM – 10 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Announcement: Deborah Mayo @learnfromerror has a seminar on the philosophy of statistics. She also has a new book on the subject. Comments to come. pic.twitter.com/AXmhra36mu Permalink 8:12 AM – 10 Feb 2019

@nntaleb From POPPER to FAT TONY *BS detection*, *via negativa*, *not being a sucker*, & asymmetric epistemology are rarely accepted as modi operandi across disciplines. BS detection is the engine of 1) epistemology/science for Popper 2) theology for Orthodoxy 3) business for Fat Tony https://twitter.com/brentdsummers/status/1094561610964684801   Permalink 6:10 AM – 10 Feb 2019

@nntaleb …and risk. Please do not give me Keynes as counterexample as he proved to be clueless about risk, but wasn’t as intellectually defective as today’s Keynesians. Permalink 4:29 PM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Weimar Republic Zimbabwe, Brasil, Venezuela, Argentina Keynesian Economics is proving to be the refuge of people devoid of 1) common sense, 2) business acumen, 3) scientific rigor 4) elementary intellectual abilities, 4) historical & other erudition, 5) curiosity … https://twitter.com/StephanieKelton/status/1093575469440618496   Permalink 4:01 PM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Weimar Republic Zimbabwe, Brasil, Venezuela, Argentina Keynesian Economics is proving to be the refuge of people devoid of 1) common sense, 2) business acumen, 3) scientific rigor 4) elementary intellectual abilities, 4) historical & other erudition, 5) curiosity … https://twitter.com/StephanieKelton/status/1093575469440618496   Permalink 4:01 PM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb The reason social science calls itself a “science” is because of statistics. And their statistics are practically BS everywhere. I mean, really, everywhere. https://twitter.com/BeagleOnALeash/status/1094345432875089922   Permalink 1:58 PM – 9 Feb 2019

@keithbensons @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/HPpx2IWVb8 Permalink 1:02 PM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Unpublished pictures are worth a lot more than published ones. #NationalEnquirer #UmbertoEcosLibrary Permalink 12:54 PM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb PROBABILITY DU JOUR The phenomenon known as “regression to the mean” is largely a social science illusion. It requires a stable & *known* mean, constant standard deviation, a thin-tailed distribution, & homogeneous cohorts. Permalink 11:52 AM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb It is easiest to do the most when you have nothing to do. Permalink 10:09 AM – 9 Feb 2019

@nntaleb The maximum success is reached when you are never busy. https://twitter.com/extrachelle/status/1093857798612545538   Permalink 6:14 PM – 8 Feb 2019

@yzilber Gawker were saints Vs Nat Etq. Nate Enq are mafia Gawker were just crude thugs misbehaving Permalink 2:52 PM – 8 Feb 2019

@nntaleb What Occasio is saying on lobby funding is right, healthy, & perfectly compatible with libertarianism/localism. These distortions/hijacking of representation are the product of a centralized system. Let us make sure these ideas of sound governance are not marketed as “socialist”. https://twitter.com/JKCorden/status/1093634176845139968   Permalink 9:26 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@PaulSkallas I don’t think Dunning Krueger is real or Lindy https://twitter.com/ddelruss/status/1093909071336562688   Permalink 8:48 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@nntaleb The most unsettling part of the @JeffBezos story is the very high possibility that Saudi Arabia is blackmailing the current U.S. president. Even in the case of Bezos, blackmailing on behalf of a foreign government has some legal consequences. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1093845565333475329   Permalink 7:02 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@black_swan_man “You can’t eat Sharpe ratios.” @Bloomberg @ErikSchatzker https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1086321274522165248   https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1093515067600056320   Permalink 6:59 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 1- Charlatans and socialists offer positive, non via negativa “solutions” 2- I block idiots. Like immediately. Nothing personal. Permalink 6:24 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@nntaleb WARNING: Noah Smith @Noahpinion has a long history of commenting on papers & books he didn’t read. Yet how come such a fraud still exists? Only because he represents a certain socialist line? http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/SmithBSVendor.html   https://twitter.com/johnrobb/status/1093863981478019072   Permalink 5:49 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@nntaleb MORAL OF THE STORY: – If Saudi Barbaria & the Nat. Enquirer can explicitly blackmail the richest person in the most powerful country, where does it leave the rest of us? – Remember we were saved from Gawker that was in the business of ruining the lives of college students. https://twitter.com/JeffBezos/status/1093643321732464646   Permalink 4:14 AM – 8 Feb 2019

@nntalebbot “Regular minds find similarities in stories (and situations); finer minds detect differences.” – @nntaleb Permalink 3:30 PM – 7 Feb 2019

@Safaitic I will be giving a lecture at ISAW ( http://isaw.nyu.edu/  ) on March 29-30 at a workshop on the Nessana Papyri. I imagine it will be open to the public so please join us and hear about the trilingual language situation of the town in the 6th c. CE. Permalink 12:10 PM – 7 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 3- (Ghosn) I know numerous billionaires; I’ve met many CEOs. Billionaires tend to live as if they were CEOs; CEOs tend to live as if they were billionaires. Permalink 12:04 PM – 7 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 2- Ghosn fell prey to the “show me the man, I will find you a crime”. Someone with enemies should be obsessive about creating a web a “plausible deniability” ahead of time. You need to stay at least one step ahead of your enemies, in France two steps, and in Japan, three. Permalink 9:38 AM – 7 Feb 2019

@NonMeek A good rule of thumb is to focus on what people do instead of what they say. #NOskininthegame = #BS pic.twitter.com/Qp3L9kb8WI Permalink 7:48 AM – 7 Feb 2019

@nntaleb WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM CARLOS GHOSN? (Thread) Ghosn is a very competent man but 1- One cannot behave like Henry Ford or Louis XIV if one is getting a salary/under corporate bondage. Worse: one is NEVER free when getting a salary. Permalink 7:07 AM – 7 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Universa’s Spitznagel on Fed Policy, Hedge Funds and Insuring Market Risk https://youtu.be/xiBjBkXBHLw   via @YouTube Permalink 6:21 AM – 7 Feb 2019

@black_swan_man https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-06/nietsche-optimizing-risk-and-embracing-disasters   #blackswanman #theblackswanman @zerohedge #Nietzsche #AmorFati ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/Kuy83MZ79J”>  pic.twitter.com/Kuy83MZ79J Permalink 6:17 AM – 7 Feb 2019

@nntaleb The IQ thingy by psychologists/BS vendors is drawing me back to the problem of non-elipticality of distributions. Correlation is much harder to work with than you think. (from my next book) pic.twitter.com/k2R1Z86dHd Permalink 1:54 PM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 1- Never take any positive advice from someone you didn’t ask for advice. (corrected to fix the meta-problem). Permalink 1:26 PM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Finally figured out. “IQ” doesn’t test for intelligence; rather how likely a person is likely to become a state-solution loving socialist. Permalink 11:01 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@normonics genetics is good for sorting out history, as @nntaleb is doing, but is terrible for making predictions or describing how macroscopic behaviors and properties unfold from genetics, given our current knowledge and abilities. Permalink 8:44 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@thackerpd Nina Federoff is the former President of AAAS. She is now an advisor to a law firm that lobbies for the agrochemical industry and a critic of #GMO reporting “Flacking for GMOs: How the Biotech Industry Cultivates Positive Media—and Discourages Criticism” https://progressive.org/magazine/how-the-biotech-industry-cultivates-positive-media/   Permalink 7:57 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Those who aren’t in it for the money won’t tell you that they aren’t in it for the money. Permalink 7:48 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 3- The only thing a business school professor can teach you is how to become a business school professor. Permalink 7:15 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 2- Never take any financial advice from someone who has to work for a living. Permalink 7:03 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 1- Never take any advice from someone you didn’t ask for advice. Permalink 7:02 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb https://medium.com/east-med-project-history-philology-and-genetics/no-lebanese-is-not-a-dialect-of-arabic-e95320c164c   Permalink 6:22 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 2nd Lecture at Tandon on probability, showed how under some conditions (conservation) Max Entropy leads to the Gaussian. Adding the derivations to my book. pic.twitter.com/I6y85F8Bsi Permalink 5:30 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Hayda tzwir térikhé. L-lbnénéné (w l mashr2é/néoKn3ané) lghétna l2mm. Permalink 4:55 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@nntaleb An indicator of freedom and bondage: how often did you have to use an alarm clock this month? Permalink 4:52 AM – 6 Feb 2019

@LindyEffect Erasmus pic.twitter.com/x98fdqwYyZ Permalink 6:41 PM – 5 Feb 2019

@sentantiq Tonight Dani Bostick will be live tweeting the State of the Union Address in Latin. Look out for @danibostick and the hashtag #LatinSOTU https://sententiaeantiquae.com/2019/02/05/the-state-of-our-union-in-latin/   Permalink 8:58 AM – 5 Feb 2019

@normonics Quick GMO complexity lesson: A central challenge in complexity studies is understanding how microscopic properties and behaviors flow upwards in scale and produce macroscopic behaviors It turns out this is a VERY hard problem Permalink 8:47 AM – 5 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Removed the Abstract (it was a teaser before submission to a journal)… Will repost in a few. Permalink 6:37 AM – 5 Feb 2019

@nntaleb My contribution to the problem is here https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1085879808624607232   Permalink 5:22 AM – 5 Feb 2019

@MaxAbrahms New report adds even more evidence that American weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE have gone to Al Qaeda and its friends in Yemen. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2019/02/middleeast/yemen-lost-us-arms/   Permalink 3:13 AM – 5 Feb 2019

@nntaleb It is dishonest to claim that the rich of yesterday are the same as those of today. Ergodicity https://medium.com/incerto/inequality-and-skin-in-the-game-d8f00bc0cb46   Permalink 8:37 AM – 4 Feb 2019

@EconTalker This is dishonest. Not the same people in those groups every year. Your picture and your tweet make it seem otherwise. It’s not a zero-sum game and every serious economist knows it. You should too. https://medium.com/@russroberts/do-the-rich-capture-all-the-gains-from-economic-growth-c96d93101f9c   https://twitter.com/DLeonhardt/status/1092397923009204224   Permalink 8:19 AM – 4 Feb 2019

@nntaleb PHILOLOGY DU JOUR: RATIONALITY John 1،1:Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, mistransl. “in the beginning was the verb” shd بع “First, there is reasoning”. The Peshita, uses “Béréshit (for beginning, shd be “principally”) MLL for verb =”abilitlity to speak” λόγος= منطق= מלל NOT كلمة #Lindy pic.twitter.com/8Tc9CLXHWO Permalink 6:12 AM – 4 Feb 2019

@zerohedge The term “neoliberal warmongers” is thus born https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1092245449304612869   Permalink 6:53 PM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb WHAT I LEARNED IN 2019 I thought that correlation was a bad measure because super-additive [relu/sigmoids] rho[a+b]>rho[a]+rho[b]. Turns out it is also sub-additive [exponential]. In other words, there are very very very narrow conditions where one can safely use correlation. Permalink 6:32 PM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb And of course Patrick Moore whose dangerous, dishonest (& exploitative) arguments psychologist @jordanbPeterson was diffusing is a well identified shill for glyphosate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovKw6YjqSfM   Permalink 3:31 PM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb The point is not if someone is right or wrong. It is if someone is a bullshitter, tawking about stuff he doesn’t know nothing about or giving you verbalistic arguments that sound good. He will be a bullshitter EVEN if he later turns out to be right. https://twitter.com/JimDMiller/status/1092138559283384320   Permalink 11:56 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb When you are, say, a physicist, you don’t argue abt quantum mechanics w/an astrologer for the sake of “listening to all sides”. I just block people (mostly verbalistic psychologists) w/whom I DO NOT want to have an exchange because you DO NOT learn/advance from bullshit. Gabish? Permalink 11:05 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Actually it is not just virtue signaling but Peterson’s DISGUSTING use of appeal to pity or some FAKE humanitarianism “because blindness” to justify selling speculative options in place of less lucrative more robust ones. Similar to pedophrasty. https://medium.com/incerto/pedophrasty-bigoteering-and-other-modern-scams-c84bd70a29e8   Permalink 10:50 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb OUR PRECAUTIONARY PPLE WITH RESPECT TO GMOs http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/PrecautionaryPrinciple.html   Permalink 10:09 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@olivierglinec Avez vous lu cela: https://www.lejdd.fr/Politique/nicolas-hulot-monsanto-a-demande-a-une-officine-belge-de-soccuper-de-ma-reputation-3850433   Permalink 10:02 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb There are antecedents https://twitter.com/Monsantobuster/status/1092119956597235717   Permalink 9:58 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Where I block @JordanbPeterson for violation of intellectual integrity/virtue signaling. pic.twitter.com/8HDRPXmtdZ Permalink 9:48 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb These tweets explain that if you have a nonlinear function, say IQ vs performance, then “correlation” is tooooootally meaningless mathematically, & multidimensional “factors” are even worse. This is of some relevance for machine learning with the ReLu function. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1091820909281923073   Permalink 8:18 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb ANSWER: found a counterexample f(x)=Exp[x]. Overall correlation is always lower (up to ~40%) than that of any subsample! MORAL: Use psychometrics/psychology books for winter fuel as many citizens have difficulties with their heating bills. pic.twitter.com/FctDnzdLT1 Permalink 6:50 AM – 3 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Typos pic.twitter.com/xAcAhnGg8R Permalink 2:11 PM – 2 Feb 2019

@nntaleb SPECULATIVE INEQUALITY DU JOUR pic.twitter.com/vaCY0gAlnV Permalink 2:09 PM – 2 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Palestinians are dominated by J1 pic.twitter.com/AlxfmkVmPQ Permalink 10:53 AM – 2 Feb 2019

@nntaleb When people makes public apologies and acts of contrition, they are mostly sorry that they were caught. Permalink 6:31 AM – 2 Feb 2019

@Monsantobuster Falkenstein spent 21 years smearing Taleb with lies and strawman. Is he so stupid as not to realize he can get caught? http://fooledbyrandomness.com/smear.html   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/Gxv6JJdH34″>  pic.twitter.com/Gxv6JJdH34 Permalink 5:02 AM – 2 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Lamma tfshal ma7ada byid3amak mitl ahl blédak w lamma tnja7 ma7ada byi7sadak w bkhazwék fik mitl ibn baladak Permalink 7:04 PM – 1 Feb 2019

@SituationO Lebanon’s new government has 4 female ministers: – @rayaelhassan ,(Interior), Future Movement – @violetteksafadi ,(Woman affairs), Future Movement – @may_chidiac ,(Administrative reform), Lebanese Forces – @NadaBoustani ,(Energy), Free Patriotic Movement Congrats! pic.twitter.com/3PahUeWcX8 Permalink 2:10 PM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb What is working in Lebanon is that it doesn’t have two factions, but at least three. Permalink 1:29 PM – 1 Feb 2019

@yaneerbaryam Switzerland is a country of peace, stability & prosperity. Our analysis shows that peace doesn’t depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well-defined topographical & political boundaries separating groups @arutherfordium @GardMurray @future_andi https://necsi-global.org/good-fences-the-importance-of-setting-boundaries-for-peaceful-coexistence/?rq=switzerland   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/5ZTpEvFYlM”>  pic.twitter.com/5ZTpEvFYlM Permalink 12:31 PM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 4 women in Lebanese government. The rest is details. https://twitter.com/QifaNabki/status/1091414421732249601   Permalink 12:09 PM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Fractal Localism pic.twitter.com/kY2zjrzDLD Permalink 12:02 PM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb BARBARIAN SUPREMACISM From now on, you can call “White” supremacists BARBARIAN SUPREMACISTS Northrn Europe does not have a monopoly on Caucasian. (Note I permanently blocked @RazibKhan as he could not substantiate what “flaws” he claimed in our GMO risk paper, hence his watch) pic.twitter.com/zdX8rsH5U3 Permalink 9:15 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb If my enemies knew me better they’d hate me even more. #BedofProcrustes https://twitter.com/john_f_hamer/status/1091288735721967616   Permalink 8:02 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb You can easily have a nation-state with 2, even 4 languages (Belgium, Switzerland), but you can’t easily have a nation-state with 2 religions. #Localism Permalink 8:01 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@booksoftitans The Bed of Procrustes by @nntaleb just $2.99 on @AmazonKindle and @AppleBooks today – https://www.amazon.com/Bed-Procrustes-Philosophical-Practical-Aphorisms-ebook/dp/B004C43F9S   – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-bed-of-procrustes/id420518445   Permalink 7:28 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 3- In other words, there exist a system where you can be a Maronite/Shiite/Armenian nationalist without imposing your preferences on others, and without others imposing their preferences on you. It’s localism. Permalink 6:14 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb It was PRECISELY the removal of multiculturalism by Arabists that fucked it up. Permalink 6:06 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb 2- Nationalism is an idea that came about in the 19th C., messed up Greece/Turkey, destroyed Alexandria, Saloniki, Aleppo, Smyrna, Constantinople. French nationalism is absurd:Provencal localism is not. Now people are getting Fractal localism and City-states as a natural order. Permalink 6:05 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb FRACTAL LOCALISM/LEBANON Maronites are obsessed w/Lebanese Nationalism=Maronite homeland; don’t consider us the Rhum (Greek Orthodox) minority (~5%) as part of their ethnos: we are too Mediterraneanists/Universalists w/foreign allegiances. Hence a Swiss-style bottom-up Localism. https://twitter.com/sarkis_charles/status/1091241380268130304   Permalink 5:55 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@nntaleb Closed for RWRI-10. We gave 20 full and partial scholarships in total for RWRI-10. Permalink 5:40 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@oliviergay Same with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. On his interrogation on hiding non-existing WMD: “Western governments and their intelligence agencies had failed to realize that Saddam was more fearful of attack by Iran than by the US.” https://twitter.com/RidT/status/1077944842896982016   Permalink 5:07 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@TalebWisdom #9: https://twitter.com/TalebWisdom/status/1087681642599276545   Permalink 1:49 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@TalebWisdom #1 https://twitter.com/TalebWisdom/status/1088339650333294594   Permalink 1:49 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@ole_b_peters Very nice. This precise mathematical error is all over economics. Do something invalid with a limit or an infinity and claim whatever you want. When you point out such an error, you’re told economic theories don’t have to be mathematically correct, they just have to sound smart. https://twitter.com/Undercoverhist/status/1075912850269487104   Permalink 1:11 AM – 1 Feb 2019

@PaulSkallas Imagine having this “genetic intelligence test” and not being rich https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1091038511233421313   Permalink 2:02 PM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb ANNOUNCEMENT We have a 100% scholarship left for RWRI-10 for a woman, preferably Syrian or Venezuelan, or from a troubled part of the planet, preferably a doctoral student, preferably a nonpsychologist. NEED TO APPLY TODAY Feb 11-15, NY. http://www.realworldrisk.com   Permalink 11:37 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Actually, psychometric measures best the extreme unintelligence of psychometricians. https://twitter.com/ThomasGrava/status/1091055576237395970   Permalink 11:32 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@fpontaza Chef @ArielTrodArgent had us for dinner last night and honored his Lebanese ancestry with his Lindy recipe for keppe crudo. You rarely get to experience something so great from so far away in Guatemala. We raised our glasses for @nntaleb! pic.twitter.com/9CjgNQ4pMM Permalink 11:24 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@AdibChristian Looking into using #GoogleAutoMLTranslation to create a translation engine that can process Lebnééné/NeoKanaané. Thoughts? @BLebnene https://cloud.google.com/translate/   Permalink 10:44 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb 5- Something about Persia that the Trump administration is clueless: Persia obsessed Greeks, Romans, Arabs, then Ottomans for the past 2400 years. Rome was broke frm the 700 y Persian wars. Unconquered in spite of short lived fake successes: Alexander, Herakles, Arabs, etc.. Permalink 8:39 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb PHILOLOGY DU JOUR https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1090986235223568384   Permalink 8:08 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb 4- The Ottomans also used the Byzantine administration. They even brought the Levant back into “Rome”. They also protected Orthodoxy from Catholic “Europe”… for a while. Look at the map. https://twitter.com/hzkathulhu/status/1090988564886810625   Permalink 7:14 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Something @peterfrankopan got: Ottomans didn’t give a f*** abt “Rome” since Rome itself moved closer to the wealth, the silk road, & was now Constantinople. Before wealth from the Americas the West was an economic desert. Turks shared w/Romans & Byzantines the Persian obsession. Permalink 7:10 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb The Turks’ anger at the Russians was that Ivan IV took the title of Tsar, “Ceasar” when the Ottomans believed that, after Mehmed, THEY were the official successors of Caesar. https://twitter.com/EALTurner/status/1090975867583557632   Permalink 6:43 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb People forget that Soliman’s predecessor 130 years before, Bayazid, proclaimed himself Sultan-r-Rum (Roman Sultan), about a century before the fall of Constantinople. Another issue about “East-West”: the Byzantine church, until the 1800s, felt “East”, operated ~1000y under Islam. https://twitter.com/RenderuntoG/status/1090810150883971073   Permalink 6:00 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Article by @xriskology seems to find it generalized… https://www.salon.com/2019/01/26/steven-pinkers-fake-enlightenment-his-book-is-full-of-misleading-claims-and-false-assertions/   Permalink 5:30 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Note that our bone w/Pinker @sapinker is that his citations don’t match his statistical claims. He started with a conclusion, then tried to find data to confirm it. Here his central claim is bunk. Calling me bellicose/arrogant isn’t a scientific answer. https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=670117070070069017069127022113081120031047031042055074081065126024120067069003090124049107118055103025009099127064108125084119028035061021010087093100074084092109046023010095001099096093092082102029123024102008084001102122009080080028117086117113021&EXT=pdf   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/fOR0YEye25″>  pic.twitter.com/fOR0YEye25 Permalink 4:57 AM – 31 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Gaussian case: a beautiful sqrt pi function a la Sirling. pic.twitter.com/VMsG0qfoeg Permalink 1:39 PM – 30 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Exception: Mike B @MikeBloomberg… any other? Permalink 11:53 AM – 30 Jan 2019

@nntaleb A triangle inequality entailing partial correlation. pic.twitter.com/XlOivnHVbF Permalink 7:50 AM – 30 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Corrected pic.twitter.com/43G0ocDLcB Permalink 7:05 AM – 30 Jan 2019

@nntaleb A neat theorem about the asymmetry of correlation: if downside correlation is 100% and upside correlation is 0%, total correlation will show ~90%! Moral: 1) never use the word correlation under asymmetry 2) use psychometrics textbooks for winter fuel 3) close psych departments pic.twitter.com/sdOh3P5IRC Permalink 7:03 AM – 30 Jan 2019

@rationalwalk Nikki is now in the “private sector” where she will cash in on past favors, take down payments in future favors, and end up with a 8+ figure net worth from which to plot a return to “public service”. Rinse, repeat, path to riches and power. https://twitter.com/kaylatausche/status/1090613317306122240   Permalink 6:59 AM – 30 Jan 2019

@nntaleb In a long career, I’ve (almost) never seen anyone get rich while employed (via bonuses/stock options, as w/bankers, CEOs, & rich slaves), & subsequently also make money on their own, in self employment. If you can’t make it on your own, it’s #rentseeking. Permalink 4:50 AM – 30 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Never ever call me a polymath. I am a probabilist. Nothing else. That’s sufficient. Please. Permalink 5:16 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@TrevMalley Nassim has a knack for getting to the real meat of the argument. These people may as well claim the Japanese as fellow whites if they’re going to use the achievements of the Ancient Mediterranean world as an argument for their grandeur Permalink 5:10 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Real squid ink smudges. pic.twitter.com/PBa0xZCgwX Permalink 4:59 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb In other words, better say: “you mean Barbarian supremacists?” rather than imitate some SJW harangue. Permalink 4:52 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb The way to deal with racists is to NEVER use moral arguments (they are insensitive to them). Just prove to them that their “race”… was comparatively sub-par for a very, very, very long time. Just like the current condition of “inferior” races. That, they can’t handle. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1087763053515603968   Permalink 4:42 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@trishankkarthik Debate is for suckers Permalink 4:39 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Excited to find in my mailbox the book by @ErwanLeCorre from whom I’ve learned so much about natural fitness/#antifragility. pic.twitter.com/A57GM8yM9E Permalink 3:14 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb If assholes don’t find you arrogant, you are doing something wrong. Permalink 2:32 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@paulportesi Can somebody explain to me why the f*** should a utility company get bonuses? @nntaleb https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1090352637478912002   Permalink 1:04 PM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb I am certain that over the past 5000 years, nobody has had to use an IQ test to choose between: surgeons, gardeners, physicists, hitmen, massage professionals, fortune tellers, spanish grammar specialists, or Swahili-to-Medieval Latin translators. https://twitter.com/fpingham/status/1090311581467058176   Permalink 10:35 AM – 29 Jan 2019

@nntaleb IQ WRAPUP These IQ psychologogs can’t answer my point abt elementary yet severe mathematical flaws w/the “IQ” measure. All I got is a downpour of BS from @charlesmurray, @primalpoly, @StuartJRitchie, @Ptetlock, the @Quillette boys “IQ”≠ Mental abilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=szXf0VLuQLg   Permalink 8:00 AM – 29 Jan 2019

@JoshHochschild “another—doubtless very different—Boethius” @Hannah_Cristine totally got my review of @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/m33N7XjZ3Z Permalink 6:28 AM – 29 Jan 2019

@epigraphed Two people can be using the same word, meaning different things, yet continue the conversation, which is fine for coffee, but not when making decisions, particularly policy decisions affecting others. @nntaleb https://link.medium.com/yTtEwBiiJT   Permalink 3:25 AM – 29 Jan 2019

@LePoint Laetitia Strauch-Bonart – La bataille du QI Au grand dam de nombre d’experts, l’essayiste Nassim Nicholas Taleb remet en question la fiabilité et la pertinence des tests de quotient intellectuel >> http://bit.ly/2RUE5xX   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/G7rsl3iGmS”>  pic.twitter.com/G7rsl3iGmS Permalink 2:14 AM – 29 Jan 2019

@TheAnnaGat That is true. I showcase my communication and problem-solving skills by not having been blocked by @nntaleb (yet) even though I have responded to him. Permalink 12:53 PM – 28 Jan 2019

@nntaleb IQ is a scientific swindle –A brief explanation of the math https://youtu.be/szXf0VLuQLg   via @YouTube Permalink 7:50 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@black_swan_man #blackswanman #theblackswanman @ErikSchatzker @Bloomberg #VolatilityMonster pic.twitter.com/zTJPea3WAi Permalink 6:05 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@ESFLiberty #LibertyCon19 is also featured on the newest edition of Journal des Libertés! Spot us on page 150! C’est très excité You can access the publication here http://bit.ly/2sQz9vl   Register now at http://LibertyCon.net  ! @SFL_France @lawrencewr @nntaleb @tomgpalmer ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/G3MTig5886″>  pic.twitter.com/G3MTig5886 Permalink 6:02 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@seltzer_c “Je suis pour le principe de subsidiarité qui me semble le plus efficace politiquement et économiquement. Politiquement, je suis localiste. L’individu ne doit être géré que par des gens qui vivent avec lui.” ⁦@nntaleb, ITW par ⁦@EugenieBastie⁩ http://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/societe/2019/01/24/31003-20190124ARTFIG00096-nassim-taleb-la-modernite-hait-l-incertitude-elle-ne-voudrait-que-des-bons-eleves.php   Permalink 5:00 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@nntaleb 3- Another spuriousness in the neuroscience literature: Never trust any “evidence” from Neuroscience or psychobyllshutmetrics without redoing the math. We use as a standard Pinker’s deffender the charlatan @michaelshermer who pollutes intellectual life with pseudoempiricism. pic.twitter.com/CzLS41qVHa Permalink 4:39 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@nntaleb The answer and the Monte Carlo illustration shows how hard it is to explain that “randomness does not look random”. pic.twitter.com/ypPsnyJxNh Permalink 3:58 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@nntaleb PROBABILITY QUIZ DU JOUR, around “Fooled by Randomness”. How to ferret out pseudo-empiricism (or where “empirical evidence is not empirical evidence”): What are the odds of getting a spurious “cancer cluster”? [FIRST CLASS TANDON TONIGHT] pic.twitter.com/pQnpeumSfz Permalink 3:34 AM – 28 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris Permalink 7:24 PM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb GrecoLebanese proverb du jour: Lkalb mabi 3add khayyo (Caninas caninam non est -κυων κυνός ουχ απτεται) Permalink 7:06 PM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb That psychobullshit: “psychometric intelligence” is not even intelligence, but some crappy number used 1) to employ psychologists, 2) put down some race. Permalink 6:18 PM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb This is what nudgeboy Richard Thaler @R_thaler never understood. Evolution is NOT an incentive but a FILTER. https://twitter.com/Jaffer22915438/status/1089675741288112128   Permalink 4:08 PM – 27 Jan 2019

@sustain05 pic.twitter.com/1WqDtJV4BM Permalink 12:50 PM – 27 Jan 2019

@financequant Effective tax rates across time: https://taxfoundation.org/taxes-rich-1950-not-high/   I am posting this not because I necessarily agree with all of the conclusions. The facts are that the proportion of income paid by the rich hasn’t changed as much as a naïve view of the tax rates would indicate. Permalink 11:29 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Psychologists don’t get PCAs under nonlinearity: if the factors correlate with any mental difficulties, the g will give the illusion of robustness WITHOUT being predictive OTS. It is easy to prove the g is a scientific swindle. ( I actually did) https://twitter.com/cfchabris/status/1089365903693762566   Permalink 11:26 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Vatican II reminds me a performance of Trovatore I attended in Chicago years ago. The singing was in English “for clarity”. I walked out 2 minutes into the opera. Conversely, Imagine the Beatles translated (and sung) into Slovenian. Permalink 11:00 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@VergilDen Taleb once tweeted when asked “If you had one thing to tell a child, what would it be?”. He replied “Time is smarter than you.” I like that. Permalink 9:22 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb It is capitalism that pulled billions out of poverty. Not vapid virtue signaling. Permalink 8:51 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Being arrogant towards a fraudster in power = iconoclast. Being arrogant towards a regular person = psychologist. Permalink 8:43 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Being arrogant towards a fraudster in power = iconoclast. Being arrogant towards a regular person = psychologist. Permalink 8:43 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb In Fooled by Randomness: Vatican II destroyed Catholicism by translating the sacred into ordinary language. Meanwhile Judaism & Islam never debased the texts away from Hebrew and Arabic, resp. The current Bishop of Rome @Pontifex is continuing the destruction started in 1962. pic.twitter.com/gyvBHfv3Hx Permalink 8:13 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb I am so lucky 1) to be born in the Byzantine Orthodox Church, & 2) that we had a schism with the bishop of Rome in 1054. https://twitter.com/pontifex/status/1089327127277621248   Permalink 7:49 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb You can give a 99% probability that those who hate my style and find it arrogant are… psychologists or social scientists. https://twitter.com/andeanmckena/status/1089546744168415234   Permalink 7:38 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb My black list doesn’t necessarily include people who have been to the Davos WEF. It includes those who have been to Davos more than once. Permalink 7:29 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb The honest person isn’t the one who has never sinned. It’s the one who has never committed any sin more than once. Permalink 7:24 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@enzolamberti Reading the excellent @peterfrankopan #thesilkroads and the more I read, the more I see proofs of something @nntaleb pointed out to me: it’s wealth that creates education, not the other way round. Primum vivere… pic.twitter.com/WHc3QQA9SW Permalink 6:10 AM – 27 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Wittgenstein’s ruler: nerds use the ruler to measure the table; Fat Tonies (and real scientists) use the table to measure the ruler. https://twitter.com/profplum99/status/1089258974501756928   Permalink 12:38 PM – 26 Jan 2019

@nntaleb My takeaway: people with inferior intelligence should refrain from engaging in smear campaigns. But, again, one needs to be of inferior intelligence to get into smear campaigns. Permalink 6:07 AM – 26 Jan 2019

@nntaleb The Davos WEF tried & failed to smear me for calling them IAND (Int’l Association of Name Droppers): head of communication Adrian Monck @amonck kept claiming I don’t reference Popper in The Black Swan (Popper, referenced 53 times, has an entire chapter). https://twitter.com/GeorgeJNasr/status/962353415715246080   Permalink 5:59 AM – 26 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Kind of people that I block immediately as these type of fallacious questions destroy the debate. pic.twitter.com/o24gOqWRst Permalink 5:18 AM – 26 Jan 2019

@zinarosek As part of my legal work on the Genocide against Iraqi Christians, I have a list & files on neocon warcriminals who played key role in the Genocide. John Bolton & Elliott Abrams (laughing evilly in video) are both on the list. @POTUS’ admin has hired both. pic.twitter.com/9dAUHPgO1r Permalink 10:18 PM – 25 Jan 2019

@nntaleb NOTE TO THE ALT-RIGHT: I got plenty of ethnic hatred by quack-Molyneux/Charles Murray’s crowd. I am not complaining, but for Baal’s sake, 1) I am Greek Orthodox (not Muslim) and… 2) Lebanon has no desert. It’s on the Med. So please remember: Lebanon has no desert. Gabish? pic.twitter.com/0rqo9De7Aj Permalink 5:11 PM – 25 Jan 2019

@NonMeek ”…70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the 2nd generation, and a whopping 90% by the third generation.” Shocking read for those who still believe there are safe asset classes. https://twitter.com/mebfaber/status/1088505078946787329   Permalink 12:14 AM – 25 Jan 2019

@Firsou Someone who takes no risks should not throw stones at people who have offloaded most of the initial risk to themselves. Entrepreneurs are heroes. Permalink 12:26 PM – 24 Jan 2019

@olivierglinec La bataille du QI dans le point aujourd’hui/IQ battle in the french paper Le Point pic.twitter.com/HuztqjXhIx Permalink 8:04 AM – 24 Jan 2019

@DrCirillo In studying war casualties and other historical data, you have to treat them as imprecise random observations. If you don’t, all your subsequent analyses will be flawed. cc @nntaleb Permalink 6:23 AM – 24 Jan 2019

@nntaleb She is using Twitter and a computer to claim that those who invented them are rent seekers. And she, a parasite,lives from rent seeking, charities, and public funds. https://twitter.com/stephaniekelton/status/1087780034348306432   Permalink 3:17 AM – 24 Jan 2019

@nntaleb She is using Twitter and a computer to claim that those who invented them are rent seekers. And she, a parasite,lives from rent seeking, charities, and public funds. https://twitter.com/stephaniekelton/status/1087780034348306432   Permalink 3:17 AM – 24 Jan 2019

@EugenieBastie Mon interview avec Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb ) iconoclaste et génial auteur du “Cygne noir” et d'”Antifragile” : «La modernité hait l’incertitude, elle ne voudrait que des bons élèves» http://premium.lefigaro.fr/vox/societe/2019/01/24/31003-20190124ARTFIG00096-nassim-taleb-la-modernite-hait-l-incertitude-elle-ne-voudrait-que-des-bons-eleves.php   Permalink 3:16 AM – 24 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Some work on this is being done by complexity physicist @yaneerbaryam . Yaneer can you tweetstorm? https://twitter.com/otrasenda_ac/status/1088204786908852225   Permalink 3:13 PM – 23 Jan 2019

@ryanpflynn This is what happens when Nerdified Public-Health Bureacrats come up w/ a “solution” to a nerdified problem. Go play outside. @nntaleb @Mangan150 https://twitter.com/guardian/status/1088163109133578240   Permalink 12:07 PM – 23 Jan 2019

@fermatslibrary A visual proof why 1+3+5+…+(2n-1)=n² = Permalink 5:45 AM – 23 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Studies of the handwriting of Mozart, Einstein, or Fat Tony are nothing but fetichism & reliquiae worship passing for scholarship —residual paganistic practices in a pseudo-atheist society. And state funded, of course. https://twitter.com/britishlibrary/status/1088063054716252160   Permalink 5:35 AM – 23 Jan 2019

@nntaleb The problem is that Beirut is starting to have the Miami look. You can’t travel anymore. pic.twitter.com/f87oDVsbyO Permalink 10:23 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Appendix to new book on why Black Scholes doesn’t work under power laws pic.twitter.com/3ghxFlQo33 Permalink 10:01 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Gerrymandering based on later categories: There was Christendom, vs Land of Islam and we are using the most recent categorization. “Europe” has traditionally started with Christianity’s limit on the East & (North of the Med) Gabish? https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1087770487462203393   Permalink 9:59 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Here https://twitter.com/rationalwalk/status/1087708976261808129   Permalink 9:48 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Stop the fake news + historical gerymandering promoted by quack-quack Molyneux & Charles Murray: Before 1600 Northern “Europe” contributed to ~ nothing. Nazi “Aryans” appropriated the growth of the Med/S. W. Eurasia by making (Ancient) Greeks members of the same “race”. Quacks. pic.twitter.com/MB96KybY9V Permalink 9:24 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@Scale_Trust — @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/FNfhf5391v Permalink 8:48 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@iosif_lazaridis Sad that people have to waste their time for this: “20 of 49 statements presented to me for review on January 2 were incorrect, and 27 of the 36 statements presented to me for review on January 5 were incorrect.” Five Corrections to The New York Times https://reich.hms.harvard.edu/five-corrections-new-york-times   Permalink 6:30 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb It happened. 2009. https://twitter.com/rationalwalk/status/1087705510432964613   Permalink 5:44 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb And of course hear that the President of China is talking about Black Swan without having to show up to the Davos meeting of the IAND (International Association of Name Droppers) https://twitter.com/spyrosmakrid/status/1087638941984006150   Permalink 5:23 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb More effective to research in cafés & let your ideas spread than schlepp across conferences collecting business cards. https://twitter.com/CoddingtonKipp/status/1087683082600083458   Permalink 5:05 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@nntaleb More effective to research in cafés & let your ideas spread than schlepp across conferences collecting business cards. https://twitter.com/CoddingtonKipp/status/1087683082600083458   Permalink 5:05 AM – 22 Jan 2019

@imleslahdin – You know what one should call a test that encourages poor statisticd hygiene? a “statistics deficit test” (SD test) instead of an “intelligent quotient test” – @lpachter Very interesting read if you have been following the @nntaleb IQ threads. https://liorpachter.wordpress.com/2018/06/04/low-iq-scores-predict-excellence-in-data-science/   Permalink 9:55 PM – 21 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Statistic for the Four Population Test https://www.academia.edu/38192150/Statistic_for_the_Four_Population_Test?source=swp_share   via @academia Permalink 11:50 AM – 21 Jan 2019

@pacha111 “During the collapse of the Sui Dynasty there was a bandit lord named Meng Haigong who had a special hatred for scholars and bureaucrats. Whenever he took a highborn captive he’d carefully *misquote* a Confucian classic in front of them. If they pointed out the error, they died” Permalink 8:27 AM – 21 Jan 2019

@nntaleb 2- Something unknown by *IQ idiots w/sinister theories* (s.a. @charlesmurray @primalpoly): NONLINEARITY. Variables that correlate only ½ the time show ρ >.855 (Gaussian case) but rises to ρ>.92 in absense of tapering of tail values. These are basic notions. Probability is hard. pic.twitter.com/8iQHo9cARm Permalink 5:28 AM – 21 Jan 2019

@nntaleb 1- SIMPLEST CASE: Correlation with a constant will show a positive correlation. But there is a loooooooot worse. pic.twitter.com/DFhzYsLqp3 Permalink 4:59 AM – 21 Jan 2019

@nntaleb QUIZ DU JOUR (this time, difficult) There are many known examples of fake independence: random variables X & Y can be more dependent than shown in correlation. (x & Y=x^x for instance) Can you find instances of X & Y that more correlated than dependent? Permalink 4:20 AM – 21 Jan 2019

@nntalebbot “A half-man (or, rather, half-person) is not someone who does not have an opinion, just someone who does not take risks for it.” – @nntaleb Permalink 10:30 AM – 20 Jan 2019

@nntaleb Insight by @ArthurB about IQ as an inverse metric: Gifted pple exhibit skills-specific competence: geometry, drawing, algebra, patents, wealth, creations… The subset of [1) Losers who can’t do anything & 2) & scored high on IQ] will show their “IQ”. So IQ = adverse selection. Permalink 5:02 AM – 20 Jan 2019

@Iluvpizzayum I have a business. I hate rent-seekers. Permalink 12:34 AM – 20 Jan 2019

Saudi Barbaria, Saudi Regime, Milan, Nate Silver | Twitter

Nassim Taleb & Naval Ravikant at BlockCon 2018 – Transcript | Michael Malo

@nntaleb Almost 6,000 votes. 54% – 46% https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1063475218038079488   Permalink 9:20 AM – 17 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Well, looks like investors in http://Optionsellers.com   are liable for more losses than they put in. Also the argument 76% options expire worthless by the 2 charlatans. With Niederhoffer the losses were up to 400% of funds; Refco hid the additional losses in fake accounting. ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/NZ5Hm89yah”>  pic.twitter.com/NZ5Hm89yah Permalink 9:02 AM – 17 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The megafragility of the country currently known as Saudi Arabia: it is short monstrous amounts of out of the money puts on oil. Just imagine the devastation if oil hits $45, $30, $20, …$10. https://twitter.com/umeshranglani/status/1063701959922745345   Permalink 4:11 AM – 17 Nov 2018

@nntaleb (I mean tail option selling. You can sell volatility in the body and buy the tails with finite losses, locally concave globally convex. Butterflies plus strangles/Christmas trees.) Permalink 2:21 AM – 17 Nov 2018

@nntaleb No option seller survives … Selling is nonergodic. https://twitter.com/umeshranglani/status/1063701959922745345   Permalink 11:56 PM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb A toast to the future Republic(s) of Najd, Hijaz, and Sharqiyya!!! https://www.wsj.com/articles/cia-concludes-saudi-journalist-was-killed-on-the-crown-princes-order-1542412388   via @WSJ Permalink 4:08 PM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb This is dishonorable, even for criminal organizations. Saudi regime executes pple following orders. Now no more witness… This break a mafia honor rule. https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1063484345535492096   From now on, “Saudi Regime” in place of “Saudi Barbaria” owing to decent pple in Najd/Hijaz/Eastern Permalink 2:31 PM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb So Mr @aubreyclayton, calling a paper “garbage” and posing for a hotshot in probability is nice but your interpretation is … garbage. Read, think, then react. pic.twitter.com/WctHNjwUfA Permalink 1:25 PM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Mr @aubreyclayton, you didn’t read the paper, do the math. See the note eliminating your confusion. The convergence would then be at 10/90, as the upper bound is the poll. The pull to 50% is because people make 90% odds off polls at .52%. https://twitter.com/aubreyclayton/status/1063538489126465536   Permalink 1:19 PM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb My developing heuristic is that a respectable calorie-neutral Flaneuring requires: + In Milan/Bologna/Turin, >18,000 steps (w/desert), + In Rome/Naples/Palermo, >15000 + In New York, > 14,000 + in Tokyo, > 5,000 (portions are small!) pic.twitter.com/kyX6OpifmZ Permalink 9:34 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@amconmag “Paul noted that Saudi Arabia’s role in the Middle East was overall a destructive one. Riyadh, he noted, has spent $100 billion exporting extreme Wahabbist Islam to places as far away as Indonesia and funding madrassas that teach hatred” in other nations. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/rand-paul-saudi-arabia-is-number-one-at-spreading-terror-yemen-iran-russia/   Permalink 9:00 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb So this week, while flaneuring in Italy, I was twitter mobbed by + Saudi twitter bots & trolls, & +Klueless Nate’s (@NateSilver538) followers (he has 3 Mil). Silver is nervous for his reputation (losses $6m annually). Who is more stupid? Permalink 8:53 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Ketchum in court documents (the Monsanto papers) https://twitter.com/mjd1735/status/919748359564312577   Permalink 8:24 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Pedophrasty: use of children in the Ketchum signature. https://medium.com/incerto/pedophrasty-bigoteering-and-other-modern-scams-c84bd70a29e8   Permalink 8:23 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Ketchum ran the smear campaigns on behalf of Monsanto. Including yours truly. They asked me for a lecture for a yuuuge banking convention. Note the virtue signaling in the signature. pic.twitter.com/177LW5jayG Permalink 8:19 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Comparative study of: 1) Sea urchins (spaghetti) 2) Bottarga (tagliolini) pic.twitter.com/n4PZf89Cub Permalink 4:53 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Pandemics are fat tailed (usually) https://youtu.be/9dKiLclupUM   Permalink 3:42 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Yes but bacteria can be more lethal. Permalink 2:20 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Get ready for the next one. Either antibiotic resistant made in hospitals or something multiplicative that travels on British Air … Cc: @yaneerbaryam https://twitter.com/philipcball/status/1063362984586723328   Permalink 2:16 AM – 16 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Why is Nate Silver @NateSilver538 misrepresenting my book? in bad faith? https://twitter.com/darius1296/status/1063198970808283136?s=21   Permalink 2:48 PM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb My Milanese friends who also “have friends” making sure it is a “low risk experience”… pic.twitter.com/Wdbu41XXhq Permalink 2:36 PM – 15 Nov 2018

@Valentin_Decker > Pourquoi le conflit israélo-palestinien dure t-il depuis aussi longtemps ? > Pourquoi le Pape est-il en réalité un athée ? > Pourquoi la minorité intolérante l’emporte sur la majorité flexible ? Mon résumé de l’excellent “Jouer sa peau” de @nntaleb : https://valentindecker.com/lectures/jouer-sa-peau-nassim-taleb/   Permalink 1:36 PM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Costoletta alla Milanese con tartufo bianco & cassoeula pic.twitter.com/K6NctuJpVt Permalink 1:07 PM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb NO MORE FAT TAILS @DrCirillo prevailed upon me to rename Fat Tails “Thick Tails” because Thich Tails is more general than Fat Tails. In some circles Fat Tails mean Power Laws Gaussian->Thick Tails> Subexponential ~Heavy Tails>Fat Tails. pic.twitter.com/igtLFveCEi Permalink 9:24 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Butthurt Klueless Nate @NateSilver538 lost his marbles in his road rage. Writes I haven’t written a new book since 2001 while insulting me using 2 concepts “IYI” & “skin in the game” that are… from my 2018 book. https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1062782704159256576   BTW, I still have skin in the game Permalink 9:16 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb But… I am not angry, to the contrary. Just trying to get some entertainment. https://twitter.com/RousselRuthanne/status/1063109687413882881   Permalink 8:43 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 3- To summarize, aging is Lindy; what is novel is aging for the non-elite. If anyone can live long, there is no signaling. (BTW you learn more from @holland_tom’s tweets than from uni lecktchurs). https://twitter.com/holland_tom/status/918463935011057665   Permalink 8:32 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb In other words, it is quite shabby for @NAteSilver to boast his 2016 performance and hide this: https://twitter.com/RealFacelessMan/status/1062871402133413888   Gabish? Permalink 8:14 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Mr @rZadek, @henryimiller has been fired from Forbes, Project Syndicate and (perhaps thanks to me), the Hoover Institution because it was discovered that Monsanto ghostwrites his articles. Gabish? https://twitter.com/rzadek/status/1063096326433341440   Permalink 7:50 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb In a nutshell, what Klueless Nate @NateSilver538 doesn’t get is the PRINCIPLE that it is not ONE forecast that matters for track record, but ALL the forecasts made per election. That principle we’ve known since De Finetti; I adapted it to continuous time & derived properties. Permalink 7:24 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@tparsi Senator @RandPaul does not hold back. Points out that it is Saudi Arabia and not Iran that is spreading the radicalized version of Islam that has attacked America and radicalized and destabilized much of the Islamic world. Wins him applause at #TAC_Con. Permalink 7:11 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 2- Some memory “loss” w/age may be efficient filtering. You get better at predicting what you need to remember. Don’t immediately assume senescence. But bad bones/osteopenia weaken memory in animal models (Karsenti). Most moderns have sick bones at 50. Do heavy weightlifting! Permalink 7:01 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 1- Retirement is not Lindy as previous generations had a short aging window. Your knowlege is maximal when close to death. Age used to correlate with survival skills, genetic fitness, physical strength, and wisdom. No longer. https://twitter.com/mangan150/status/1063056382906122240   Permalink 5:18 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Il Saggiatore, publishing house in Milan. pic.twitter.com/dtNJUhAyjJ Permalink 2:38 AM – 15 Nov 2018

@nntaleb A note on serial correlation and the 4 population test pic.twitter.com/nvP9GBGx9V Permalink 8:55 PM – 14 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Ossobuco a la Milanese pic.twitter.com/H655lLIsfb Permalink 1:14 PM – 14 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Italians lie about Milan. They are instructed to say it is ugly so tourists leave them alone. Milan is so secretive it took half of a dozen visits to figure out the place. Permalink 11:20 AM – 14 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 4- The Saudi Mob figured out where I am hiding in Riyadh! Procedures to expel me (If I am very lucky)… https://twitter.com/0zzil_/status/1062731824227647490   Permalink 7:46 AM – 14 Nov 2018

@nntaleb No, klueless Nate @NateSilver538 Forecasting elections isn’t Nate Silver’s thing. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.06351.pdf   https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1062542399027793920   Permalink 7:43 AM – 14 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The Phoenicia-East Med Research Project has started. pic.twitter.com/CXzXV2njDO Permalink 4:39 AM – 14 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Where I discover that: + Saudis don’t have a public sense of humor; can’t possibly conceive that someone can pull a prank. + You can even let them know it is a prank; they’ll take the rest seriously. + They are incapable of harming anyone outside their consulates, even then. Permalink 4:12 AM – 14 Nov 2018

@drdrasko Brilliant. @nntaleb “Skin in the game: you tend to know a lot of stuff that you wouldn’t guess you need to know from the outside. That’s why machine learning is successful because it has no idea what is outside.” https://twitter.com/googletalks/status/1062459392971415552   Permalink 2:37 PM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 2- While Saudi mobs kept spouting all manner of epithets (mainly racial), the most mysterious insult for Saudis appears to be “frm the suburbs” “”The barbarian is at the shoe of the master in the suburb O brother of the winter we are out owl of poverty” https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1062303526053920769   Permalink 1:24 PM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The story is HILAAAAAAAAAARIOUS. Some of my tweets during the Kashoggi period showed for location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Someone discovered them yesterday and a total frenzy ensued, with people searching for me there (they still are), and MBS’s electronic army throwing insults. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1062022037416357888   Permalink 10:27 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb When I hear people wondering why I am “qualified” ag “experts” for risks of GMOs, Semitic philology, & ancient UK population. Just as roulette is a branch of probability, not carpentry, genetics & linguistics are minor branches of applied probability. Gabish? https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1061793657228013568   Permalink 6:16 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The British philosopher Austin said in a tawk that although a double negative in English implies a positive meaning, there is no language in which a double positive implies a negative. Sydney Morgenbesser responded: “Yeah, yeah.” https://twitter.com/QuikQuak/status/1062336636535689217   Permalink 5:53 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb I just realized that Milan isn’t Mediterranean, that is *butter not olive oil* (according to the Gallic Wars); perhaps it would be anathema to consume seppia there. Osso buco would be preferable. Permalink 5:23 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Yeah, yeah, yeah… https://www.wsj.com/articles/khashoggi-tape-doesnt-implicate-saudi-prince-says-john-bolton-1542113090   via @WSJ Permalink 5:18 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@Jaffer22915438 Someone like NNT putting himself on the line with Monsanto, Saudi Arabia and others doing nothing and just cheering him on; Cheering for the military while you sit safely at home watching football… Permalink 4:48 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@Complexity_Labs pic.twitter.com/Zj1RrIXgt5 Permalink 4:08 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Friends, time for something serious. What is the best squid ink restaurant (nero di seppia) in Milan? Thanks! Permalink 3:49 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The Saudis are still not catching me… But they are producing mysterious insults worth examining in a comparative literature class. Most insist “they don’t care about me” (an insult), some claim I am a Shiite in disguize and I am “from the suburbs” (an insult). pic.twitter.com/8SHcPKBDGu Permalink 3:17 AM – 13 Nov 2018

@nntaleb My new correspondents/ pen pals. https://twitter.com/davesthomson/status/1062096201560993792   Permalink 1:42 PM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Pple believe in a historical trend agst social conservatism. No: history is punctuated w/spontaneous emergence of puritanism. Holding a baloon under water: From Roman mores to Victorian prudishness, pre-Islamic Arabia,1970s Iran, & 1960s Maghreb to … ISIS. Next…France. Permalink 1:40 PM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb They are reaaaaaaaaaally annoyed. https://twitter.com/sahli_reem/status/1062090493213982720   Permalink 1:12 PM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb And the usual (flattering) death threats. https://twitter.com/Mohamed20048262/status/1062085176484859904   Permalink 12:54 PM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb https://twitter.com/Yarimatahari/status/1062082319111077888   Permalink 12:45 PM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The reasons the Saudis haven’t been able to catch me (so far): https://twitter.com/FattestFatTony/status/1062075946587570177   Permalink 12:21 PM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb They are reaaaallllly looking for me in Riyadh. Many Saudi have alerted the authorities. I may be subjected to beheading… https://twitter.com/theproudsaudi1/status/1062007083422416896   Permalink 11:43 AM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb HILARIOUS The Saudis are after me thinking I am in Saudi Arabia! https://twitter.com/fa_alshehrii/status/1062009057484009473   Permalink 8:39 AM – 12 Nov 2018

@JonathanWaxman1 @nntaleb I think you will like this. Exposing shills who hide in ‘Think Tanks’ by forcing them to declare in which games they actually have skin. https://twitter.com/carolecadwalla/status/1061744315012128768   Permalink 1:05 AM – 12 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Improved on the paper pic.twitter.com/iDkcp9LS4N Permalink 5:31 PM – 11 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The sucker problem is to think that those for whom you feel compassion would also feel compassion for those weaker and more afflicted than they are. Permalink 1:36 PM – 11 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The checks go to administrators, tenured faculty, and real estate developers. (Universities exploit adjucts & grad students.) Give your money to starving adjuncts. https://twitter.com/DavidBCollum/status/1061431560010940416   Permalink 8:10 AM – 11 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The best summary of my central idea. https://twitter.com/rj7050/status/1061425555097161730   Permalink 1:37 AM – 11 Nov 2018

@Ekaitzsaies The Basque Meet-Up for discussing @nntaleb ‘s ideas was one of the most inspiring experiences thanks to everyone that took part in it. Maestro Taleb you should join us next time! @GuruAnaerobic @jacoporomei @urtatses pic.twitter.com/fpntYdTycg Permalink 1:06 AM – 11 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Astrology is Lindy; it reincarnated as economics/social science. https://twitter.com/PaulSkallas/status/1061411581475610626   Permalink 5:20 PM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb A pol. science education from 50 y ago (Corm’s) teaches EXACTLY backwards: nation-state, centralization, size, Arabization, etc. “Balkanization” is meant to be bad. These pple have never heard of Switzerland/subsidiarity. Will cancel/not renew my subscription to @LOrientLeJour https://twitter.com/LOrientLeJour/status/1061237966989938688   Permalink 4:46 PM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Time to pick the format for both the book and the logo of the new STEM Academic publishing house. pic.twitter.com/2s8fajuEV3 Permalink 3:44 PM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Indeed Anatolia https://twitter.com/PaulSkallas/status/1061360811535405056   Permalink 12:54 PM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb That’s Anatolia for you. https://twitter.com/lecths/status/1061349668880310273   Permalink 12:46 PM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb I think I got it right plus or minus n^p I am now a co-author on a technical paper in genetics. pic.twitter.com/Cztd4k3IIO Permalink 7:06 AM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb “Making sense and being right are not the same ting” (sic) — Fat Tony #skininthegame https://twitter.com/shouvanikc/status/1061259246409519104   Permalink 6:47 AM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb A Twelver Shiite friend attending service at Saint Nicholas’ Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Beirut, pointed out at the 12 apostles and calmly said: “you too”. pic.twitter.com/NMwGpQWuBj Permalink 6:46 AM – 10 Nov 2018

@fpenido Nassim Nicholas Taleb @nntaleb @paulkrugman and @elonmusk The main difference between a BS vendor (Krugman) and a doer (Musk) is that a doer, necessarily, has scars. #IntelectualYetIdiot https://twitter.com/leandroruschel/status/1061243652163452930   Permalink 5:32 AM – 10 Nov 2018

@BLebnene adonish nka7ash/nsha7at mnl yoga via @jadabdala check it out and retweet! w l 5ér la 2eddém #lebanese #lebanon #lebneene cc: @nntaleb https://twitter.com/jadabdala/status/1061241508219797504   Permalink 5:00 AM – 10 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Why the best surgeons might look like butchers. pic.twitter.com/p1UbKDjGbl Permalink 10:20 AM – 9 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Everyone seems to be making the mistake of ergodicity: The rich of 2015 are NOT necessarily those of 2000. In the U.S. 85% of the rich were not so in earlier periods. These static analyses by economists and psychologists are BS. I noted that only pple w #Skininthegame get it. https://twitter.com/theJeremyVine/status/1058853678512259074   Permalink 9:37 AM – 9 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Used to be seductive & thrilling for thinkers to counter the then repressive Church dogma, w/the appeal of forbidden fruit. It’s starting to be more seductive to counter the currently repressive PC dogma than conform. University monokultchurists are too stupid to realize it. Permalink 8:34 AM – 9 Nov 2018

@nntaleb My first technical foray into genetics. Encountered the 4-population test, deriving the “estimation error”. pic.twitter.com/n959cJcxXn Permalink 5:49 AM – 9 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The camera adds 12.6 pounds. Permalink 4:39 AM – 9 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Skin in the Game” | Talks at Google https://youtu.be/uv6KLbkvua8   via @YouTube Permalink 4:34 AM – 9 Nov 2018

@ProbFact Inferring where data came from based on tail probabilities https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2018/07/17/attribution/   Permalink 1:15 PM – 8 Nov 2018

@nntaleb And odds it came via Syriac pic.twitter.com/VTj4CVsZSg Permalink 9:59 PM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Philology du Jour: Borj ( برج ) [TOWER] comes from Πύργος itself from the Urartian Burgana (unless it came directly from Burgama. Permalink 9:56 PM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Deadlifting trains you to lift heavy objects, not so much to ski hard slopes. Permalink 8:13 PM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb So to clarify, the statement is: “You learn disproportionally more from tails of distributions than you do from their center.” Gabish? Permalink 8:12 PM – 7 Nov 2018

@PithyThought I’m often simultaneously annoyed by your aura of arrogance and impressed by the clarity of your reasoning. Permalink 7:29 PM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Not my point @yaneerbaryam. My point is that if you want to practice skiing, you learn disproportionally more from hard runs (tail events) than from slopes for beginner. Just as you gain more from lifting extremes (from convexity) than regular weights. Revise that stuff. https://twitter.com/yaneerbaryam/status/1060205836595855360   Permalink 7:21 PM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 8- Pple forget that history is thousands of years and give you salient anecdotes that effectively dilute when seen locally (as per year or lifetime) Always funny to see pple like @AdamRutherford lecture people on pseudoscience then miss elementary things from high school math. Permalink 10:03 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 7- The above thread shows why journos are BS vendors, even with a PhD. cc:@AdamRutherford https://twitter.com/AdamRutherford/status/1060101363621879808   Permalink 9:27 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 6- This argument explains why historians talking about migration rates in the middle ages > .00005 are wrong (that is close to zero; today’s rates are yuuuge by comparison). A tiny rate of migration multiplies… pic.twitter.com/az2B0AwMOZ Permalink 9:20 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 6- This argument explains why historians talking about migration rates in the middle ages > .00005 are wrong (that is close to zero; today’s rates are yuuuge by comparison). A tiny rate of migration multiplies… pic.twitter.com/az2B0AwMOZ Permalink 9:20 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb En politique, comme en amour Ni jamais, ni toujours. (In politics as in love, never say never, never say forever). A huge surprise. https://twitter.com/EHSANI22/status/1060193577861595136   Permalink 9:05 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@spyrosmakrid 1/ Announcing the M4 Forecasting Conference to be held on December 10/11 in New York. The Conference will elaborate on the findings of M4 Competition that will be discussed and elaborated by prominent speakers from leading business firms and top universities (See Day 1 program). pic.twitter.com/yjSIt2qkK4 Permalink 6:34 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@mathtick I think this discussion is lost in semantics and politics … I think @nntaleb is not saying small migration in 1000 years, instead saying a low rate of migration PER GENERATION PER PERSON hence the sustained genetic diversity *across* regions. Please correct if I’m wrong. Permalink 2:46 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 5- What the globalist idiots don’t realize is that migration is as counterintuitive as compound interest. Had we had a migration rate similar to what we have today over 5-10 C, there would be no differenciation between populations. Very similar to entropy. pic.twitter.com/nZWoS02S9k Permalink 12:41 AM – 7 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 4- Historians, anecdote-gatherers, and other entertainers are way behind; genetic evidence is like paternity tests. The last 5 years brought a yuuuge overhaul of beliefs. https://twitter.com/patrick_wyman/status/1060066901873745925?s=21   Permalink 11:59 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 3- Tiny rates of migration such as .5% per century can lead to big cumulative effects such as Subsaharan gene flow into Egypt … Permalink 11:44 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 2- Even places that underwent yuuuuuge ethnocultural changes such as Turkey show little gene flow. Turkey has tiny Turkic genes. Historians are clueless about migrations. Permalink 11:34 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@nntaleb There were no migrations in the Middle ages except towards empty steppes. #genetics #scholarshipwithoutBSishardIknow https://twitter.com/Forbes/status/1059516283916558336   Permalink 8:42 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@SamParkerSenate Believe it or not, this was my campaign slogan & theme earlier this year : Make American Government Local Again. #MAGLA pic.twitter.com/1rz9Ovgp05 Permalink 2:43 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Skin in the game https://twitter.com/GKCdaily/status/1059929363334991874   Permalink 2:35 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@EvanMcM About 5 years ago, I was incensed by reading @nntaleb ‘s suggestion that one can be ‘“over-informed”, that newspapers were useless. Now, I think perhaps he didn’t convey this point strongly enough. Permalink 1:45 PM – 6 Nov 2018

@nntaleb French fries cooked in extra virgin local olive oil. Beware seed oil. (Northern Phoenicia) . cc: @Mangan150 (corrected earlier typo) pic.twitter.com/kXN8G2pv8h Permalink 10:54 AM – 6 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Trump’s attitude to Iran: EITHER + Trump is a businessman not interested in situations rotting & permanent 40y tensions, trying to get a better deal than Obama. He is just bargaining. OR + Trump is serving the neocon agenda plus that of some other states. Permalink 2:56 PM – 5 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Trump’s attitude to Iran: EITHER + Trump is a businessman not interested in situations rotting & permanent 40y tensions, trying to get a better deal than Obama. He is just bargaining. OR + Trump is serving the neocon agenda plus that of some other states. Permalink 2:56 PM – 5 Nov 2018

@baumhedlund #BaumHedlundLaw Attorneys Discuss Monsanto Roundup Litigation at UCLA Law Event https://www.baumhedlundlaw.com/11-18-bhag-roundup-litigation-ucla/   Permalink 2:08 PM – 5 Nov 2018

@shikhar394 Nero: “Signore Ingeniere Tony, some of these tie-wearers are very rich, even richer than you.” Tony: “Nero, you sucker. Don’t be fooled by money. These are just numbers. Being self-owned is a state of mind.” @nntaleb #antifragile Permalink 10:50 AM – 5 Nov 2018

@Jaffer22915438 Choice? Narcissism of small differences… pic.twitter.com/xS9ByzmJOB Permalink 6:09 AM – 5 Nov 2018

@nntaleb https://math.stackexchange.com/q/2985525/88078?stw=2   Permalink 1:36 AM – 5 Nov 2018

@nntaleb https://math.stackexchange.com/q/2985525/88078?stw=2   Permalink 1:36 AM – 5 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 12- If you have to “defend” your relationship with the Saudis… https://twitter.com/RTGBusiness/status/1059369028123275264   Permalink 1:00 AM – 5 Nov 2018

@iosif_lazaridis Max entropy prediction is no prediction. https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/414759-nate-silver-says-dems-could-retake-house-or-not-both-extremely   Permalink 5:46 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Footnotes: 1) An interesting point: you can also use the maximum entropy approach to get the same result as my election paper/problem with Klueless Nate. 2) The interesting part of the ArXiv paper isn’t elections, but binary martingales. This can be applied to other processes. pic.twitter.com/4pRDSrtLCV Permalink 3:48 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@serb_superb Gems like this from @nntaleb are part of the reason I’m on twitter. Peterson would need 15 minutes of a podcast to convey the same information. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1009740238053412864   Permalink 3:38 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 5- FOR THE RECORD I am not translating @DineshDSouza’s point that it was 50-50: I ALSO understood ~50-50 DIRECTLY from Silver’s “extremely” in the linked “The Hill”. Gabish? Permalink 3:15 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 4- Things are actually worse: that @NateSilver538 doesn’t get that if BOTH X & Non-X are “extremely possible = Probability converging to 50-50 is EXACTLY my problem w/his misunderstanding of probability in forecasting, & point of my paper. Gabish? https://twitter.com/coachglove/status/1059217783886503937   Permalink 3:04 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb When someone says are event and its opposite are extremely possible I infer either 1) 50/50 or 2) the predictor is shamelessly hedging, in other words, BS. Permalink 2:18 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb (cont) which explain why @DineshDSouza is right: you don’t change a forecast from 80% to 50% under uncertainty. Second time klueless Nate Silver makes a mistake. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.06351.pdf   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/CD5FEhVMVf”>  pic.twitter.com/CD5FEhVMVf Permalink 1:56 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Nate Silver just proved a second election in a row he doesn’t know “how math works”. (cont) https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1059149034693316608   Permalink 1:53 PM – 4 Nov 2018

@kalltvatten Reading “skin in the game” by @nntaleb and this section is just hilarious because I went on a date with a IYI (intellectual yet idiot) who did INDEED have The black swan on his shelf pic.twitter.com/X6OnloHSky Permalink 4:58 AM – 4 Nov 2018

@nntaleb pic.twitter.com/tZqDIBJxdH Permalink 11:12 AM – 3 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Typo, 1940-2018 Permalink 11:07 AM – 3 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Most robust definition of the fraudster/charlatan: Someone who 1) claims to be what he’s not, or 2) misrepresents what he can deliver. @davidboxenhorn Permalink 12:04 AM – 3 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Economists’ only empirically verified expertise is selling themselves to the (paying) public as “experts”. https://twitter.com/VidStimac/status/1058415675457392640   Permalink 11:02 PM – 2 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Socialism, def: a political system where decisions are made by people with advanced degrees in social “science”. Permalink 10:00 PM – 2 Nov 2018

@nntaleb They used a very incompetent translator. https://twitter.com/ksamofaen/status/1058457578978586627   Permalink 3:08 PM – 2 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Rest in Peace, Nicolas Ghosn, MP, 1940-1988 (my uncle, mother’s brother) pic.twitter.com/MHN0R9Cpp4 Permalink 10:45 AM – 2 Nov 2018

@nntaleb 11- Elon Musk, finally. https://twitter.com/AmbuyaJohn/status/1058413418665967617   Permalink 10:42 AM – 2 Nov 2018

@nntaleb A society is as advanced as its treatment of its weak, its handicapped and incapacitated. Permalink 10:13 AM – 2 Nov 2018

@nntaleb The Monsanto shill Keith Kloor @keithkloor was also part of the smear campaign by Monsanto against yours truly. https://twitter.com/thackerpd/status/1058343215886004225   Permalink 6:28 AM – 2 Nov 2018

@joshua_landis “Throughout Yemen’s three-and-a-half-year civil war, the Emiratis have been as brutal and reckless as the Saudis….” – by @DefPriorities & Richard Sokolsky https://carnegieendowment.org/2018/10/30/other-murderous-gulf-pub-77606?utm_source=carnegieshare   Permalink 6:07 AM – 2 Nov 2018

@spyrosmakrid An excellent description of our PLOS ONE paper ( https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0194889  ) finding that the most accurate ML method was less accurate than the least accurate statistical one. @teatchthemachine https://twitter.com/TeachTheMachine/status/1057333666202832896   Permalink 12:45 AM – 2 Nov 2018

@HinduLiberty Indians got diabetes in 20th century because they * stopped eating lots of ghee * stopped using healthy oils like coconut * stopped fasting on sacred days like ekadashi * started eating lots of sugary stuff * started using unhealthy oils https://twitter.com/GuruAnaerobic/status/1058006677847506945?s=19   Permalink 5:02 PM – 1 Nov 2018

@GreenPlusAnE Here’s @EverydayRD threatening @CrossFit gyms for telling clients not to drink soda. Same dietitian Coke & the Kellen Company pay to defend soda. Kellen does Coke & Pepsi propaganda (the CCC) & promotes laws that would make CrossFit’s affiliates illegal (CREP). More coming … https://twitter.com/EverydayRD/status/1057970570946523136   Permalink 6:24 AM – 1 Nov 2018

@nntaleb You are not what you eat; you are what what you eat eats. 1st order vegetarians — cows, Californians, history majors 2nd order vegetarians — eat only 1st order vegetarians: (some) Semitic religions (w/only gras fed chicken), lions … Nonvegetarians: eat porc, crustaceous … Permalink 6:16 AM – 1 Nov 2018

@nntaleb How about letting people research your life in dusty archives… Permalink 6:02 AM – 1 Nov 2018

@nntaleb Cutting an olive tree in the Ancient World was punishable bu death. https://twitter.com/bbassem7/status/1057772976353947649   Permalink 4:34 AM – 1 Nov 2018

@nntaleb And PR efforts are thwarted… You can’t buy a politician for 14k no more. @Jaffer22915438 https://twitter.com/mrharrycole/status/1057656897489252353?s=21   Permalink 5:38 PM – 31 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The @black_swan_man sent Halloween masks to a collection of people (includes a bust of Seneca sitting in a museum) pic.twitter.com/9z4x2h4Swn Permalink 11:11 AM – 31 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man Life imitates art. @nntaleb @BloombergTV https://twitter.com/ErikSchatzker/status/1057668193953767425   Permalink 9:23 AM – 31 Oct 2018

@ErikSchatzker I’m trying to make sense of this http://blackswanman.com  . Especially the appearance I make on p. 19. ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/Wv1be50pmU”>  pic.twitter.com/Wv1be50pmU Permalink 6:54 AM – 31 Oct 2018

@nntaleb You can RETROSPECTIVELY measure the *real-IQ* of a blabbering intellectual from his/her historical grap of: – Bitcoin – Tesla – Trump – GMOs etc. Permalink 4:58 AM – 31 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 9- Saudi Arabia boycotted by high profile athletes. https://twitter.com/RobHarris/status/1057585661920862210   Permalink 4:15 AM – 31 Oct 2018

@zerohedge Taleb: Those Idiots Who Emphatically Told Me “He Will Last 3 Months At Best” https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-30/taleb-those-idiots-who-emphatically-told-me-he-will-last-3-months-best   Permalink 1:25 PM – 30 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The intellectshual world is populated by a collection of people who are much better at explaining than understanding. Permalink 6:05 AM – 30 Oct 2018

@nntaleb If you want to lecktshur, do not act as if you are giving a lecktshur. Those slick, glib, and smooth are charlatans, or, worse, TED speakers. You are not an actor. As Seneca wrote, philosophers shd not act like mountebanks, *perform* on the stage. https://medium.com/incerto/surgeons-should-notlook-like-surgeons-23b0e2cf6d52   https://twitter.com/digvijoy_c/status/1055648535876722688   Permalink 4:39 AM – 30 Oct 2018

@nntaleb An illustration of how little journalists & “intellectuals” understand the world: their predictions of events related to Trump’s presidency. How many people I didn’t know were idiots have emphatically told me “he will last 3 months at best”… https://twitter.com/Fuctupmind/status/1056971162566250496   Permalink 3:41 AM – 30 Oct 2018

@ektrit Another reminder that being “christian” in Greece and East Europe means “NOT muslim”, nothing to do with Christ’s resurrection and Theosis. It is negative identity coming from the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. https://twitter.com/ekathimerini/status/1057216561931534336   Permalink 3:26 AM – 30 Oct 2018

@nntaleb They had recently requested asylum in the US. (Sorry to cite the NYT) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/29/nyregion/sisters-dead-river-saudi-arabia.html   Permalink 6:18 PM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb You cannot make this up. Two dissident sisters who fled Saudi Barbaria are found dead in … NY. And the Saudi Consulate is now involved in … helping. https://twitter.com/KSAconsulateNY/status/1056737353522397184   Permalink 6:10 PM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Since Semitic Philology is open today, where is the connection between KNOSSOS and KNS? Were the Minoan place-names Semitic? Permalink 2:06 PM – 29 Oct 2018

@catoletters MSNBC and Daily Beast feature UAE lobbyist David Rothkopf with no disclosure: a scandalous media-wide practice https://interc.pt/2q6OS7U   by @ggreenwald Permalink 12:35 PM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 8- Indeed the train has left the (first) station. https://twitter.com/fritzsternjr/status/1056956961902784513   Permalink 11:43 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@XFaure Poke @nntaleb . Seems like people are rediscovering antifragility | When one New Zealand school tossed its playground rules and let students risk injury, the results were surprising http://nationalpost.com/wcm/d33f1216-bc3b-40e6-abc5-f278792a3717   via @nationalpost Permalink 8:00 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Haven’t tried to solve this, but can’t resist posting it. pic.twitter.com/XJsC8zs0UM Permalink 7:15 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 7- Booing in sports… A trend is forming. https://twitter.com/aldertrack/status/1056908115369697286   Permalink 7:14 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Explained in #Antifragile why top-down “globalization” a la Krugman increases risks. Monstrously increases risks. Ricardian comparative advantage blows up under model error. Economists know practically nothing about risk. pic.twitter.com/pqBlSOIimS Permalink 6:10 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb An explanation of the mistake (confusing a synagogue for a church): in Medieval Arabic, it’s the same word; synagogue is masculine, Kniss; church is feminine Knissa. Same root as Knesseth (Israeli parliament), KNS=to gather. https://twitter.com/milenarodban/status/1056711569495728135   Permalink 5:22 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man #blackswanman #theblackswanman @bloomberg pic.twitter.com/FPS9Km7Th5 Permalink 4:46 AM – 29 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Read stuff in translation, but it’s more honest to work w/bilingual versions: Montaigne is now even translated from Medieval to Modern French (which was a no-no in my childhood). The more organic the language, the more it changes. Arabic & Syriac are same across millennia. Permalink 3:11 PM – 28 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Never take cooking advice from a waiter. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/923848138493956096   Permalink 11:48 AM – 28 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Remember that Seneca was a trader. Train for all kind of hits you can take. Above all don’t read sh*t about Seneca by nerd/academics & other nonrisk takers. https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1056511292658331648   Permalink 10:29 AM – 28 Oct 2018

@nntaleb A possible solution pic.twitter.com/NOs9XfSJyE Permalink 10:27 AM – 28 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Another amuse-mind for Sunday PM. pic.twitter.com/MJqbrFEBmk Permalink 9:31 AM – 28 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man #blackswanman #theblackswanman #stoics #Seneca #Halloween pic.twitter.com/UL0SoMqS7q Permalink 4:41 AM – 28 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 6- The trend is your friend. h/t @amrojasmendoza https://twitter.com/ajoykelly/status/1054806048765329408   Permalink 6:20 PM – 27 Oct 2018

@AlanDersh The impulse to seek partisan advantage from a tragedy like the Tree of Life shooting seems as irresistible as it is irresponsible. Permalink 5:46 PM – 27 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 5- The trend of negative benefits for doing business with Saudi Barbaria is firming up (i.e. the negative signaling costs of doing business exceed the benefits). https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/187283-181027-macron-merkel-back-europe-coordination-on-arms-sales-to-saudi-arabia   Permalink 2:39 PM – 27 Oct 2018

@GuruAnaerobic Statins: Benefit overstated – Harm covered up Pesticides: Benefit overstated – Harm covered up Smoking: Harm covered up Grains: Benefits overstated – harm denied Margarine: Benefit overstated – worse than butter Depressants: Benefit overstated – Harm denied What else currently? Permalink 2:31 PM – 27 Oct 2018

@nntaleb My attempt pic.twitter.com/JTsLJ3URNx Permalink 8:41 AM – 27 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Seemingly these “idiots who think in labels” don’t understand the aphorism, that is, don’t get the difference between *expressing* with the use of labels and *thinking* in labels. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1048072471063220224   Permalink 7:18 AM – 27 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Saturday morning math in memory of @CutTheKnotMath (courtesy the Romanian Math Magazine) pic.twitter.com/g3oJNWOd6y Permalink 6:25 AM – 27 Oct 2018

@mintotsai “Soul In The Game” Taleb (@nntaleb) explains how one person like an Elon Musk (@elonmusk) can transform entire industries. pic.twitter.com/C4q6lMAnDn Permalink 6:13 AM – 27 Oct 2018

@peter_sarris The first English translation of the Novels of the Emperor Justinian based on the original Greek – and the first historical and legal commentary in any language – the perfect X Mas present for the discerning Byzantinist… pic.twitter.com/sEBD4NXVd8 Permalink 3:11 AM – 27 Oct 2018

@spyrosmakrid The Five Major Objectives of the M4 Forecasting Conference: New York CIty, December 10 and 11 http://www.mcompetitions.unic.ac.cy   For information about the comparisons of ML and Stat forecasting methods for the M3 Competition https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0194889   for the M4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207018300785   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/I74LnHOOUI”>  pic.twitter.com/I74LnHOOUI Permalink 1:16 AM – 27 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 4- https://twitter.com/occuworld/status/1055944966357299200?s=21   Permalink 3:13 PM – 26 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man #blackswanman #theblackswanman #antifragile #daoofcapital pic.twitter.com/Z70czTb8Lj Permalink 6:33 AM – 26 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 3- A possible trend https://twitter.com/decmanagement/status/1055704125613240321   Permalink 4:31 AM – 26 Oct 2018

@davidboxenhorn One small step towards @nntaleb’s recommendations. It should be a lifetime ban, but it’s progress http://time.com/4652703/president-trump-lobbying-ban   Permalink 11:18 PM – 25 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 2- Already started: a witch hunt of those doing business with Saudi Barbaria. https://twitter.com/BostonGlobe/status/1055582317685760001   Permalink 4:55 PM – 25 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Ergodicity, again. Skin in the Game explain why dynamic things should NEVER be looked at statically. https://twitter.com/EconTalker/status/1055239759776374784   Permalink 3:16 AM – 25 Oct 2018

@davidboxenhorn Green Tea: good for you Green Tea Capsules: bad for you Scale matters. https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-45971416   Permalink 1:57 AM – 25 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Saudi Barbaria will be doomed when shunning it becomes a form of virtue signaling. Permalink 4:03 PM – 24 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Introducing REWRI instructors to squid ink! Looking for the reactions… pic.twitter.com/RMLj9p84O3 Permalink 3:46 PM – 24 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Pol Principles under complexity The project is growing pic.twitter.com/t5iWwz4jlV Permalink 1:43 PM – 24 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Will be doing a lecktshur by Skype. https://twitter.com/yaneerbaryam/status/1055122682956656640   Permalink 11:11 AM – 24 Oct 2018

@trishankkarthik @nntaleb made an important technical point: the Italians even stole the word for wine from the Phoenicians! Permalink 9:06 AM – 24 Oct 2018

@trishankkarthik The technical definition of fat tails, guys pic.twitter.com/xvNIR5MlUS Permalink 8:28 AM – 24 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Gabrial Mathy you are a fraud. Knightian risks are dealt with via metaprobability. I AM FED UP WITH ECONOMISTS MAKING FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT MY WORK. pic.twitter.com/KUkRjOwNKE Permalink 7:26 AM – 24 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Yuuuuuuuuuge punishment. https://twitter.com/Independent/status/1055077847390437376   Permalink 5:51 AM – 24 Oct 2018

@ngriffin360 Life is.. #longgamma #antifragile @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/rhErBRtxQ3 Permalink 9:14 AM – 23 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Ya LebTwitter Shu bit7ébbo nsammé l lgha taba3na? @oldlevantine @Extrachelle @HsenAndil @PZalloua @961Aleh @lebaneselingui1 @BLebnene @turlevnon Permalink 6:50 PM – 22 Oct 2018

Monsanto, McKinsey, Shihabi, Saudi Barbaria, Pedophrasty, Haley, Frum, GMOs | Twitter

Yesterday I received the @Wolfram Award (for computational mathematics). It’s not an award. It’s an accreditation: a statement by the smartest person I know about (@stephen_Wolfram) certifying: “As far as I can see, for computational probability, N N Taleb is not an idiot”.

@ngriffin360 Life is.. #longgamma #antifragile @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/rhErBRtxQ3 Permalink 9:14 AM – 23 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Ya LebTwitter Shu bit7ébbo nsammé l lgha taba3na? @oldlevantine @Extrachelle @HsenAndil @PZalloua @961Aleh @lebaneselingui1 @BLebnene @turlevnon Permalink 6:50 PM – 22 Oct 2018

@RobertKennedyJr Momentous news on #Monsanto appeal! https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/oct/22/monsanto-cancer-roundup-weedkiller-judge-denies-appeal   Permalink 5:25 PM – 22 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Real World Risk #9. 55 pple. Lunch break. pic.twitter.com/2GhOaMdNJn Permalink 10:18 AM – 22 Oct 2018

@yhazony What I learned from this: There’s a morality that attends the study and dissemination of ideas. A professionalism, if you like. You don’t shoot your mouth off when you don’t know what you are talking about. You don’t write essays and give speeches about books you haven’t read. /4 Permalink 5:28 PM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Lebanese Language books in process. https://twitter.com/BLebnene/status/1054102008360247298   Permalink 2:24 PM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Many people make the mistake of engaging shills with arguments. Never take at face value what a paid shill like that despicable @aliShihabi says. Gabish? Permalink 12:40 PM – 21 Oct 2018

@GuruAnaerobic A big reason why normal pple like @nntaleb is that he calls out the experts & ivory tower intelligentsia. The sort of people who call the normal person ‘populist’, ‘pseudoscientific’,etc. NNT turns the tables (with proof, maths & superior thought). He PROVES they r pseudo-experts https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1054017843136749574   Permalink 10:53 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb For the record, Mr @aliShihabi, Saudi Gov. lobbyist, fully aware of my vocal criticism, has tried to infiltrate a restaurant dinner party I was giving, supposedly to “talk to me”. I never talk to shills. I cannot be bribed by shills. I am uncompromising: I despise shills. Permalink 9:42 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@Ashu_2017 As expected, Saudi govt was keeping a close tab on critics. Impossible not to marvel at the courage of @nntaleb for his frequent attacks on the Saudi state. #Khashoggi https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/20/us/politics/saudi-image-campaign-twitter.html   Permalink 8:45 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@Joyce_Karam Oh, McKinsey is “horrified” that its 9 page report to #Saudi naming dissidents was used to go after dissidents: https://twitter.com/McKinsey/status/1053838356826808320   Permalink 7:48 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@aClassicLiberal Sweden has higher wealth inequality than the US, @nntaleb explains it in “Inequality and Skin in the Game”: “Any form of control of the wealth process–typically instigated by bureaucrats –tended to lock people with privileges in their state of entitlement” http://bit.ly/2Jd2reY   Permalink 7:43 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Most people who complain about inequality are those rich, but narcissistic and envious of the strata above them: “I Joseph S, am smart, but why is he richer?” Chapter in Skin in the Game: https://medium.com/incerto/inequality-and-skin-in-the-game-d8f00bc0cb46   Permalink 7:33 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb This is typical @JosephEStiglitz probability-blind BS: inequality in the US measured STATICALLY is higher than Eu. Completely misses on the DYNAMICS, and on the mismeasurement of inequality under Fat Tails. See #SkinintheGame https://twitter.com/sciam/status/1053000745459638277   Permalink 6:38 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@SituationO In the memory of massacre of Aishiyeh(Maronite town in #Lebanon )that took place Between 19th to 21st of October 1976 More than 70 Christians(7 under the age of 16) were killed & one was burned alive by PLO Fatah &Saika. The village was depopulated & used as PLO base of operation Permalink 6:33 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb In other words, @McKinsey effectively DID help Saudi Arabia track dissidents. Despicable. pic.twitter.com/aAdJ6v5nsQ Permalink 6:04 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb My 2015 accusation: Since Sep 11 we encouraged an “ally” to groom Salafi terrorists and spread intolerance while fighting terrorism in the wrong place. https://www.politico.eu/article/the-saudi-wahhabis-are-the-real-foe-islamic-terrorists-salafi-violence/   Permalink 5:59 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Saudi Bigoteering: Christians banned from areas/highways; identifying dress code for Saudis; tortures journos; ethnic cleanses Syria; beheads atheists/apostates/critics/LBGT; treats women/Asian workers like cattle …then send Twitter agents to mark critics as “racist”. @jack Permalink 5:39 AM – 21 Oct 2018

@gcfr20 A probability problem for recreation (cc @nntaleb, @CutTheKnotMath, @_eylem_99) pic.twitter.com/b5RCR5Fh4j Permalink 5:54 PM – 20 Oct 2018

@nntaleb This Saudi shill is transforming the abominable crime by Saudi Barbaria into a U.S. domestic affair. Despicable man. https://twitter.com/alishihabi/status/1053688547667046400   Permalink 10:04 AM – 20 Oct 2018

@nntaleb This Saudi shill is transforming the abominable crime by Saudi Barbaria into a U.S. domestic affair. Despicable man. https://twitter.com/aliShihabi/status/1053688547667046400   Permalink 10:04 AM – 20 Oct 2018

@nntaleb One possible route for the solution. pic.twitter.com/E6ncDPDyPY Permalink 5:28 AM – 20 Oct 2018

@AshokaHolla #UnitedStates with an economy of $20Tr financially need not pander to a rogue nation for a meagre annual $32 billion bilateral trade. @ianbremmer @nntaleb https://twitter.com/AshokaHolla/status/1053611434708553728   Permalink 4:40 AM – 20 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Saturday Morning Math Exercise: in remembrance of our friend @CutTheKnotMath pic.twitter.com/WGwbZQju6g Permalink 4:36 AM – 20 Oct 2018

@nntaleb After 17 days of denial, the Saudis accept their role in the death of the journalist, saying “it was just an argument that got physical”. After 17 years, the Saudis will accept their role in 9/11, saying “it was just a flying lesson that went wrong”. https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/1053482545797578752   Permalink 8:17 PM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The Saudi affair can lead to a (positive) minority rule effect: an intransigeant minority boycotting Saudi Barbaria & shaming those who do can rule. Anyone remotely associated with Saudi Barbaria will be punished. Hope to see the minority rule at work! https://medium.com/incerto/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority-3f1f83ce4e15   Permalink 7:14 PM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb In “Skin in the Game”, I state that there is no group that violates morality rules and symmetry (fundamental ethics) as much as the neocons. Permalink 5:30 PM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Mr Krugman @paulkrugman has been effectively wrong on everything (markets, bitcoin, technology, trade, GDP, FX, elections, history…): the real world is not something he has ever managed to grasp. So, predictably, he now supports the neocons (Iraq, Lybia, Syria, etc.) https://twitter.com/paulkrugman/status/1053274998742441985   Permalink 5:21 PM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb How did you know? Please don’t tell anyone. Permalink 5:15 PM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Details: pic.twitter.com/jM80A8bUaY Permalink 3:14 PM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Yesterday I received the @Wolfram Award (for computational mathematics). It’s not an award. It’s an accreditation: a statement by the smartest person I know about (@stephen_Wolfram) certifying: “As far as I can see, for computational probability, N N Taleb is not an idiot”. pic.twitter.com/IcM3gMw14G Permalink 5:08 AM – 19 Oct 2018

@GenEngNetwork In order to save #glyphosate, the Monsanto corp has undertaken an effort to destroy the UN cancer agency IARC, by any means possible. Here is the part one of an investigation from Le Monde. Stéphane Horel, Stéphane Foucart #monsantopapers #glyphosate https://www.ehn.org/monsanto-glyphosate-cancer-smear-campaign-2509710888.html   Permalink 5:03 AM – 19 Oct 2018

@nntaleb I don’t understand the symbolism of the rooftop yet but I will be there anyway. https://twitter.com/spyrosmakrid/status/1053220609331748864   Permalink 4:23 AM – 19 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man #theblackswanman #blackswanman #Nietzsche #Halloween pic.twitter.com/7fh1FIdqZZ Permalink 2:42 PM – 18 Oct 2018

@SwedeWhite Watching @nntaleb tinker with probability w/ @WolframResearch Mathematica at #WolframTechConference—so cool pic.twitter.com/0rbxrDOo8m Permalink 1:05 PM – 18 Oct 2018

@nntaleb At any rate I will start my lecture with: Delenda Saudi Barbaria pic.twitter.com/JvAICZU9Ok Permalink 12:39 PM – 18 Oct 2018

@DavidVStewart As I reflect on Roman history and the work of @nntaleb , I realize that what made the great generals great was not some special knowledge of strategy, but the ability to exploit opportunities, optionality, and keep asymmetry in their favor. Permalink 11:46 AM – 18 Oct 2018

@nntaleb In about one hour I am slated to lecture on “how to tinker with probability using Mathematica.” Should I use the platform to discuss Saudi Barbaria instead? What should I talk about? Permalink 11:46 AM – 18 Oct 2018

@nntaleb EMPIRICAL RIGOR Will all due respect to @NickKristof, BS vendor @jk_rowling, Kashoggi was a defender of HIS OWN free speech, not that of others. K supported the beheading of Nimr, the Shiite cleric who dared to speak up. Disclosure: I met Khashoggi in Riyadh in 2011. pic.twitter.com/LYTM8vrnk4 Permalink 6:40 AM – 18 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Whenever Saudi Barbaria has a problem, they spend more money on spin and propaganda. https://twitter.com/Saudi_Source/status/1051666466540531712   Permalink 4:44 AM – 18 Oct 2018

@nntaleb “A single journalist is a tragedy; ten thousand Yemenis is a statistic”. Joseph Stalin, 1949 Permalink 4:16 AM – 18 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Now we are making progress. If I entered the Saudi consulate and beat up one of the prediabetic sheikhs, would the NY police intervene? So if they can call the police on me( by (“authorizing”), not the reverse, there is an asymmetry. Permalink 2:01 PM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb So, in other words, if the Saudis had guillotines in their consulates to streamline future processes, it’s no problem? Permalink 1:49 PM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Say I showed up at the Saudi Consulate in New York to get a visa to vacation in one of their fabulous resorts, & they hacked me to pieces. Assume there is no evidence I am a US. citiizen. Would the New York police need to ask Saudi Barbaria for permission to investigate? Permalink 1:35 PM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Stop the shills! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2018-10-17/ex-amb-indyk-says-u-s-must-keep-saudis-on-positive-agenda-video   Permalink 1:13 PM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb On my way to the conference! @WolframResearch https://twitter.com/WolframResearch/status/1052629643302490112   Permalink 12:07 PM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb There will be an inexpensive paperback version later in 2019-2020. The vol 1 of the Technical Incerto sh be out in 2-3 months (color, hardback, my own design), subsidized. Permalink 10:20 AM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb This is the hardcover (much more expensive than the paperback), coming out in March 2019. Permalink 9:19 AM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Last version of the next Box Set. Aesthetics count. Which is why I write in LaTeX. pic.twitter.com/skCXDpOaMA Permalink 7:42 AM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb My problem with Saudi Barbaria is not domestic. They can have the regime they want. It is that the country is dangerous to the rest of the world: + support for terrorism/911, + spread of Wahabi doctrine, + ethnic cleansing in Syria, + propaganda, infl over U.S. policy etc. https://twitter.com/tsneaux/status/1052560904049623040   Permalink 7:30 AM – 17 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Upregulation, overcompensation. #Antifragile https://twitter.com/aopsnews/status/1052310223082393601   Permalink 3:01 PM – 16 Oct 2018

@nntaleb CASCADES Saudi Barbaria will give us an illustration of a standard cascade: Barbaria can retaliate against a single company or a country (as they tried w/Canada); but cannot do so against the rest of the world. Cascades are the standard readjustment for complex systems. Permalink 2:16 PM – 16 Oct 2018

@nntaleb I will give lecktchur by video sometimes during the program. https://twitter.com/yaneerbaryam/status/1050019558067716098   Permalink 1:46 PM – 16 Oct 2018

@AmLyceum Penn Station, a tragedy in four parts: pic.twitter.com/EXySqHCvd0 Permalink 10:13 AM – 16 Oct 2018

@nntaleb King Kong on Broadway? I have to improvise! pic.twitter.com/TxWDcDZWuC Permalink 9:46 AM – 16 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Philosophy of Probability: How we can link the speed of convergence of the law of large numbers to the problem of induction. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.05495.pdf   cc: @HarryDCrane @paulboghossian ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/VxNhOqY7eA”>  pic.twitter.com/VxNhOqY7eA Permalink 4:54 AM – 16 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Donaldo, please call the king of Saudi Barbaria again for his second version of the story. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1051814214212485120?s=21   Permalink 6:20 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@alwyn_lau Re-reading @nntaleb’s “Anti-Fragile”. Now I know why I have an innate suspicion towards: a) fit-bits/activity trackers b) after-school tuition which fill up a child’s week c) packaged vacations d) KPIs’ e) systematic theology pic.twitter.com/IJ1PHqQdbo Permalink 6:10 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb In other words (Fat Tony’s), don’t cross a river that’s on average 4 feet deep. https://twitter.com/necsi/status/1051883954603782145   Permalink 3:29 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb In other words (Fat Tony’s), don’t cross a river that’s on average 4 feet deep. https://twitter.com/NECSI/status/1051883954603782145   Permalink 3:29 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Well, @Paul_Salem: A shameless shill for the UAE (hence Saudi Barbaria). Foreign affairs people start with an idealistic views of the world; they try to become scholars. Then life happens and they realize they are unskilled labor; so they get corrupted to the bone. https://twitter.com/MiddleEastInst/status/1051933221288595463   Permalink 2:46 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb In other words, Saudi Barbaria is saying: “We didn’t mean to kill him; we just tortured him to death” Permalink 1:58 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@James_McGinniss Love @nntaleb on CC (1:22:00): “there’s a high probability the [IPCC models] are full of crap and there’s also a probability their opponents are… but the more uncertainty there is in a system the less you want to pollute, bc you don’t know what’s going on”. Limit our downside https://twitter.com/naval/status/1051578799098195969   Permalink 1:55 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb To say it in the language of the Saudi Barbaria: عذر اقبح من ذنب (An excuse that is more hideous than the crime) https://twitter.com/WSJ/status/1051928133249712128   Permalink 1:52 PM – 15 Oct 2018

@NECSI The more nonlinearity in the response, the less informational the average. Within the day, you do not need to consume the same amount water every minute, but at the scale of the day, you want maximal evenness. @nntaleb @NECSI #Complexity Permalink 10:14 AM – 15 Oct 2018

@__anoop @nntaleb says ‘anyone who is capable of writing a business plan, you dont want to invest with them’ – and this is the reason why I like Taleb. He’s an honorable man. Why? He said it to a VC (@naval) on stage at a blockchain conf. That takes guts and more than that conviction Permalink 9:26 AM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Unless they are fables or fable-like (Borges, Calvino), short stories are hard to remember. Permalink 6:40 AM – 15 Oct 2018

@adolfont “Anything that smacks of competition destroys knowledge.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb http://bit.ly/2pV8b46   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/ZUipjh3KPf”>  pic.twitter.com/ZUipjh3KPf Permalink 5:47 AM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Make sure the Secretary of State has a well-functioning Apple Watch. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1051814214212485120   Permalink 5:42 AM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Short stories are mostly read by people who want to write short stories. Permalink 4:10 AM – 15 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 3- Now if the Clown Prince of Saudi Barbaria makes a deal w/Iran to retaliate against the West, guess what would happen: Iranians will just take their oil, via a Shiite insurrection. Reason: oil reserves are in the Shiite section & indigenous are treated like sub-dhimmis. Permalink 5:54 PM – 14 Oct 2018

@schmittpaula “The most consequential and destructive 9/11 truther conspiracy was that Saddam was behind 9/11”. https://twitter.com/adamjohnsonNYC/status/1051508445701173249   Permalink 9:38 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Rischiare Grosso (Introduction to Skin in the Game in Italian) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOcQojM9VPM&feature=youtu.be   Permalink 9:17 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The Palestinian “leadership” has never missed an opportunity to harm their own. Practically never. https://twitter.com/KhaledAbuToameh/status/1051455437319606275   Permalink 8:22 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@nntaleb …and said journalist is a Muslim Brotherhood activist, in favor of the ethnic cleansing of Syria, the Yemen war, & other Jihadisms. His falling out w/the Clown Prince of Saudi Barbaria (a.k.a MBS) is infighting similar to the Castellammarese War betw. mafia families. Gabish? Permalink 7:12 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@nntaleb A Yuuuge agency problem in journalism: they care abt journalists far more than other pple. + Saudi Barbaria does Sept 11, blows up & ethnically cleanses Syria, Salafizes countries, wrecks Yemen. Nobody cares. + Saudi Barbaria suspected of killing one journalist, total deluge. Permalink 5:50 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Genetically and culturally fake category. Chromoidentities. pic.twitter.com/SoLmuCxRwo Permalink 5:17 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@Sugarsteroni What We Learned from Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Naval Ravikant https://buff.ly/2pSWc7a   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/BBd6uqIX5B”>  pic.twitter.com/BBd6uqIX5B Permalink 5:15 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@jnaanarthi @naval Here’s audio extract with noise removed https://soundcloud.com/user-515868246/nassim-nicholas-taleb-and-naval-ravikant-chat   Permalink 2:01 AM – 14 Oct 2018

@notiveri Da Gesù a Donald Trump, perché non si può vivere senza rischiare: Nei momenti storici di crisi emerge na necessità di rischiare. Per andare oltre le regole consolidate, che del resto non valgono più nulla. L’elogio del rischio di Nassim Nicholas Taleb https://www.linkiesta.it/it/article/2018/10/14/da-gesu-a-donald-trump-perche-non-si-puo-vivere-senza-rischiare/39737/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/nepyQ0VLcY”>  pic.twitter.com/nepyQ0VLcY Permalink 9:04 PM – 13 Oct 2018

@Sri_Rad15 Was there. Those Golden words “F-bayes” https://twitter.com/Sri_Rad15/status/1033410957861683201   Permalink 5:49 PM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Most plausible explanation is that they wanted to take him to Saudi Barbaria. Permalink 4:35 PM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb For those who don’t get it: 1- My comment in new book: You can ONLY use Bayesian updating under reliable priors and reliably CONVERGING probabilities. 2- Efron’s outstanding summary. pic.twitter.com/KK8UQ74hKM Permalink 3:02 PM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The approach to the murder of the journo by Saudi Barbaria (if details are true) illustrates the conflation the sophisticated w/what looks sophisticated. The most sophisticated approach wd have been to use a cheap hitman on a motorcycle. Saudis acted like academic economists. Permalink 12:13 PM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Recall my Twitter fight with Rothkopf. Thank you Twitter; we can now expose frauds very early. https://twitter.com/aaschapiro/status/1050599529563615232   Permalink 11:10 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Probability… not Pinker’s thing. https://twitter.com/sapinker/status/1047946091637948417   Permalink 10:15 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Saudi Barbarian shills. One thing is certain: they’re not good at it. https://twitter.com/LinaArabii/status/1026416994827075585   Permalink 9:53 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb There is a yuuuugely sublte point about the minority rule that @Naval got: If it’s stable, it comes from the minority rule. Why? Simply majority rules produce fluctuations with slight variations of majority. https://twitter.com/dawnmnewton/status/1050448770666717184   Permalink 9:21 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@CasciottaGian Caro @nntaleb Come vedi l’impegno nella lettura ce lo metto . Grazie a @ilSaggiatoreEd @lucaformenton Ottimo Cupellaro sin dalle prime pagine. Non era facile. #skininthegame #rischiaregrosso pic.twitter.com/XplbiA48kD Permalink 9:16 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@JeanMessiha La haine de soi du gauchiste obéit a une règle immuable: plus la cause lui est étrangère plus il se mobilisera et vice-versa. Il soutiendra donc Rohingyas, Ouïgours, Yazidis…mais JAMAIS de Chrétiens, ni d’Orient ni d’ailleurs. Horreur, ils font trop penser aux Cathos français ! Permalink 8:14 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb (Blocking works well: I used to get 15-20 “cute” remarks for the Math quizzes, now I just get 2 or 3). You reduce 95% of the noise just by blocking .1% of the followers. Permalink 6:57 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The long route, unlike @laptopman4 pic.twitter.com/Qhi7jlI47l Permalink 6:44 AM – 13 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Hint pic.twitter.com/S15lBVNjL2 Permalink 6:37 PM – 12 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 2 out of 3 so far seem very close. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/934225604228116480   Permalink 10:11 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Meetings are metastatic. Permalink 9:19 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@NonMeek @nntaleb Here’s a handy comic strip for your next encounter with prominent mathematical finance professors. [ https://www.academia.edu/37221402/THE_STATISTICAL_CONSEQUENCES_OF_FAT_TAILS_TECHNICAL_INCERTO_COLLECTION_  ] ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/zCNrhGFpcU”>  pic.twitter.com/zCNrhGFpcU Permalink 9:15 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@nntaleb A simple riddle, courtesy the Romanian Mathematical Magazine. pic.twitter.com/Ba47RfEUE2 Permalink 8:18 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/15/business/dealbook/stock-surge-presents-risks-for-the-trump-administration.html   #blackswanman #theblackswanman @realDonaldTrump @POTUS ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/8w3ZhyxkXB”>  pic.twitter.com/8w3ZhyxkXB Permalink 8:14 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@nntaleb A reliable predictor of future insuccess: if someone writes long (and frequent) emails. Permalink 6:30 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Honorable people punish. https://twitter.com/getfactual/status/873205174696890369   Permalink 4:36 AM – 12 Oct 2018

@nntaleb There was no fire during the firechat. https://twitter.com/AdamPWeiss/status/1050452941474131969   Permalink 4:30 PM – 11 Oct 2018

@drjasonfung 3 cases of type 2 diabetes reversal with fasting – http://casereports.bmj.com/content/2018/bcr-2017-221854.full   @nntaleb would appreciate how this fits with Via Negativa, and also why these paradigm shifts don’t come out of academia Permalink 12:47 PM – 11 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Annahar an Arabist and Arabophiliastic paper published a blank issue today. I don’t know if it was intentional, but there was suddenly more substance in it than usual. https://twitter.com/decafquest/status/1050415681446010880   Permalink 9:03 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@ShipSystem Most who never lived in Belgium misses to understand the Belgian mentality that they are hyper localists. Even the Flemish dont want to be part of the NL and Walloon dont want to be French & they all dont care for central gov/nation. They are localists. ping @nntaleb @ektrit Permalink 6:36 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@EamonnK Went to the dentist yesterday. Had to get X-Rays taken. First time (after reading ‘Antifragile’) I ever thought wow! These x rays are good for me!! #Antifragile #Antifragility @nntaleb @Antifragilista7 pic.twitter.com/qqyrgrqym9 Permalink 6:27 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Chi non risica non rosica. Permalink 6:27 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Se il titolo sembra diverso da quello degli Stati Uniti, è perché lo volevo. “Rischiare grosso” è meglio in italiano in quanto insiste sul rischio. @ilSaggiatoreEd Post scriptum : Vuoi che faccia un breve Youtube in italiano? https://twitter.com/hugowiz/status/1050350614612455424   Permalink 6:25 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@WeAreLebanon Foggy sky over #DhourChoueir By @amal_h86 #WeAreLebanon pic.twitter.com/p5Fk5loZGC Permalink 4:20 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@ilSaggiatoreEd «A una minoranza intransigente (di un certo tipo) che si metta in gioco […] basterà raggiungere diciamo il tre o quattro per cento della popolazione totale per costringere quest’ultima a adeguarsi alle sue preferenze.» #RischiareGrosso Da oggi http://ow.ly/vrly30m2NBQ   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/lETXsxaLon”>  pic.twitter.com/lETXsxaLon Permalink 3:00 AM – 11 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Plane ride to LA. Took the engineering route, not the mathematician’s. pic.twitter.com/1HwyUutwcA Permalink 12:48 PM – 10 Oct 2018

@nntaleb TEchnical Black Swan Problem pic.twitter.com/GmcEV30DFn Permalink 12:23 PM – 10 Oct 2018

@nntaleb There’s a *statistical* near-certainty that Nate Silver doesn’t understand probability. Actually, there is a certainty. cc:@EllieAsksWhy https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1047882643528974336   Permalink 9:07 AM – 10 Oct 2018

@ericozkan1 Color? And how about the gilded frame? Sam (Harris) does not get the gilded frame…I’ve only used that for Newton. pic.twitter.com/mk6hDKVzfi Permalink 7:02 AM – 10 Oct 2018

@black_swan_man #blackswanman #theblackswanman #popper #theblackswan #falsification #problemofinduction pic.twitter.com/k88DHkdkFH Permalink 6:46 AM – 10 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Some have severe problems of reading comprehension (witness logically-challenged journo @TheStalwart). Labeling people is not “thinking” in labels: thinking is a thought process, labeling is the shortcut result of a thought process. Think. Gabish? https://twitter.com/MalthusJohn/status/1049995096807145472   Permalink 5:56 AM – 10 Oct 2018

@nntaleb MATH PROBLEM DU JOUR (EASY): pic.twitter.com/GVz3araMFc Permalink 2:27 AM – 10 Oct 2018

@trishankkarthik You may remember this brave guy from a few months ago After reading @nntaleb, he used deadlifts to recover from lung surgery despite scary warnings to the contrary from his doctors If he can do it, so can you Now get out there and start lifting https://twitter.com/maalaukong/status/1049897517515718656   Permalink 11:06 PM – 9 Oct 2018

@stan_yurin This clueless text generator have won the econ nobel, enough said. https://twitter.com/stan_yurin/status/986610320457256960   Permalink 8:16 PM – 9 Oct 2018

@producerdrummer “Friends, remember that: Unless you build a habit of making money on your own, standalone, you will find yourself, at some point, depending on the whims of someone else who will run your life. When it’s too late.” @nntaleb Permalink 5:47 PM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Squid ink And tripes pic.twitter.com/j8kDBoVXpb Permalink 5:01 PM – 9 Oct 2018

@DanielLMcAdams Here is the “chaos” predicted by this young “genius” if Assad re-takes Syria from jihadists: Christians celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary last month for the first time in the restored cathedral – blown up by this think-tanker’s “freedom fighters”! pic.twitter.com/LqjG6bP9Ew Permalink 4:22 PM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb For those confused, this is what pedophrasty means. https://medium.com/incerto/pedophrasty-bigoteering-and-other-modern-scams-c84bd70a29e8   Permalink 11:02 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@BrianTHeligman 13. Special thanks to @normonics and @nntaleb for their excellent climate letter that really helped to clarify my framing of all this. http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/climateletter.pdf   Permalink 9:13 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The idiotic @thestalwart: 1) Does not distinguish between THINKING IN labels and EXPRESSING IN labels (say in condensing a tweet). 2) Retweets “behind your back” with pic not so I don’t see it. Learn defects from journos. https://twitter.com/TheStalwart/status/1049681886761639936   Permalink 8:46 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb The replacement of psychopathic pedophrastic low-IQ maximally neocon ambassador by someone who can potentially be a neocon is excellent news. https://twitter.com/DanielLMcAdams/status/1049678995476877312   Permalink 8:22 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb You are also told the same in post-revolutionary America. Just avoid MSM. https://twitter.com/Mehdi_IR_DC/status/1049679843900710912   Permalink 8:17 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Christmas came early. https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1049671372962783234   Permalink 7:55 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Sorry, but I block idiots. There is something about extreme stupidity that makes it unethical in its harm the public. Please do not take it personally. Nothing personal, but I just block idiots. Permalink 5:09 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 2) Why are journos such as @davidfrum sooooooooooooo clueless about rent seeking? pic.twitter.com/bxhWV0ptcz Permalink 4:56 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@nntaleb 1) It is a shame that journos don’t get that money made thanks to office is defrauding the taxpayer. https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/1049627625046626304   Permalink 4:55 AM – 9 Oct 2018

@GMOFreeUSA Gerber has begun to make non-GMO claims on some of their products, without independent verification. That’s not good enough. BOYCOTT GERBER until they remove GMOs and get Non-GMO Project Verified. SIGN THE PETITION: http://tinyurl.com/jd997ka   READ: http://www.gmwatch.org/news/latest-news/16297-do-gm-soybean-plants-accumulate-formaldehyde   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/o1QMTs4kb1″>  pic.twitter.com/o1QMTs4kb1 Permalink 6:07 PM – 8 Oct 2018

@nntaleb Do I strike you as someone who would set foot in Harvard Square? Permalink 4:48 PM – 8 Oct 2018

REPLICATION CRISIS, Gabish, Monsanto, Donaldo, Saudi Barbaria, slaves, Nudge, trees, waiters | Twitter

@nntaleb Coincidentally… What he means by “Greek” literature is … things for intellectuals. https://twitter.com/sentantiq/status/1034835323384197120   Permalink 3:10 PM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 4) People don’t realize the more severe problem is not absence of replication, rather the reduction of EFFECT for those that replicated. If you lower effect by ½, the odds of being observed in REAL LIFE decreases nonlinearly. From 2 sigmas to 1 sigma, down by 86%. Permalink 12:50 PM – 29 Aug 2018

@broketrout Just seeing this book title gave me nightmares.. pic.twitter.com/sNuLpVem2Q Permalink 12:45 PM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Academics think in very low-resolution digital while humans see things in analog. Permalink 12:18 PM – 29 Aug 2018

@originalgibby Replication of findings in @sciencemagazine and @nature slightly better than a coin flip. Once again @nntaleb is correct. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2018/08/27/researchers-replicate-just-13-of-21-social-science-experiments-published-in-top-journals/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.bb6f15ba4889   Permalink 11:32 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3) The REPLICATION CRISIS a VINDICATION for citizens SICK & TIRED of the Harvards w/a sense of entitlement treating practitioners as immature pple lost without their “science” when it is STATISTICALLY shown Harvards are no better than Ms Bré, fortune teller. pic.twitter.com/TJAZ41AAbT Permalink 8:18 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 2) 2 ½ years ago I proved MATHEMATICALLY p-values need to be lowered by at least 1 order of magnitude. Now @BrianNosek et al, 75 authors mysteriously realize that p-values need to be lowered by…. 1 order of magnitude. List includes of course a bunch of Harvards I insulted. pic.twitter.com/xK2rVp8AL6 Permalink 7:32 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 1) We now have to face the fact that what is called “social science” and “evidence based” is scientifically shown to be equivalent to “bullshit vending”. Except less elegant, of course. Which brings us back to ancestral heuristics, #Lindy, #SkinintheGame https://twitter.com/HarryDCrane/status/1034130885711417345   Permalink 7:21 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@ggreenwald 1/ In the wake of the @NewYorker profile, several people recommended I look at the ugly 2003 hit piece that magazine did on Chomsky (on the even of the Iraq War) & 2008 attack on Naomi Klein after “Shock Doctrine.” It is striking how they use the same expel-from-mainstream script pic.twitter.com/rr1BKBa5JJ Permalink 5:55 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb What happens to post-Monsanto shills? Predictably, they will do #shameless propaganda elsewhere. “Glyphosate Mark” @mark_lynas seems to have reconverted to promotion of… AlQaeda, helping propagandist @Charles_Lister do #pedophrasty w/fake pictures of dead children in Syria. Permalink 5:52 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I have been blocking nitpickers on “Gabish”. “Gabish” is to “Capisce” what “Gabagool” is to “Capicola”, what “Brozhut” is to “Prosciuto”, what “Avangool” is to [YOU FIGURE IT OUT]… Gabish? Permalink 5:14 AM – 29 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Free speech is something unconditional BY DEFINITION, not something reserved to what your ears enjoy hearing. Gabish? Permalink 7:17 PM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb You don’t seem to get what a utility means. Permalink 6:58 PM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb If someone told me 10 years ago that 1) The White House would be fighting CENSORSHIP by the media (not the other way around, while 2) The media accuses the White House of fascism, I would have called an ambulance. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/protect-free-speech-digital-public-square-0   Permalink 6:13 PM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The label “left” is a better disguise for the war machine/weapon makers. Hence the militaristic pseudo-left sills … https://twitter.com/brankomilan/status/1034296370155466753   Permalink 2:17 PM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Iosif @iosif_lazaridis is part of a group that is revolutionizing history/archeology, putting them on FIRM scientific grounds, using potent statistics/combinatorics. Yes, indeed we can tell population migrations with a 10^-10 error rate. Thank you, Iosif & ignore journos. https://twitter.com/iosif_lazaridis/status/1034509740729098242   Permalink 12:11 PM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3) The Propaganda Times (formerly kn0wn as NYT) article misses that those who can’t do can’t do for a reason, an epistemological reason: they often know the wrong things. So we make pple who know the wrong things teach the wrong things for the sake of “pedagogy”. This is fraud. Permalink 11:42 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 2) Traditionally those “communicators” good at explaining are the charlatans, BS Vendors… https://medium.com/incerto/surgeons-should-notlook-like-surgeons-23b0e2cf6d52   Permalink 10:19 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 1) The NYT vs #SkinInTheGame. It is very dangerous to favor those good at explaining but not understanding over people good at understanding but not explaining. pic.twitter.com/k6IIt6Btvp Permalink 10:17 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I can vouch from Skin in THAT Game. https://twitter.com/JamesGRickards/status/1034476469483970561   Permalink 9:25 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Nonvegetarian nongymmachines nonmillennial nonjournalists nonwhitecollarsalarymen nonactors weightlifters have wide waists. Gabish? #Lindy pic.twitter.com/bqvRFXYBO3 Permalink 7:34 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Someone needs to explain to the illustrator of @black_swan_man that nonvegetarian non-teenage non-gym-machines weightlifters have wide waists. (next tweet) https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1034193426126909441   Permalink 7:30 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@LorenzoWVilla @nntaleb will like this: Eugenio Montale’s via negativa. https://twitter.com/FPanunzi/status/1034436182271246336   Permalink 6:49 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Actually most of it was done on Dec 31, 1999, about the best books of the 20th C. Things change… Permalink 6:44 AM – 28 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Either Jaffer needs an alibi to be in NY or we are doing something right @financequant https://twitter.com/jaffer22915438/status/1034163318511071233   Permalink 4:05 PM – 27 Aug 2018

@nntaleb This was lifted from comments I made 10 years ago about 20th C novels. Of course the real thing (Dostoyevski) will be missing… Permalink 3:30 PM – 27 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Favorite Literature Books https://www.nuggetsofthought.com/2018/08/22/taleb-literature-books   Permalink 2:53 PM – 27 Aug 2018

@spyrosmakrid NOT ONLY CAUSALITIES BUT ALSO ASSOCIATIONS ARE HARD IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Ioannidis author of “Why Most Published Research Finding (in medicine) Are False” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16060722   just published a paper https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2698337   showing that the nutritional field need radical reform. ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/qVnSHTEfrM”>  pic.twitter.com/qVnSHTEfrM Permalink 7:49 AM – 27 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3) To simplify, this is the #FooledbyRandomness effect: @paulkrugman is pontificating from NOISE, not signal, and the first thing one should teach students is to learn to make a difference between noise and signal. Permalink 5:32 AM – 27 Aug 2018

@nntaleb From work/discussion with @financequant: BTC doesn’t even have a variance, steep power law. pic.twitter.com/jdofe7ERRJ Permalink 5:15 AM – 27 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Statistically flawed statement: no such claims can be made under high variance power law. #SkinintheGame: if @paulkrugman had his own $ at risk, he would have been blowup on bitcoin up >10^4% & eliminated from the ecology… or eliminated from the ecology before even bitcoin… https://twitter.com/paulkrugman/status/1033393663450259459   Permalink 5:09 AM – 27 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Wars… https://twitter.com/GoldTelegraph_/status/1033735711441092608   Permalink 3:07 PM – 26 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 5) What inspired the Greek/Roman metaphor is the incident when Cato expelled Greek philosophers & rhetors from Rome. Cato was fiercely anti-BS… (from Fooled by Randomness) pic.twitter.com/lfB2br1XgO Permalink 12:38 PM – 26 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 4) Discussion of “Roman” vs “Greek” in #Antifragile based on optionality, which is of course NOT LITERAL & unconditional but a general metaphor: In general, Romans were conscious of 2nd order effects all across, despised theory, tawkers, & vapid philosophising. pic.twitter.com/56sO6o7Nwd Permalink 5:59 AM – 26 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Many have the illusion that builders used Euclidean geometry. We are lucky they didn’t: Euclidean geometry only entered architecture in modern times …causing the ugly nonfractal structures we have today. #Antifragile: how academics lie abt role of theory: they WRITE history. pic.twitter.com/ZedV2lneL8 Permalink 5:47 AM – 26 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 1)PSYCHO-BS In #Antifragile: I was convinced that the theory that money does *not* bring happiness (beyond a level) was bogus in spite of the “evidence”: psychologists of happiness like $$ & Lindy effect. Turned out that research was psycho-BS, doesn’t replicate #SkinintheGame pic.twitter.com/84kvvoMrtS Permalink 5:33 AM – 26 Aug 2018

@DanielLMcAdams The “antiwar” opposition to the war machine. And no one will admit that we are a one-party state… https://twitter.com/timand2037/status/1033565189814112256   Permalink 9:07 PM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb BTW, Byzantines were diehard Roman. Greek was just a language. Permalink 2:49 PM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The real difference in politics isn’t the “right” vs “left” gradation but rather “Greek” vs “Roman”. + Greek = puts theory above practice + Roman= puts practice above theory Be Roman. Now. Permalink 2:47 PM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Using factorials (simpler) pic.twitter.com/fj2r70bPCH Permalink 11:12 AM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Steps on how Stirling was used for solution pic.twitter.com/adIh0e8HP3 Permalink 10:21 AM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb OK, Saturday workout in remembrance of @CutTheKnotMath but not sure Maestro was crazy about gamma functions. cc: @SvetlanaBogom13 pic.twitter.com/mgZvKpHhgS Permalink 7:31 AM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb In the absence of @CutTheKnotMath, a Saturday morning workout he would have liked (from Dan Sitaru). pic.twitter.com/dSVv2jH6V5 Permalink 5:32 AM – 25 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Squid ink pic.twitter.com/MWD0SCAJME Permalink 5:02 PM – 24 Aug 2018

@nntaleb εἶπεν δέ Ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν ὅτι οὐδεὶς προφήτης δεκτός ἐστιν ἐν τῇ πατρίδι αὐτοῦ. https://twitter.com/faleflix/status/1033086428442488833   Permalink 4:38 PM – 24 Aug 2018

@black_swan_man Thanks @RonPaul. You are a real world superhero. In the Black Swan Man comic, what should your super powers be? https://twitter.com/RonPaul/status/1033074963568357376   Permalink 1:02 PM – 24 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Black Swan man fighting central banksters and the enemies of Satoshi. …but can someone explain to the cartoonist weightlifters have wider waists? https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1033004379962580992   Permalink 8:09 AM – 24 Aug 2018

@nntaleb New Title: The Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails becomes Real-World Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails pic.twitter.com/eHe6svaha2 Permalink 7:00 AM – 24 Aug 2018

@ban_kanj No, this isn’t the Amalfi coast.. it’s Southern Lebanon #Naquoura #Lebanon pic.twitter.com/7XqDXMdT9k Permalink 6:41 AM – 24 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Monsanto has commonalities w/Theranos & Madoff, court papers show Made claims from SAFETY studies they NEVER did Lobbied, bullied regulators by infiltrating the system Owned “science” journalists & “rational” crowd Smear campaigns ag scientists (yours truly), ruining careers https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1032633507003158528   Permalink 6:19 AM – 24 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The good news: Forbes & Project Syndicate fired Monsanto shill @henryimiller & removed all past articles. But I cannot believe some journos like Tamar Haspel known to be colluding with Monsanto are still writing in newspapers like @washingtonpost https://twitter.com/thackerpd/status/1032962224820834306   Permalink 6:09 AM – 24 Aug 2018

@DanielLMcAdams How sick that Obama decided to let crazed, head-chopping jihadists loose on these good Christian people. And how sad that Trump is too blind to see what’s really going on in Syria. There will be hell to pay for the murder of these innocents. Literally. https://twitter.com/iraqschristians/status/1032746441104674817   Permalink 6:15 PM – 23 Aug 2018

@MccluskyMark People seem to get it, even if their spelling is a little phunny. pic.twitter.com/2LGriWAfOK Permalink 1:50 PM – 23 Aug 2018

@restoration_x Taleb has discussed and developed Pareto a great deal. Perhaps it is no coincidence that they even ook remarkably similar. https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/964450061164965888?s=19   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/isefixKgyQ”>  pic.twitter.com/isefixKgyQ Permalink 1:11 PM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I’d rather live in a society where people complain about lawyers than one in which they don’t. https://twitter.com/societalruin/status/1032638737073598464   Permalink 7:52 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3) For instance Monsanto’s Eric Sachs @ericsachsPhD who was behind the smear campaign against us & others (collusion with fake journo @keithkloor & Co), retired after the merger. But I will make sure he & others pay some stiff penalty at some point in the rest of their lives. Permalink 7:48 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 2) From what I understand about mergers, former Monsanto executives can be easily sued by Bayer for stuff they did not disclose or for past malpractice. And I am certain Bayer wasn’t aware of the stuff revealed by court papers. Permalink 7:39 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The beginning of the end… https://twitter.com/garyruskin/status/1032632886627721216   Permalink 7:19 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Enfin, la France… https://journal.lepoint.fr/comment-vous-n-avez-pas-encore-lu-taleb-2244655   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/xajDMhBge2″>  pic.twitter.com/xajDMhBge2 Permalink 5:58 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Solution pic.twitter.com/UpJQs9Jbw1 Permalink 5:15 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb That was quick. The idea of #skininthegame made it to Homeland Security… https://twitter.com/CodeDotGov/status/1025158440522534912   Permalink 5:13 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@maalaukong I still can’t believe I had the gut to train barbell when no doctors and people around me would advise me do that. But I read Antifragile -and after lifting for months I am fine now still thank you Permalink 5:10 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Morning Quiz. From Dan Sitaru/Romanian Mathematical Magazine. pic.twitter.com/kSk0ceHTxr Permalink 4:45 AM – 23 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 2) Helenus: on the difference between engineering and reverse engineering. History is HARDER than it seems. pic.twitter.com/tmcfnwqtaz Permalink 2:51 PM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 1) The story of Helenus @MarkAnthonySPQR as an illustration of the difference between forward and backward equation https://twitter.com/MarkAnthonySPQR/status/1032360191449346048   Permalink 2:49 PM – 22 Aug 2018

@yaneerbaryam Really important work on reporting and citation bias effects on treatment for depression. And there is more not included. ht @nilskappelmann @nntaleb https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/cumulative-effect-of-reporting-and-citation-biases-on-the-apparent-efficacy-of-treatments-the-case-of-depression/71D73CADE32C0D3D996DABEA3FCDBF57#fndtn-information   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/tMOD00CvTZ”>  pic.twitter.com/tMOD00CvTZ Permalink 10:54 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Stefan Gasic @NonMeek summarizes my new book The Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails (Technical Incerto, Vol 1) https://www.academia.edu/37221402/TECHNICAL_INCERTO_VOL_1_THE_STATISTICAL_CONSEQUENCES_OF_FAT_TAILS   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/RB7ZwdFPKL”>  pic.twitter.com/RB7ZwdFPKL Permalink 8:28 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@NonMeek Bitte schön. Otherwise okay? pic.twitter.com/Z0FKDX8I3s Permalink 8:13 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3) Something tactical that Netanyahu is starting to get but Donaldo (& predecessors) never figured out: if you HELP the population w/something practical, makes it more favorable to you. Netanyahu is offering Iranians solutions for their water problems… https://medium.com/incerto/peace-neither-ink-nor-blood-4657956c82ac   Permalink 5:54 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb As a matter of fact sanctions in Iran (by removing market forces) benefit the rent-seeking circles close to the regime, and hurt those they purport to save from said regime… Something about the lack of mental clarity on the part of bureaucrats. Permalink 5:33 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Maybe… but one thing for sure; @mikeduncan has shown solid evidence of shoddy & unreliable intellectual behavior. And history requires intellectual integrity. https://twitter.com/mikeduncan/status/1031821137003601920   Permalink 5:27 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Donaldo, sanctions have worked only ONCE in history: S. Africa (even then, unsure). They punish the weak in populations: Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Iran … those you yourself identify as victims of regimes. They thwart commerce that brings peace. Highly unrigorous DC IYI thinking. https://twitter.com/amconmag/status/1032235948946411523   Permalink 5:15 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@BLebnene Eh, ma3ak 7a22: https://youtu.be/5ejHYQ4ihgI   Permalink 4:14 AM – 22 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Reminds me of a certain book… https://twitter.com/mangan150/status/1031959292683804673   Permalink 1:43 PM – 21 Aug 2018

@InsperLiber A partir da análise da obra de Nassim Taleb, Ariel Bozza aborda o delicado problema das minorias intolerantes. Link na bio! #taleb #economia #política #filosofia #ensaio #minorityrule #eleicoes2018 #religião #liberdade #liderança pic.twitter.com/K4UBXd08D6 Permalink 8:51 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Now the news is that they may not have beheaded her “YET”. No difference. Permalink 8:13 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@Mat_Heart “Ceterum censeo saudi barbariam esse delendam.” Talebus Permalink 7:26 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Interesting how Saudi shills think they can make you can believe one furthers US security interests by beheading Shiite women who complain abt gov. treatment. From experience w/Monsanto & Saudi Barbatian shills, e.g. @dietwaldclaus: it’s the last resort job for the total loser. pic.twitter.com/A72dJHXefl Permalink 7:07 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Saudi Barbaria, not Saudi Arabia. Delenda Saudi Barbaria. https://twitter.com/financequant/status/1031894836784316420   Permalink 6:53 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The style… pic.twitter.com/O08Fba1m8l Permalink 4:18 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I just bought San-Antonio, tome 8 : Bravo, docteur Béru ! ; Viva Bertaga ! ; Un éléphant ça trompe ; Faut… @AbeBooks https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=22650467109&cm_ven=Twitter&cm_cat=TYShare&cm_pla=link&cm_ite=TYShare   Permalink 4:02 AM – 21 Aug 2018

@OZmandia @TuckerGoodrich and @gillespi Have been shouting from the rooftops the dangers of Seed Oils for yonks! Maybe @nntaleb comment will bring it home: https://breaknutrition.com/omega-6-fatty-acids-alternative-hypothesis-diseases-civilization/   SEED OILS ARE A SCAM ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/whTSNtQufd”>  pic.twitter.com/whTSNtQufd Permalink 4:05 PM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb It is also BIGOTRY to replace male privilege by the female one. https://twitter.com/CHSommers/status/1031598245024342017   Permalink 12:17 PM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3) This plus the arrival of the “J” later in the Bronze age explains why the Levant has a mitocondrial DNA much closer to Northern Europe: Lebanon closer to France than to Cyprus. pic.twitter.com/TseQESh6v8 Permalink 11:51 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Which vindicates the theory that 1) Ashkenazis’ light eyes don’t not come from “Khazars” or as per some other half-baked theory, but from the original population 2) the 20% light eyes found in Lebanon/North Syria don’t come from crusaders, but are largely indigenous https://twitter.com/iosif_lazaridis/status/1031602205869133824   Permalink 11:39 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb If and only If the Markov Chain is ergodic. cc:@yaneerbaryam @ole_b_peters https://twitter.com/ProbFact/status/1031606215179157504   Permalink 11:28 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Influent BS vendors lose their influence the minute they close their mouth or put their pen to rest. Just a tiny bit of silence and they are gone. Permalink 10:38 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb But you only get the tail for a function by avoiding sigmoidal transformations https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/976107986736181249   Permalink 8:09 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb My favorite @NonMeek cartoon by far: “The difference between absence of evidence and evidence of absence is at least 50 IQ points” https://twitter.com/NonMeek/status/1014559700137009152   Permalink 7:34 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Polygenic predictors have a humongous error rate. https://twitter.com/hsu_steve/status/1031188182849732609   Permalink 6:47 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@GuruAnaerobic Add to the category: ‘LIFE CHANGING OPPORTUNITY’ https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1031524764215648256   Permalink 6:27 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The next uncovered scam will be seed oil, particularly corn oil, which has been passing for “healthy” w/o evidence nor time tested uses, nor any direct evidence it is healthier than butter. Instead of high carb/low carb, consider: w/ or w/o seed oil, grains … cc: @Mangan150 Permalink 6:13 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 500 years, @KenDBerryMD, but good enough. https://twitter.com/KenDBerryMD/status/1031525228021784577   Permalink 6:01 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb REAL WORLD RISK SCHOLARSHIPS Friends, scholarships (by @financequant & myself) are available for the 9th program Oct 22-26, in NY. We have been giving on average 5 women scholarships & 5 general ones. http://www.realworldrisk.com   https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/987695856060174336   Permalink 5:54 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb This is what @spyrosmakrid seems to be telling us: #ML doesn’t get the tails because nobody can get the tails from past data. https://twitter.com/yjoshi/status/1031491335394607104   Permalink 4:00 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Eisen has been supporting Monsanto & the GMO BS. Worse: Plos-1 withdrew an Op-Ed by @thackerpd under pressure from Monsanto. Permalink 3:58 AM – 20 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Trishank @trishankkarthik summarized the tawk in a series of tweets: just note that I prefaced (par.) “as a scholar I don’t want to a good speaker, good speakers are usually charlatans” https://twitter.com/trishankkarthik/status/1030844991470489600   Permalink 3:05 PM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I mean Corneille Permalink 1:23 PM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb My lecktchur on #skininthegame: No guts no glory, no risk no victory, adapted from Racine: ” A vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire”, itself adapted from Seneca: Ignominiam iudicat gladiator cum inferiore componi et scit eum sine gloria uinci qui sine periculo uincitur… pic.twitter.com/tyzG8dSoc6 Permalink 1:01 PM – 19 Aug 2018

@yaneerbaryam Two heuristics for nonergodicity @nntaleb @ole_b_peters https://twitter.com/yaneerbaryam/status/1031216346095386624   Permalink 9:30 AM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Traditionally, learned pple & erudites have voiced contempt for the half-read or semi-learned, such as journo @JonahNRO, never for the non-read person of action. Semi-learned pple s.a. Goldberg resemble cars with two wheels missing. You are much better off walking. https://twitter.com/JonahNRO/status/1031157357991092224   Permalink 8:32 AM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Skin in the game in Lebanese proverbs: bil 7ikam l-Lébnéniyyé: + Ma bi7ékkak illa difrak + S2al mjarréb wla tes2al 7akim + Ghaltét l-shater 2alf ghalta (shater hown = “khabir”) + Kill shi rkhis ghalé + Iza ma kébrét ma-zéghrét (nonlinearity) Permalink 7:03 AM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 2) Here is @Michael_Spagat, @sapinker’s support, pestering us for data in order to find “flaws”… doesn’t understand the stochasticity of sample correlation, which inspired this talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6CxfBMUf1o&frags=pl%2Cwn   Permalink 5:53 AM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 1) There is something green about “quant” @Michael_Spagat and this paper (cont) https://twitter.com/sapinker/status/1029092945088131072   Permalink 5:51 AM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Addition https://twitter.com/ionlyshort/status/1031131593748959232   Permalink 4:56 AM – 19 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Nice to meet twitter friends in person https://twitter.com/imleslahdin/status/1030878532891815936   Permalink 11:14 AM – 18 Aug 2018

@nntaleb A lot of antiwar people in DC… pic.twitter.com/uzXh7vIvUF Permalink 10:17 AM – 18 Aug 2018

@trishankkarthik .@nntaleb at #RonPaul! pic.twitter.com/xc1MfQvoxJ Permalink 8:52 AM – 18 Aug 2018

@ggreenwald Almost 100,000 people re-tweeted @JohnBrennan moronically & recklessly accusing Trump of *treason* for his Helsinki press conference, only for him now to casually admit it wasn’t & deny he said it. Brennan is a pathological liar, a torture advocate, a killer & a #Resistance icon: https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1030842945333805056   Permalink 8:49 AM – 18 Aug 2018

@SocratesSophia @nntaleb thanks for publicly resisting Monsanto before anyone mainstream did. Thanks also for resisting over educated close minds with their own academic languagem You’ve exemplified courage and now the tide is turning in your favour. Also, God is important. Thank you!! Permalink 4:26 AM – 18 Aug 2018

@SocratesSophia9 @nntaleb thanks for publicly resisting Monsanto before anyone mainstream did. Thanks also for resisting over educated close minds with their own academic languagem You’ve exemplified courage and now the tide is turning in your favour. Also, God is important. Thank you!! Permalink 4:26 AM – 18 Aug 2018

@nntaleb (I don’t like to see my own books in ky library) Permalink 12:37 PM – 17 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Unfortunately, in my own house, I can’t display my own books… https://twitter.com/larsgrossmith/status/1030502501089390592   Permalink 10:50 AM – 17 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Finally! The Black Swan man is about Bitcoin. (still that waist is that of a dance instructor) https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1030414802928263168   Permalink 7:52 AM – 17 Aug 2018

@yaneerbaryam Dynamics of Complex Systems pages 131-2: Time histories of stochastic dynamical systems (Surprise: they are equivalent to equilibrium ensembles, but unusual ones). pic.twitter.com/lASoDK0LmO Permalink 3:56 AM – 17 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Bayer: investors coming out of denial, slowly realizing that GMOs are the scam of the century. pic.twitter.com/z4eQHBGFR6 Permalink 3:47 AM – 17 Aug 2018

@spyrosmakrid ML METHODS AND FORECASTING Two interesting reports discuss AI/ML and their relevance to real life problems https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/why-we-need-to-think-differently-about-ai?utm_medium=email&utm_source=topic+optin&utm_campaign=awareness&utm_content=20180813+ai+nl&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTXpZME5EWmxOV1UwTURKbSIsInQiOiJ0cnRsZkgrdzBsZk93dkpSXC9ZWXdNendLQVRQQzQzRXp2OEsxbkFBOUZCVnpKdkdGK3h3UUNteTE1aE5OQWdxcEJqUVJ1c3MzeUV1SHFzM3ZxOEVPM21VOG5RRFlrcXNTZzdDSTNJVytYcUFcL2c0YXVVVStnK1pSZGtydGxNdzlvIn0%3D   https://www.stateof.ai/   These reports confirm our papers about the poor performance of ML models http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0194889   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207018300785   Permalink 1:03 AM – 17 Aug 2018

@nntaleb While Monsanto can lobby in DC, bully, soft-bribe & manipulate regulators, and intimidate & smears scientists (like yours truly), Bayer as a foreign-owned corporation can’t easily do so. Bayer lost ~20% since the Monsanto trial (another 4% today). pic.twitter.com/JqLLX7L8Gg Permalink 12:47 PM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb If, in some wealthy communities, you run into people who look like cousins, it is more probable that they use the same plastic surgeon. Permalink 10:36 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Some mathematics behind the simulation. pic.twitter.com/6CHV2V8hD5 Permalink 10:17 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Mathematical Finance Du Jour. Where I show how a power law mimics stochastic volatility. pic.twitter.com/h4GjdYlsHW Permalink 10:09 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@RobertKennedyJr Wow! #Monsanto loses another court case over its widely used weed killer. #MonsantoTrial https://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/Monsanto-loses-another-court-case-over-its-widely-13159459.php   Permalink 9:06 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Does someone have data on the longevity of airline pilots (jet engine). We have data for flight attendants & radiation therapists, but pilots have 1) lower load, 2) aren’t allowed to take sleeping pills. cc:@Mangan150 @GuruAnaerobic @MichaelSagnerMD https://twitter.com/Mangan150/status/1011244554622676992   Permalink 7:02 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb During Roman times, children’s educators were usually slaves. Nothing has changed. The principal thing a slave can teach children is how to not be free and make the best of it. In other words, how to think like a slave. Gabish? https://twitter.com/MatthewAckerman/status/1030083875756814336   Permalink 6:34 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Getting ready to go to the city with the highest density of rent seekers, to deliver a lecktchur on hidden rent seeking & the effect on systemic risk. Will also talk about regulatory recapture: Monsanto owns the EPA/FDA but NOT the court system; how common law is robust. https://twitter.com/RonPaul/status/1022942029184163841   Permalink 5:59 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb There is something irremediably sad at an atheist’s funeral. Permalink 5:13 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb And no, most humans do NOT want to be liberated from monotonous tasks, except for (parts of) the weekend. Most want the soothing predictability of a schedule, even those who call themselves “adventurers”. Permalink 5:02 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Routine is effortless. Most humans, alas, prefer to expend physical, never intellectual energy. Creating requires much, much more effort. https://twitter.com/jackdcowling/status/1030058263193300993   Permalink 4:55 AM – 16 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The boss: Antonio. pic.twitter.com/TzSBNrRoZV Permalink 5:07 PM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Squid Ink, finally. California looks Mediterranean, ma non è la cosa reale. Nova York looks nonMed, but it’s just an accident of geography. pic.twitter.com/6ZV8h18Xqt Permalink 5:01 PM – 15 Aug 2018

@The_Cyrenian While the ignorant masses were busy watching Obama dance on Ellen and crack jokes on Jimmy Fallon, my fellow Syrian Christians and I were suffering at the hands of #Obama and #Hillary’s genocidal foreign-policy: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/15/world/middleeast/syria-isis-assyrian-christians.html   Permalink 1:42 PM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The counter coup-d’etat is completed. https://www.rt.com/usa/436054-trump-revokes-cia-brennan-clearance/   Permalink 1:25 PM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Any work you do in the comfort of a routine risks being taken over by a robot. Permalink 12:30 PM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The answer to Maestro Bogomolny who has time to critique it in Heaven: Finally found the probabilistic interpretation: the Cantelli bound. pic.twitter.com/5iFOE4yuiO Permalink 10:44 AM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Ole, nobody ever broke a mafia & rent-seeking clubs by being “generous and kind”! Nudgeboys Thaler & Sunstein feel entitled to manipulate citizens, increasing tail risk! Sunstein wants to prevent citizens from knowing if food has GMOs When you go, go for the jugular! Permalink 10:13 AM – 15 Aug 2018

@DrMichaelBonner I owe all my academic success to the squat and the deadlift: https://twitter.com/FrontiersIn/status/1006064896453349376   Permalink 6:06 AM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I’m out of here. pic.twitter.com/jTGwJ95HEt Permalink 5:54 AM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The cult of the youth (by the youth) results from an elementary logical fallacy. If 90% of successful innovations come from the young, less than 1/1000 of innovations by youth work. Statistically, youth correlates w/mediocrity, sloth, physical weakness, & lack of creativity. Permalink 5:00 AM – 15 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Computational irreducibility: by @stephen_wolfram , explains why the consequences of some stuff like GMOs cannot be understood the way Monsanto claims… https://twitter.com/complexity_labs/status/1029110374937911296   Permalink 9:13 PM – 14 Aug 2018

@nntaleb And (aggressively) vegetarian. Permalink 8:21 PM – 14 Aug 2018

@nntaleb San Francisco: tatooed millennials with the wrong type of attitude problem, overcrowding in overpriced tenements. Permalink 7:44 PM – 14 Aug 2018

@Decafquest “As for scholars, I respect their labour and have drawn great benefits from it, but the fact is that at the banquet of philosophy they are neither the cooks nor the gourmets but the waiters that run between the two.” – Bryan Magee #skininthegame #philosophy #academia Permalink 2:27 PM – 14 Aug 2018

@GMWatch Corruption of science by the agrochemical industry: #Monsanto flooded scientific journals with ghostwritten articles https://www.gmwatch.org/en/news/latest-news/18408-the-monsanto-papers-poisoning-the-scientific-well   New peer-reviewed source details Monsanto’s deceptive activities ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/W6QaY06ZdB”>  pic.twitter.com/W6QaY06ZdB Permalink 7:28 AM – 14 Aug 2018

@nntaleb At the core of what pple are not getting (from @ole_b_peters expl.) is that making $110 vs losing $100 with 50% probability is not a state-space issue, but part of a sequential procedure dynamically repeated over time, with required edge (here $5) changing as one makes or loses. Permalink 5:41 AM – 14 Aug 2018

@nntaleb SEMITIC PHILOLOGY DU JOUR “mni7” in Lebanese, meaning “fine”, does not seem to come from the Arabic المَنْحُ: العطاء (grant), rather from from the Aramaic “peaceful”,”content”, Heb מָנוֹחַ (unless I am mistaken, cc:@Jonassibony ) pic.twitter.com/cGqIxhSpAn Permalink 11:30 AM – 13 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The powerful thing about this inequality is that, for finite samples Xs= {X_1, X_2,…,X_n}, w/average m, n odd (for small samples) and Xi copies of X drawn from ANY probability distribution in R, not even IID, E((Xs-m)^2)>Median(Xs)^2, even if all moments of X are infinite! Permalink 7:23 AM – 13 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Finally started a math “blog”. There are incomplete problems by @CutTheKnotMath. cc:@SvetlanaBogom13, @gcfr20, @mikeandallie, @long, @octonion, etc. https://fattailsandotherissues.wordpress.com/2018/08/13/maestro-bogomolnys-last-quiz/   Permalink 5:46 AM – 13 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Where some aspects of the point are fleshed out https://medium.com/incerto/the-logic-of-risk-taking-107bf41029d3   Permalink 4:32 AM – 13 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Why Nudge and Behavioral Economics are PseudoScience, a summary pic.twitter.com/oMkd1IMQq4 Permalink 4:28 AM – 13 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Ole Peters quietly informing nudgeboy @R_Thaler that his understanding of his own subject matter (probabilistic decision making) is highly deficient. https://twitter.com/ole_b_peters/status/1028916116507246593   Permalink 4:08 AM – 13 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Mr @teppofelin, one never debates a bulls***ter. Permalink 4:50 PM – 12 Aug 2018

@primalpoly We’re recruiting subjects aged 18+ for a psychology study on religious art. It’s an online survey that takes about 45 minutes. It includes ratings and memory tests for about 90 religious images. If interested, please go to https://esurvey.unm.edu/opinio/s?s=93060   Permalink 4:04 PM – 12 Aug 2018

@nntaleb About 6 y ago, a B-School prof, @teppofelin, BS vendor type, couldn’t get #Antifragile & was nasty about it. He was teaching “entrepreneurship” while being on a salary. Academics don’t notice these things. Permalink 4:00 PM – 12 Aug 2018

@nntaleb You are more likely to change your mind from a bad argument from someone on your initial side than a good argument from someone on the other side. Permalink 2:28 PM – 12 Aug 2018

@Lentejitas These are some of @nntaleb’s Black Swans ;-) Have a good night! pic.twitter.com/PBhoPBkwl9 Permalink 1:29 PM – 12 Aug 2018

@nntaleb For some reason B-School Profs (living on charities) think they are smarter (less “irrational”) than real world risk takers when they are clueless about the math (ergodicity+fat tails). Flaws by finance prof (@WGoetzmann) who think TBS is an “airport book” pic.twitter.com/ilxSy4GqEx Permalink 12:04 PM – 12 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Next step: Business Schools; ban teaching by nonpractitioners. https://twitter.com/doshijatin/status/1028689718140174336   Permalink 11:20 AM – 12 Aug 2018

@EdLatimore “Ironically, by being beggars, they had the equivalent of ‘f*** you money’, which we can more easily get by being at the lowest rung than by joining the income-dependent classes.” @nntaleb, Skin in The Game Permalink 8:30 AM – 12 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Posted TECHNICAL INCERTO, VOL 1: THE STATISTICAL CONSEQUENCES OF FAT TAILS (~300 pages) https://www.academia.edu/37221402/TECHNICAL_INCERTO_VOL_1_THE_STATISTICAL_CONSEQUENCES_OF_FAT_TAILS?s=t   via @academia Permalink 7:14 AM – 12 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Our planet has many more trees than 35 years ago! Looks like people notice deforestation, but not reforestation. Media & UN reports by self serving bureaucrats who want to “solve” your problems. ALWAYS get stuff by systematic analysis, NEVER piecemeal observations. pic.twitter.com/6a8uEj7iPM Permalink 5:04 AM – 12 Aug 2018

@BLebnene Localism ≠ Nationalism @nntaleb L maxalliye ≠ l çawmiyye https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1002949896209600512   Permalink 2:39 AM – 12 Aug 2018

@KenDBerryMD Retweet if you think we need Nassim Taleb to help us straighten out medical/nutrition research!!! Permalink 6:43 PM – 11 Aug 2018

@nntaleb I am very rude to *high status* people who are rude to waiters/waitresses. Usually twice as rude. Sometimes three times, just to make sure. You cannot believe how many pple on the “left” are rude to waiters, as they feel their “mission” insulates them from humans #Skininthegame https://twitter.com/MsBlaireWhite/status/1027976344569704448   Permalink 12:15 PM – 11 Aug 2018

@BLebnene Çahammiyet l kitébé bel lebnéné, video la Nassim Taleb: #lebanese #lebnene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ejHYQ4ihgI   Permalink 10:58 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@black_swan_man Page 10… #blackswanman #theblackswanman #ludicfallacy #antifragile #infinitegames #daoofcapital pic.twitter.com/vIMigj3S05 Permalink 10:16 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@nntaleb That’s next https://twitter.com/ocrashad/status/1028323587092930560?s=21   Permalink 10:07 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@nntaleb https://twitter.com/gmwatch/status/1028316002415792128?s=21   Permalink 10:05 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@M_Gauche “We define “rude” less by the words used than by the status of the recipient.” – @nntaleb Permalink 8:21 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@nntaleb You lower *regulatory recapture* by having fewer regulations (as w/medication: only when the court/tort system doesn’t help). Put skin into the game of corporations. ( Pple hearing my shouts when the news hit wondered what soccer game I was following) https://twitter.com/WaqasHaque411/status/1028266120648843264   Permalink 6:42 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@JohnMinehan1 Which is Nicholas Nassim Taleb’s point . . . . https://twitter.com/2peterharris/status/1028235466036969472   Permalink 4:28 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@Decafquest ma2al zghir katabto 3an 2este3mel l lebnene ka legha maktoobe. Shu ra2yak? @nntaleb #lebanese #lebanon #lebnene https://medium.com/@mahmoud.rasmi/bel-lebnene-5cc091b0c9fc   Permalink 4:12 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@nntaleb This nightmare “Chased by Monsanto” (from @black_swan_man) is over. Now time for payback. I mean find the *individuals* involved. pic.twitter.com/cAQPK3KEN0 Permalink 3:20 AM – 11 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Sweet victory…. It is particularly powerful that the legal system (torts) protects citizens, while regulators are in collusion w/industry: the EPA/FDA let Monsanto ghostwrite their rules. Regulators are bribed by industry as they get hired later as payback. #SkinInTheGame Permalink 5:55 PM – 10 Aug 2018

@nntaleb They didn’t just lose a case. They lost another 100. Now I will go after the shills who contacted NYU. Permalink 3:29 PM – 10 Aug 2018

@nntaleb CHAMPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGNE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monsanto lost the trial. It is not about Glyphosate. It’s that the manipulation of science by corporations, the bullying of scientists does not pay! https://twitter.com/careygillam/status/1028039905471950849   Permalink 3:26 PM – 10 Aug 2018

@OpenSecretsDC OpenSecrets searchable ‘Foreign Lobby Watch’ database makes it easier than ever to browse through disclosures related to foreign influence in the US: http://crp.org/faraw   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/B2dLWFBz6t”>  pic.twitter.com/B2dLWFBz6t Permalink 10:58 AM – 10 Aug 2018

@PenguinVerlag In welcher Welt leben wir – was meint ihr? @nntaleb verrät uns seine Sicht in »Das Risiko und sein Preis«. Ab 27.08. erhältlich: http://bit.ly/DasRisikoundseinPreis   #SkinintheGame ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/HoHIHr28uq”>  pic.twitter.com/HoHIHr28uq Permalink 6:17 AM – 10 Aug 2018

@alessabocchi Can someone check if the NYT has recently taken any funds from Saudi Arabia? https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1027585342029918213   Permalink 1:41 PM – 9 Aug 2018

@georgemacgill Today I Learnt: WITTGENSTEIN’S RULER Don’t just use your beliefs to measure reality, but also use reality to measure your beliefs. If the IDIOT keeps getting it right, it might not be them who is the idiot @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/zQPHIH2Oc3 Permalink 12:38 PM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb What Saudi Barbaria is doing to Canada is simple signaling: to show other states what’s in store if they criticize their human rights. The problem of course … Permalink 11:37 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb You may use his Lebanese dictionary and write in social media script (3al 3adé). My opinion is that an Ataturk style precise top-down alphabet is not necessary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ejHYQ4ihgI&t=3s&frags=pl%2Cwn   Permalink 11:06 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@holland_tom I remember in the summer of 2014 the eyes of the world being so fixed on Gaza – where, brutal though the conflict was, no genocide was remotely being attempted – that it pretty much ignored Sinjar, where the Yazidis were absolutely the targets of genocide. https://twitter.com/thetimes/status/1027438325769101319   Permalink 9:47 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb So effectively, thanks to Roger Makhluf, Lebanese ceased to be a dialect on Aug 8, 2018. Permalink 9:30 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@UnSubtleDesi [Archives] Economists bullshit for a living : ⁦@nntaleb⁩ gives Kaushik Basu a lesson on ‘Skin in the Game’ http://www.opindia.com/2018/04/economists-bullshit-for-a-living-nn-taleb-gives-kaushik-basu-a-lesson-on-skin-in-the-game/   Permalink 8:29 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Finally, A Lebanese-English dictionary/Lexicon. 630 pages! (Arabists won’t like it) https://www.amazon.com/Lebanese-English-Lexicon-Rojee-Makluuf-ebook/dp/B07G9PJTQ2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533825238&sr=8-1&keywords=Rojee+makluuf&dpID=31gqiw2AeiL&preST=_SY445_QL70_&dpSrc=srch   Permalink 7:36 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@baielala “Almost all those caught making a logical fallacy interpret it as a ‘disagreement’.” – @nntaleb https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8nhAlfIk3QIODdHYl95d1dWNE0/edit   Permalink 7:25 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb We are prone to epidemics of fallacies (scientism, universalism, academism, psychosociologism, stateworshipism), but not epidemics of wisdom, as nature filters out those with bad immune system. Permalink 5:34 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The NYT needs to sell more and more subscriptions to stay in the same place. Concave growth. (The rise in stock price was largely due to the maahket’s.) Indeed, this is a dying business. Unethical journalism doesn’t pay. pic.twitter.com/n0a50DQ0LP Permalink 4:14 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Financial Maahkets aren’t fooled by the NYT “growth” story: + Close to saturation for digital subscriptions ~(40% from crossword puzzles!), now < logarithmic. + Rev. growth is not good. Ain’t a tech company! + The “Anti-Trump” strategy deligitimizes long term. https://twitter.com/peterbakernyt/status/1027181710419607558   Permalink 3:31 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@NonMeek Here’s my contribution to this thread. As a cartoonist my main challenge is to simplify any issue as much as possible without losing any of the meaning. I hope I succeeded in that with this comic strip. #LifeExpectancy #Math pic.twitter.com/aut5o1o46k Permalink 3:21 AM – 9 Aug 2018

@ClarkeMicah Still maundering, Professor? Amazed by my own magnanimity, I am *still* offering you the chance to withdraw the foolish defamatory statement which you are incapable of substantiating. Come on, man, do what you need to do. https://twitter.com/scottlucas_ea/status/1027304494680432641   Permalink 10:55 PM – 8 Aug 2018

@ClarkeMicah Still maundering, Professor? Amazed by my own magnanimity, I am *still* offering you the chance to withdraw the foolish defamatory statement which you are incapable of substantiating. Come on, man, do what you need to do. https://twitter.com/ScottLucas_EA/status/1027304494680432641   Permalink 10:55 PM – 8 Aug 2018

@nntaleb When your company is public you become the slave/depend on the opinion of the most clueless but vocal journalist, say @BretStephensNYT. No matter how rich, you never have f*** you money. Go private; f*** them. https://twitter.com/Tesla/status/1026912973120462848   Permalink 9:06 PM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The point as presented 20 year ago in Fooled by Randomness. pic.twitter.com/kEupc0Emn0 Permalink 1:10 PM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb This is the offending statement. It is not whether the number is true or false, it is that the REASONING is false. pic.twitter.com/AXRb2kA9pg Permalink 12:31 PM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The correct (evolutionary) way to see what happens is: +Life expectancy while reaching full (socially accepted) reproductive age, i.e. ~15-25. Which will be much higher: In the previous example it would be 67. So childhood mortality removed 27 years of “average” life exp! Permalink 12:14 PM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Simply, if 40% died in childbirth (or very young, which is about historical number), 50% died at 60, and 10% died at 92, the “average” life expectation would be ~40. Childhood mortalily hugely skews the average. Permalink 12:04 PM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Thread of pple on twitter who understand statistics (and the notion of average) much much better than the @nytimes : life expectancy = 40 means a lot of infant mortality, not that people didn’t live long. Please, please, please avoid the NY Times. Please. https://twitter.com/owenezell/status/1026789999629484033   Permalink 8:54 AM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb 3500 years of Phoenician wine pic.twitter.com/U2ZMQY3wsm Permalink 7:03 AM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Now a disclaimer: one greatgrandmother and one great great grandmother are from Douma. (Douma is Greek Orthodox/Melkite) Permalink 4:52 AM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The surrounding gorges. Douma’s advantage is that it is out of the way and on the local top of a mountain; no ski no nonsense. pic.twitter.com/2937ddCftZ Permalink 4:24 AM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Tomb ~ 600 (priest of the goddess of health) pic.twitter.com/GKFFVviKHA Permalink 3:28 AM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Douma, most beautiful village both architecturally and scenically. Former Byzantine health spot. Church built in 1610. pic.twitter.com/DvMve2Gj7v Permalink 3:23 AM – 7 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Turned out the main beneficiaries of fossil fuel were the trees: people used to log for cooking/heating. At least until now. Permalink 11:26 PM – 6 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Even if one accepts risk aversion, it doesn’t work the way nudgeboy @R_Thaler thinks it does. pic.twitter.com/Swdu4yUnV9 Permalink 11:16 PM – 6 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The vicious thing in @josephinequinn’s Vox article is that she doesn’t flatly deny that Phoenicians existed; she just packages her anachronistic argument (absence of passport & flag-style national “identity”) to make you believe that they never existed. Shoddy. Permalink 2:31 PM – 6 Aug 2018

@nntaleb More than 5,500 years https://twitter.com/richmcgaha/status/1026547483462139904   Permalink 12:57 PM – 6 Aug 2018

@nntaleb The cartoonist understands my language ( “myopic bureaucrat imbeciles” ) but doesn’t get that a thin waist is not for weightlifters. https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1026297804648525826   Permalink 12:01 PM – 6 Aug 2018

@sidpathak92 What a Saudi govt handle tweeted before deleting. But sure it is the Persians who are the enemy. @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/i7VCgqeWfU Permalink 10:18 AM – 6 Aug 2018

@RogerCremades How do #rigidity traps work in #socio-#ecological #systems? Amazingly, this comics explains it with pristine clarity. I congratulate @black_swan_man & @nntaleb. More on rigidity traps, the #adaptivecycle, risks, insurance and climate change here https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-017-0044-2.epdf?author_access_token=ba94udDKN3bSyWKsBb_MotRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0PqLfoL8EXoMy7UUI3hBF7YmO2O68NxhD7gHhYj07eiUujlnPShfbXLDBBFLWmtEilUAjHdpztO6tX-E8oMp4VMjRrrbhToNEIA4yRz0mpXcg%3D%3D   https://twitter.com/black_swan_man/status/1026297804648525826   Permalink 7:11 AM – 6 Aug 2018

@thackerpd Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as Invasive Species http://www.aiscience.org/journal/paperInfo/jepsd?paperId=3925   You’ll never see any #GMO promoting journalist discuss this paper, because the only thing they yammer about is “#GMO products are safe to consume, so end of story.” Permalink 5:24 AM – 6 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Why did the Crisis happen? This is from my testimony, what Obama’s bureaucrats did not want to report. (Also I withdrew the paper from a journal owing to stupid comments by referee, republished elsewhere) pic.twitter.com/kB6gWX7De5 Permalink 12:39 AM – 6 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Turned out, @realDavidGal has shown, “Risk Aversion” is a fiction. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/why-the-most-important-idea-in-behavioral-decision-making-is-a-fallacy/?sf194849524=1   https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/901472828310114304   Permalink 12:26 AM – 6 Aug 2018

@ziadaboujamra @nntaleb The view from Dhour El Choueir yesterday. Green indeed! pic.twitter.com/UpWvZA1YbS Permalink 11:10 PM – 5 Aug 2018

@black_swan_man Page 9… #blackswanman #theblackswanman #yellowstoneeffect #wildfire #endthefed #daoofcapital #antifragile pic.twitter.com/sB6VKLR3Q2 Permalink 7:43 PM – 5 Aug 2018

@SamuelGWalters Alexander Bogomolny liked inequalities, so here is one on his behalf. (I came across it while doing estimate calculations.) @CutTheKnotMath @nntaleb @SvetlanaBogom13 #math #FunFact pic.twitter.com/sICzlqaXwS Permalink 1:53 PM – 5 Aug 2018

@nntaleb A lot of docs written in Phoenician were lost, but a lot of Phoenicians wrote in lingua franca later (Greek) as was the norm in Levant after 3nd Century BC, same as Indians writing in English now. Does it make Josephus count as non Jewish? Permalink 1:26 PM – 5 Aug 2018

@nntaleb Lack of skin in the game. (Photo taken before heavy deadlifting phase) https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/nassim-taleb-no-one-who-caused-the-crisis-paid-any-price-vbj2lzc6d   Permalink 12:24 PM – 5 Aug 2018

Neocons, Saudi Barbaria, IYIs, Localism, David Reich, Holy Week | Twitter


via @trishankkarthik

@nntaleb The mental defects of the neo-cons, from Skin In The Game pic.twitter.com/NUEug0xVqP Permalink 7:34 AM – 14 Apr 2018

@sayed_ridha Patriarchates of Antioch and all the East for the Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox and Greek-Melkite Catholic condemn aggression on Syria. pic.twitter.com/OQGvziHa4J Permalink 7:21 AM – 14 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Some background: among other things, IYI @DAaronovitch was a stauch advocate of the Iraq war (&WMDs). This imbecile is still making pronoucements instead of working as an Uber driver in the London suburbs. Permalink 6:52 AM – 14 Apr 2018

@nntaleb You can tell low-intellect NEOCONS: remarks out of a script, randomly selected from “99 negative things to say” In #SkinInTheGame: if neocon babblers can’t think in dynamics (only 1st order thought), it’s bc they are rejects selected to be unimaginative, & incompetent at doing.https://twitter.com/DAaronovitch/status/985135769902899205   Permalink 6:31 AM – 14 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Last night the regime of Saudi Barbaria struck Syria, using its three most faithful agents. Permalink 5:31 AM – 14 Apr 2018

@rory_yeomans This is Britain. This is the new McCarthyite reality. pic.twitter.com/LpyRnL07xh Permalink 3:21 PM – 13 Apr 2018

@nntaleb My 2016 comment on the Syrian war. NOTHING has changed.https://medium.com/opacity/the-syrian-war-condensed-a-more-rigorous-way-to-look-at-the-conflict-f841404c3b1d   Permalink 11:51 AM – 13 Apr 2018

@nntaleb You cannot be both soldier and judge. Permalink 7:48 AM – 13 Apr 2018

@nntaleb A serious problem in the way IYIs (Intellectuals Yet Idiots) frame Syria. They talk about Assad w/o comparing his to the rebels -or as if the rebels were Mother Theresa. They also fail to think in dynamics (what happens after?). #Idiots Permalink 5:48 AM – 13 Apr 2018

@nntaleb When you define yourself as “localist”, nobody frames you in the “partisan” box; both the “left” & the “right” take you for one of them. The only people in favor of centralization are lobbyists, bureaucrats, & DC parasites. Yet the world is centralizing. Permalink 3:17 PM – 12 Apr 2018

@wikileaks POLL: Should the United States military be used to conduct a bombing campaign against the state of Syria? Please retweet for the widest possible poll. Permalink 2:04 PM – 12 Apr 2018

@karthikshaz @RandPaul one of the few sensible rational people left in Washington https://youtu.be/Q4itcE1RBDY   @nntaleb @MaxAbrahms Permalink 1:40 PM – 12 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Historians are victims of framing. Malta, Sicily, & Lampedusa, Med islands, are part of “Europe” not “Africa” because…they are Christian. Had they stayed w/Arabs a bit longer, they would now be “African”. Had Tunisia/Algeria stayed Christian, “North Africa” wd be “South Med”. Permalink 1:19 PM – 12 Apr 2018

@CutTheKnotMath Before taking a break, Problem 1 from the APMO 2000: https://www.cut-the-knot.org/m/Algebra/APMO2000-1.shtml   #FigureThat #math #algebra ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/Xu4xXiQDOu”>  pic.twitter.com/Xu4xXiQDOu Permalink 9:11 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@jeitoapp Reports from a friend of mine who attended today’s @nntaleb tawk pic.twitter.com/Rascqbi1Rg Permalink 8:54 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@nntaleb It is lacking in critical thinking to think that *studying* philosophy will improve your critical thinking.https://twitter.com/grurray/status/984455020451115010   Permalink 8:47 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@financequant Science is built on falsification, not proof. When you lose that insight, the humility of the genuine skeptic is replaced by the arrogance of scientism. Permalink 7:35 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@MikeTek “If you want to help the world, start a business…we need more risk takers.” @nntaleb dropping the mic (and a few f-bombs) in NYC this morning. Much better than coffee. Permalink 7:07 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@trishankkarthik Popcorn time! pic.twitter.com/8qBbdybwny Permalink 4:35 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@nntaleb I have never seen a clown publish a book, Mr @KarlreMarks.https://twitter.com/karlremarks/status/984381537666904066   Permalink 4:06 AM – 12 Apr 2018

@Cernovich Which country has sponsored the most terrorist attacks on American soil? Permalink 4:54 PM – 11 Apr 2018

@artofmanliness New Podcast: Skin in the Game, with @nntaleb https://buff.ly/2HrdvUG   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/HP3gBcp2Rj”>  pic.twitter.com/HP3gBcp2Rj Permalink 9:54 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@TMFStoffel A Practical Approach to a Political Divide: This is a brilliant OpEd in the New York Times about the practicality of localism — combinging the efforts of @StrongTowns and it’s anointed patron saint, @nntaleb https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/11/opinion/localism-partisanship-local-politics.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fopinion&action=click&contentCollection=opinion&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/5fhRzAZNtu”>  pic.twitter.com/5fhRzAZNtu Permalink 9:41 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@nntaleb But the nickname for Vladimir Vladimirovich is “Volodya”.https://twitter.com/maxabrahms/status/984076665440669697   Permalink 7:53 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@RandPaul Promising war by tweet, insults not only the Constitution but every soldier who puts their life on the line. Permalink 6:52 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@WRatHsChilD_ish pic.twitter.com/l2p8tXoaZm Permalink 5:06 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@dpinsen You just signed an omnibus bill that authorized military spending that’s more than double what Russia and China spend on their militaries combined.https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/984032798821568513   Permalink 4:42 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Antifragile. The press overused its weapon against Trump. Aphorism: “ A weapon is something you only use once. Or, preferably, never”https://twitter.com/davidbcollum/status/984020236444848128   Permalink 3:57 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@nntaleb In other words, The SouthMed is an extension of Western Eurasia. The naming of continents is arbitrary “Africa” meant Tunisia in Latin. From the magisteria Reich (2018) pic.twitter.com/3DqvTnPuKm Permalink 2:52 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Such a narrative/framing would collapse if it were reframed as “First Southern Mediterranean Emperor”. People are suckers for labels.https://twitter.com/britishmuseum/status/983995988464594944   Permalink 2:33 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Bruno Tertrais is a propagandist. Why is that junk published in L’Orient Le Jour? https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1109551/bruno-tertrais-emmanuel-macron-sest-engage-assez-loin-il-ne-peut-pas-ne-pas-reagir.html   via @LorientLeJour Permalink 2:18 AM – 11 Apr 2018

@BruceGodfrey Enjoying @nntaleb in Incerto: “Skin in the Game.” Book is serious but feels like an indulgent vice. You get both Rav Safra at prayer and Taleb’s barber. Makes me want to visit Phoenicia and drink Ksara with the neo-Canaanites. Permalink 7:28 PM – 10 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Prostitutes!https://twitter.com/lemondefr/status/983822178163544066   Permalink 2:54 PM – 10 Apr 2018

@iraqschristians Yes, we are asking fellow Americans to please ask @POTUS @VP to not attack Syria. Attacking Syria only emboldens terrorists who aim to destroy Christianity in Syria. These terrorists have crucified Syrian Christians, kidnapped nuns & bishops, & raped Christian women & girls. Permalink 12:46 PM – 10 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Here is the graph of Maximum/Sum showing the imprint of an infinite mean. pic.twitter.com/M3vwVPeaOG Permalink 9:56 AM – 10 Apr 2018

@DanielLMcAdams Hey @realDonaldTrump — have a look at this instead of listening to your idiotic neocons. It’s all fake!https://twitter.com/ClubBayern/status/983460513865781248   Permalink 8:06 AM – 10 Apr 2018

@normonics @nntaleb did you watch this? proposes SITG for all pundits calling for war at the end. Permalink 5:49 AM – 10 Apr 2018

@deadly_onion Most people are focused on “winning” some contrived competition among their peers. Freedom is making the competition irrelevant. @nntaleb (resurfaced by @readwiseio) pic.twitter.com/p5Pn5lyIA6 Permalink 9:37 AM – 9 Apr 2018

@nntaleb The mechanism, in the U.S., @realDonaldTrump, is still that a person is innocent until proven guilty. It’s a degradation of Western Civilization when the machinery of justice is discharged through the media, the BBC, & “think tanks” funded by Saudi Barbaria. Remember Iraq & WMDhttps://twitter.com/JustinRaimondo/status/982989319123054592   Permalink 6:10 AM – 9 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Or use Max to Sum plot for p^th moment cc: @DrCirillo pic.twitter.com/H0zodZSh90 Permalink 5:43 AM – 9 Apr 2018

@nntaleb An overview in the right direction (anti-abstract universalism, without naming it), though very polite (soft on BS vendors Pinker & Brooks) @yhazonyhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/the-dark-side-of-the-enlightenment-1523050206   Permalink 3:33 AM – 9 Apr 2018

@nntaleb You know something has an infinite mean (or variance) from Monte Carlo simulations when different runs give different results, no matter how large the generated sample.https://twitter.com/mikeandallie/status/983083021036392448   Permalink 8:50 PM – 8 Apr 2018

@oldlevantine @nntaleb shouldn’t apologize for speaking Phoenician during @GadSaad ‘s chat with the author of Incertohttps://youtu.be/ezhjumayRsg   Permalink 10:26 AM – 8 Apr 2018

@Sophiam1973 The bystander effect – the more people the less moral. Paradoxical cos morality is allegedly designed to make society work. Maybe @nntaleb is right – morality doesn’t scale well. Permalink 3:42 AM – 8 Apr 2018

@nntaleb You want to get your enemies to call you “arrogant”. I’ve never called someone I disrespect “arrogant”, even if they were; I’d say “ignorant” or “fool” or “psychologist”.https://twitter.com/Mangan150/status/982748424771481601   Permalink 1:54 AM – 8 Apr 2018

@nntaleb And in Arabic, the “Arabian Sea” was called the Green Sea. Compatible with: Black=North Green=East White=West Red=South pic.twitter.com/ImaEdhHsef Permalink 1:49 AM – 8 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Philology du jour, chromonaming: In Turkish, the Med is Akdeniz (Ottoman: Bahr-i-Sefid) (WHITE Sea), BLACK & RED Seas are Kara Deniz& Kızıl Deniz. Old Arabic name was “Ba7r El Abyad”( White sea), then “ba7r erRum” now “Mutawassit”). How did the color designations come abt? Permalink 1:36 AM – 8 Apr 2018

@nntaleb ERRATUM (Skin in the Game) Copyeditors can change the meaning of your text “to make it better”, and in a way that escapes your notice. pic.twitter.com/YH7oGe4WHz Permalink 11:00 PM – 7 Apr 2018

@MaxAbrahms Students of international relations are taught that even adversaries can generally be understood as essentially rational actors. Not so for #Assad, though.https://twitter.com/maxabrahms/status/959231236404367360?s=21   Permalink 5:06 PM – 7 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Happy Resurrection! pic.twitter.com/cCo9361xeG Permalink 12:05 PM – 7 Apr 2018

@john_f_hamer @nntaleb : The single best review of Skin In the Game (2018) to come out thus far:https://committingsociology.com/2018/04/07/a-celebration-of-what-works-nassim-nicholas-talebs-skin-in-the-game-2018/   Permalink 7:26 AM – 7 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Roman temple (another) 3.9 miles from Amioun on Google Maps. (3ayn 3ikrin) pic.twitter.com/HkKJc88Y4e Permalink 7:19 AM – 7 Apr 2018

@nntaleb It would be interesting to look at this in connection with the volume paradox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgfs0u5sj9y1nie/GordianProbabilityApril7.tex?dl=0   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/yli6XgbQzy”>  pic.twitter.com/yli6XgbQzy Permalink 12:54 AM – 7 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Orthodoxy is alive in Phoenicia. Greek Orthodox Good Friday: I had to stand outside as all churches in Amioun were full, with crowds outside. pic.twitter.com/JFzB3qCn73 Permalink 1:28 PM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Everyone likes the “he is an a*****le”https://twitter.com/Doug_Caldwell/status/982239944448946178   Permalink 6:54 AM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb On the way back, discovered a narrow road behind my house; never knew it existed. pic.twitter.com/gs53OYtdGo Permalink 6:33 AM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Motley Fool Interview: Nassim Nicholas Taleb @themotleyfool #stockshttps://www.fool.com/investing/2018/04/03/motley-fool-interview-nassim-nicholas-taleb.aspx   Permalink 6:27 AM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb From Reich’s book: there are advantages to being of short height in an agricultural society, & tall in a hunting one. pic.twitter.com/8ifPnroG0k Permalink 4:19 AM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb So that height privilege needs more testing to see if it applies to Northern Eurasia, not the Mediterranean. Permalink 3:33 AM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Strange: N. W-Eurasians have genes that makes them taller, S. W-Eurasians (Meds) that make them shorter. And negative sayings about height by Meds: “Homo longus rare sapiens” “Tawil habil” “En un corps grand bien rarement, Sagesse prend son ébergement” “Uomo lungo, testa corta”https://twitter.com/clairlemon/status/982042633416523776   Permalink 3:31 AM – 6 Apr 2018

@nntaleb You can tell a field is BS when different methods give different solutions. In real science, you get the SAME result NO MATTER what method is used. Observe probability pbms by Maestro Bogomolny @CutTheKnotMath: numerous solutions -some drawing on separate branches of math.https://twitter.com/CutTheKnotMath/status/981884569514381312   Permalink 2:06 PM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb 2) So according to Arabists, HL Gates is “racist” for being interested in ancestry. pic.twitter.com/b1Pri0bs8F Permalink 1:25 PM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb 1) Low-IQ-Arabists trying to smear as “racist” minorities who don’t identify w/Arabism Clueless: +Not being an Arab doesn’t mean superior or inferior +Arabists started the narrative of descent from Arab tribes + African-Americans interested in their roots are now…racist? Permalink 1:07 PM – 5 Apr 2018

@johndurant This should be good: @tylercowen requests questions he should ask @nntalebhttp://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2018/04/ask-nassim-taleb.html   Permalink 10:58 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Vegan kebbe made with herbs for Orthodox holy week. pic.twitter.com/tVQnX7Idty Permalink 10:14 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Life is much, much easier when you treat all humans as flawed and imperfect, but flawed in quite different ways. Permalink 9:01 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Ixsir (sorry I had wine) Permalink 7:02 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Izair Winery in Northern Canaan, 14.1 miles from Amioun on Google Maps. pic.twitter.com/jfltrKSp39 Permalink 6:51 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@yvessmith Economists’ Dubious Relationship with Trade Policy: Comparative Advantage is a System that Works for the Wealthy http://dlvr.it/QNVpn4   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/NX6VXYeCcn”>  pic.twitter.com/NX6VXYeCcn Permalink 2:51 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Mr Greaves, I systematically block people who use labels not reasoning, false analogies and exhibit defects in thinking and empirical representation –in other words babbling idiots — even if they do not interact with me. Gabish? Permalink 12:47 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Correction: it wasn’t Vox but Aeon magazine. Note 1: “France” is a nation with 17 languages because it was the territory of the king, not Phoenicia because they were city-states. Note 2: Phoenician writings have been destroyed; historians don’t get SAMPLING BIAS. #Klueless Permalink 12:33 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb A lot of idiots-Arabists are citing a Vox article saying “Phoenicians didn’t exist” because… they weren’t organized as a nation 1-They had a clear genetic differentiation (@PZalloua) on PCA (+language) 2-Argument cancels every “nation” that didn’t share a common rulerhttps://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/915593393232900097   Permalink 12:09 AM – 5 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Whatever you say about Trump, nonbureaucrats & people who spent time w/skininthegame like to *close* deals. Bureaucrats let situations rot for decades. Decades. Decades. Next: *close* deal with Iran, please.https://wapo.st/2GAsRJm?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.70c5d196bbf2   Permalink 11:52 PM – 4 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Antifragile, nonlinearity of iatrogenicshttps://twitter.com/Mangan150/status/981626686511853568   Permalink 2:24 PM – 4 Apr 2018

@nntaleb David Reich’s book: buy two copies, just in case you lose one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/ROTGHVIPIOV4C/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=110187032X   Permalink 12:09 AM – 4 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Holy week in Greek Orthodox Phoenicia: vegan food, arak, and rose wine. pic.twitter.com/z2i3NKRfeg Permalink 10:57 AM – 3 Apr 2018

@nntaleb OK, OK, there is a second lecktchur in NY.https://twitter.com/randomhouse/status/981205065577967618   Permalink 9:30 AM – 3 Apr 2018

@nntaleb If Fat Tony got on some diet (say w/beeds & Brus sprouts/miso soup, thatkindofstuff), & became the “Formerly Fat Tony” (or Formerly Horizontally Challenged Tony), would he lose his charm, persona, etc.? In other words would the thin, “Formerly Fat Tony” still be “Fat Tony”? Permalink 9:05 AM – 3 Apr 2018

@spyrosmakrid M4 Competition: http://m4.unic.ac.cy   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/KAt1BRd7Gk”>  pic.twitter.com/KAt1BRd7Gk Permalink 12:40 AM – 3 Apr 2018

@SylviaNetwork “Nunca digas ‘No’ dos veces si lo dices en serio” y otros aforismos de @nntaleb:http://www.elmundo.es/papel/cultura/2018/04/01/5ac0a99de5fdea620d8b45ab.html   Permalink 5:54 AM – 2 Apr 2018

@spyrosmakrid The major finding is: ”The forecasting accuracy of ML forecasting methods is lower than the worst of statistical ones while the accuracy of more than half the ML methods is lower than a random walk”. M4 Competition: http://www.m4.univ.ac.cy   will solve the accuracy issue. Permalink 5:11 AM – 2 Apr 2018

@REXvsDeji The yardstick for measuring rationality is survival, not intellectual constructs that are only relevant to…..intellectuals. So mocking lay people for using crude heuristics to navigate the world is just signalling. Remember the segment he posted online. Permalink 4:52 AM – 2 Apr 2018

@Cholagio It would be a biggest understatement to say that I was excited to meet @nntaleb Meeting people that have inspired you is tricky, as you never know who they turn out to be. pic.twitter.com/mB997rDBDm Permalink 4:45 AM – 2 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal: “We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil” | Zero Hedgehttps://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-01/interventionistas-outraged-over-trumps-syria-withdrawal-we-took-oil-weve-got-keep   Permalink 12:13 AM – 2 Apr 2018

@phl43 En France on appelle ça des fonctionnaires.https://twitter.com/kjhealy/status/980537311774593030   Permalink 2:01 PM – 1 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Like Orthodox Chanting pic.twitter.com/LAw8Bua91A Permalink 9:55 AM – 1 Apr 2018

@nntaleb With 4 Armenians. Permalink 9:31 AM – 1 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Khachapuri in Tbilisi pic.twitter.com/0ipmhY7lSz Permalink 9:25 AM – 1 Apr 2018

@nntaleb Georgia was part of Antioch, then Moscow. And happy Palm Sunday! pic.twitter.com/1mkH99JvRa Permalink 10:25 PM – 31 Mar 2018

@alexandersquats .@nntalebhttps://www.chonday.com/25879/palaramic5/   Permalink 4:47 PM – 31 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Actually, not Zoroastrian. Must be Nestorian or ancient Pagan. Permalink 2:46 PM – 30 Mar 2018

@mikeandallie After a day of running the kids all over the place, a glass of wine and @nntaleb book recommendation pic.twitter.com/hbDAvsXCgA Permalink 2:07 PM – 30 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Ashoura rites come from the same ancient Christian source. Same with some aspects of ancient Soufism, & some Zoroastrianism.https://twitter.com/DRUDGE_REPORT/status/979739546186166273   Permalink 8:23 AM – 30 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Tbilisi: Signs in Georgian and English; people speak Georgian and Russian. Permalink 7:26 AM – 30 Mar 2018

@JYuter “If you give an opinion, and someone follows it, you are morally obligated to be, yourself, exposed to its consequences.” – @nntaleb Skin in the Game There’s some aspect of this in Torah regarding halakhic decision making Permalink 6:27 AM – 30 Mar 2018

@nntaleb First book review by an academic (a political scientist no less) who did not get offended. https://shar.es/1LEJpp   Permalink 3:31 AM – 30 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I mean you can detect who feels rich based on how much they talk about money. Permalink 10:58 AM – 29 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The definition of wealth is thought to be relative, proportional to neighbors, or one’s aims, etc. No: Is wealthy he or she who doesn’t talk about money. Permalink 10:42 AM – 29 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath Taking Turns to Toss a Die https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/DiceInSequence.shtml   #FigureThat #math #probability ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/JjxF3SpNIZ”>  pic.twitter.com/JjxF3SpNIZ Permalink 8:03 AM – 29 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Chartwell Speakers, can you IMMEDIATELY remove me as a speaker from your page? This is despicable, putting people’s bio as if you represented them. I am not a lecture bureau commodity. @Chartwell_Ideas Permalink 7:23 AM – 29 Mar 2018

@navydish Jobs on consulting. Is this what @nntaleb’s skin in the game is about? “Coming in and making recommendations but not owning the implementation results in a fraction of the value and opportunity to learn and get better. You do get a broad cut at companies but it is very thin.” pic.twitter.com/Uj5jyjPDtF Permalink 2:44 AM – 29 Mar 2018