Monthly Archives: October 2017

Nassim Taleb on Black Monday, Fed, Market Lessons | Bloomberg

Bloomberg TV Markets and Finance
Published on Oct 16, 2017
Oct.16 — The Black Monday crash was 30 years ago this week. “Black Swan” author Nassim Taleb was a trader for First Boston at the time. He made a lot of money while others lost fortunes. He recounts the experience with Bloomberg’s Erik Schatzker.

Weinstein, Thaler, Virtue Signaling, Ottomans, Catalunya, Playboy, Monsanto, Silver Rule – Twitter

@nntaleb On my way to Moscow for a lecture at Moscow State U. Tuesday Permalink 9:27 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb & rape apologist Permalink 8:47 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb There is enough to show that CNN BS vendor journalist Michael Weiss @michaeldweiss is misogynist & has pro-fascist pro-Alqaeda tendencies. Permalink 4:47 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb witchhunts Permalink 4:07 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Acceptable; silence for $$ only so if perpetrator will not harm others.   Permalink 3:01 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Le bouc émissaire   Permalink 2:47 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Using like @dandrezner a strawman to tag someone you don’t like “racist”,”sexist”, “somethingist” to trigger whichhunts is morally repellent Permalink 2:02 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Vile @dandrezner transformed my disaproval of encouraging further rape w/$$ for silence as “sexist”. What do to him?   Permalink 1:17 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Actors represents to us on the screen how other citizens are; but they are too fake to be like other citizens. No #skininthegame, all image Permalink 12:42 PM – 14 Oct 2017

@sicruzado That being said McGowan must admit it wasn’t correct to make a deal on her silence. She traded her integrity for “career”. Permalink 11:12 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@amyalkon Keeping silent as trade for money & fame ultimately means selling out others down to road to be victimized – ugliest self-interest. Permalink 8:15 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb By what logic is accepting payment to perpetuate the system NOT creating future victims? Selling one’s silence is non negociable ethically. Permalink 8:05 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb No, imbecile. It is payment to stay silent! Permalink 7:23 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Or, worse, blackmail. @schmittpaula Permalink 7:14 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Any financial transaction of the sort is just prostitution.   Permalink 6:51 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Paper will be on Archiv next Tue. Permalink 6:43 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@____AGM____ This paper destroys political science BS models.   Permalink 6:10 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@keithwalkiewicz “There exist a kind of people for whom life is some kind of project…” – @nntaleb #Antifragile Permalink 6:10 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Election Predictions as Martingales: An Arbitrage Approach, forthcoming in Quantitative Finance. Permalink 6:07 AM – 14 Oct 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A friendly probability question #FigureThat #math #probability Permalink 12:04 PM – 13 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Flunked. This leaves no tail on dish, likely to be dyed pasta.   Permalink 1:21 PM – 12 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Stupid pple have political “scientist” friends. Blocking them keeps your feed clean of political scientists & other bullshitters. Gabish? Permalink 9:28 AM – 12 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Romans wd despise today’s scholars of Rome, as “tawkers”, nonrisktakers, e.g., a nondoer “expert” on Stoicism s.a.@mpigliucci #skininthegame Permalink 6:40 AM – 12 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Most of all, Romans gave actors a pariah rank in society, because they “faked” by profession. #skininthegame Permalink 6:34 AM – 12 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Romans believed in Lindy. They detested theory, wanted results. They never mistook technology for science. #LindyEffect   Permalink 6:31 AM – 12 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Shin and Waw, obvious. J2a haplogroup. Permalink 6:27 AM – 12 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Comment 1: A few idiots ranting here (now blocked) didn’t get that barbers, technologists & artisans are not included in my hobbyist list. Permalink 5:07 PM – 11 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Some pursuits such as 1) love, 2) science, and 3) politics are more genuine when carried out by hobbyists rather than professionals. Permalink 2:16 PM – 11 Oct 2017

@BlueSertorius I think you did not understand his books then. (Taleb on twitter)=(taleb on books)^2 and I fucking love it Permalink 11:19 AM – 11 Oct 2017

@nntaleb WEINSTEIN Punish him for exploitation of women. But he seeking treatment for libido Not misuse of power/hypocrisy/virtue signaling! Permalink 7:26 AM – 11 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Το oνομα μου είναι *Νίκος* στα Ελληνικα   Permalink 6:27 AM – 11 Oct 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A problem of loaded dice   #FigureThat #math #probability ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 6:03 AM – 11 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Every few days, I find myself lamenting U. Eco’s absence. No living figure is that rich: fertile, erudite, playful, charming,& Mediterranean   Permalink 11:30 AM – 10 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Dakhil origin: Aramaic corrupted, not Arb (DKL) Permalink 10:20 AM – 10 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Not of word of Arabic in this Leb. sentence: Dakhil rabb (Fear Lord), Canaanite fann: Greek (pneuma) bi: Aramaic Ligha: Greek (logos)   Permalink 10:17 AM – 10 Oct 2017

@garyruskin Reporting on the World’s Most Controversial Farm Chemical, via @CivilEats @TheBostonWriter   @careygillam Permalink 5:47 AM – 10 Oct 2017

@nntaleb I confess I had someone specific in mind Loss aversion punishes Much harder to be asked “why is there is a statue?” than why there isn’t one   Permalink 3:43 AM – 10 Oct 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A second probability problem #FigureThat #math #probability Permalink 3:33 PM – 9 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Ana méṡé ma3ak. La nġayyer min Faddoul ṡwayy. Bass l”3″ aḣsan min el rusé.   Permalink 2:05 PM – 9 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Maltese works because it has minimal switches @turlevnon Permalink 1:30 PM – 9 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Na22e 7arf ma7al l ع (bil siryéné ܥ wbil aramé ע ) lallébnéné ljdid. ч amma 3 ? Permalink 10:19 AM – 9 Oct 2017

@JulianAssange Richard Thaler just won the Bank of Sweden Prize for economics (there is no Nobel prize for economics). Thaler is dangerous proponent of state totalitarianism who wants to eliminate unsurveilled human economic exchange. Sweden is the most cashless society.   Permalink 10:06 AM – 9 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Pick a letter as substitute for ع (equiv to ܥ in Syriac or ע in Aramaic) for Modern Lebanese. ч or 3 (note that ч is from the Cyrillic) Permalink 7:00 AM – 9 Oct 2017

@GreenRupertRead Delighted: my motion on extending the @PrecPrinciple to cover X-risks and research-funding into them just PASSED overwhelmingly at #gpconf Permalink 3:41 AM – 9 Oct 2017

@nntaleb The @EUDelegationTur doesn’t get that the Turks didn’t “come to” Mardin (small DNA flow). Turkish speaking simply means someone converted. Permalink 8:36 AM – 8 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Nietzsche’s Master-Slave morality in modern terms: Reputation is for slaves, Honor, Courage, & Integrity is for the Self-Owned. Permalink 1:54 PM – 7 Oct 2017

@nntaleb The main problem is vulnerability to reputational effects. Fragility. You can’t be a slave and avoid behaving like a slave.   Permalink 10:44 AM – 7 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Someone writing the article didn’t get scaling. Sweden is small. Size is a dominant characteristic.   Permalink 4:54 AM – 7 Oct 2017

@mikeadsit Roundup kills more than weeds. Beneficial soil bacteria face a weed-killing threat from above | Cornell Chronicle   Permalink 6:12 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Please, this is only for US residents who follow me on Twitter. Where did you get the last book you’ve read? Permalink 5:25 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb “Tings” I learned today: a- There is no money in glamor (W’s stake is 130 m pretax) b- You don’t have to be really rich to buy into politics Permalink 5:05 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb 3/3 The more people do “data” the less they understand its information. Permalink 3:22 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb In other words, don’t cross a river because it is 4 feet deep ON AVERAGE. Gabish? #Antifragile Permalink 3:21 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Harvey W. was a master at virtue signaling. Pseudo-left: they endorse causes to feel virtuous.   Permalink 3:09 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Another person who doesn’t understand convexity.   Permalink 2:56 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@izag2010 @izag2010 Firearm incidents have thin tailed propability Distributions, Terrorism, Fat tailed you Imbeciles! @nntaleb Permalink 2:54 PM – 6 Oct 2017

@GuruAnaerobic Mark Sissons is right – being obsessed with Keto misses the point. As @nntaleb wud say, it’s an insult to variation   Permalink 5:18 AM – 6 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Did someone answer this idiot?   Permalink 5:52 PM – 5 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Squid ink Permalink 10:25 AM – 5 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Counter to Arabists BS vendors, there was in 4th C. Roman province called “Phoenicia” & there were “Phoenicians”. Libanius (Autobiography) Permalink 8:04 AM – 4 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Yeah, yeah, yeah   Permalink 4:17 AM – 4 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Cirillo lektchuring my class on extreme value distributions Permalink 3:28 PM – 3 Oct 2017

@nntaleb OK,OK, new title again Permalink 12:58 PM – 3 Oct 2017

@nntaleb OK, OK, So new subtitle Permalink 6:15 AM – 3 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Finally, @DrCirillo came to spend a couple of weeks in New York. We plan on finishing the book and publishing by February. Permalink 5:52 AM – 3 Oct 2017

@nntaleb This economist gets it that *some* doctors do more harm than good. But doesn’t realize we shd be much better off w/o economists than with.   Permalink 5:30 AM – 3 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Una lezzione Calabrese, la lezzione “na vota u mese” (once a month) Permalink 7:31 AM – 2 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Friends, can Anyone answer:What are the proportions if haplogroups/ subclades in Catalunya? Permalink 6:42 AM – 2 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Real World Risk Seminar: No thought police, no pol correctness, nothing is off-limits. (Nov 13-17) @financequant   Permalink 5:29 AM – 2 Oct 2017

@nntaleb What I learned today: Ottomans used the Western (AD) calendar (1899).   Permalink 4:45 AM – 2 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Lindy: Progress means change, but not too fast. Permalink 3:24 PM – 1 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Catalunya. Permalink 2:22 PM – 1 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Never argue w/ pple on twitter. Expose people’s arguments for others to see. More generally, you argue with the audience, not the person.   Permalink 12:21 PM – 1 Oct 2017

@nntaleb A function in Mathematica to get the [a]-Mean (mean across all permutations); helps w/ Miurhead’s ineq & other uses of a generalized mean. Permalink 12:05 PM – 1 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Where is Orwell? Replaced by monoculture-promoting, reputation-minded, pseudoleftist wusses. Wusses.   Permalink 5:46 AM – 1 Oct 2017

@nntaleb Where is Orwell? Replaced by monoculture-promoting, reputation-minded, pseudoleftist wusses. Wusses.   Permalink 5:46 AM – 1 Oct 2017

@PZalloua 2-Sunset over temples of Astarte (left) and Baal Amon (right). Cadiz Permalink 2:50 AM – 1 Oct 2017

@nntaleb This holds largely for EastMed and partly for WestMeds. Permalink 1:33 PM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Population Genetics du Jour: If Armenians/Georgians/Iranians(N)/Anatolians/Kurds look Mediterranean, it’s because Meds originate from there. Permalink 12:54 PM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb In academia, there is no difference between academia & the real world. In the real world, there is. (inspired by Yogi Berra)   Permalink 11:32 AM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb “Dear Dr T, Someone sent me an article in which you wrote [some insult] abt me” Translation: “I googled my name & found your mentioning me” Permalink 11:29 AM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb “Privatized” homeland security, if you want to see it that way.   Permalink 9:20 AM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb A new challenge. Initial from @erugli , @CutTheKnotMath Permalink 4:30 AM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb The skin in the game (symmetry) Q is: Would you like your daughter to appear in Playboy? If so, then do the interview. Otherwise, shut up Permalink 3:15 AM – 30 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Partial list of interviewees… Two-faced “left” intellectuals using a vehicle demeaning to women for own self-promotion. Permalink 11:43 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@maircomm And a former colleague, a Hungarian: “The problem with Nassim Taleb is not that he’s an —hole. Nassim Taleb is an —hole. The problem with Nassim Taleb is that he is right.” Permalink 7:13 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@CutTheKnotMath Kunihiko Chikaya’s Inequality   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 7:08 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@nntaleb An “interview” in Playboy is the equivalent of putting a prayer room in the middle of a bordello, w/the excuse that it attracts worshippers. Permalink 5:14 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Genetic Literacy Project is a Monsanto mouthpiece meant to smear scientists who disagree. Should NEVER be relied upon. Gabish? Permalink 3:12 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Nice to wake up to such great news. Delenda Monsanto! Euro Parliament decide to bar Monsanto lobbyists   via @FT Permalink 2:47 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@DirkAntonvM If there is only one article you want to read this Fall, let it be this one. It explains so much of the turmoil around the world.   Permalink 2:41 AM – 29 Sep 2017

@AJA_Cortes People with muscular necks don’t get fucked with Permalink 3:53 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb So, Mary Beard, with all this career bloviating in books you can’t tell the difference between DESCRIPTIVE & NORMATIVE? Permalink 2:48 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@SwaidanCeline Ohhhhh pleasseee: عُقْد: necklace. عِِقد: decade. عَقْد: contract. عَقَدَ: held. عَقَّدَ: complicated. عُقَدْ: knots.   Permalink 1:15 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Mary Beard ou are hinting that I stand AGAINST equality? You keep proving you are intellectualy DISHONEST, insecure, and a BS artist. Permalink 1:06 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Replace “religion police” in this NYT Op-Ed about what happened to @AkyolinEnglish by “thought police” & notice there is NO difference.   Permalink 12:58 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb What “humble” brag? There is nothing humble about me and I do NOT hide it. Gabish? Permalink 12:37 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Was told it was the most impactful & most read interview on the planet. Many “serious” authors did it: Nabokov, Mailer, Moravia, Rand… Permalink 12:24 PM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Playboy. I can proudly say that the Playboy Interview is the first interview I ever declined, when I was invited in 2008. Permalink 11:50 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@sprenten Only about 5 people read this tweet and understand it was made to make you think and not to confirm a bias! Permalink 11:42 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Tax plan: if passed, will it be retro-effective for 2017 (as was Reagan’s)? Permalink 10:05 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@DeadLiftCapital just as de Tocqueville described Permalink 6:45 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Not just Byzantine, though. The DNA of the Koura, shows some Krusader genes. Mountains nearby: Armenian genes (Mardaitis) @PZalloua Permalink 6:41 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb IYI: “He has mentioned quantum mechanics at least twice in the past 5 years in conversations that had nothing to do w/physics.” Chap 6 ,SITG   Permalink 6:33 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Those who have equal rights today are complaining much, much more than when they didn’t have them. Permalink 6:06 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb The old technique is that if your target has thick skin/f*** you money, attack pple close to him.   Permalink 5:52 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Dear friends, Someone anonymous I’ve blocked are targeting gents I interract w/ & harrass them. I suggest blocking & reporting to twitter. Permalink 5:25 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Only 5000 years gap between Syria and Saudi Barbaria.   Permalink 4:13 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Minority rule   Permalink 4:07 AM – 28 Sep 2017

@CutTheKnotMath Here’s I put it up. Thank you   ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 7:04 PM – 27 Sep 2017

@HenricsonJacob Thrilled to be joining @nntaleb and friends for Real World Risk workshop in November. #MakeRiskRealAgain Permalink 12:20 PM – 27 Sep 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A simple inequality with exponents in two variables   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 9:51 AM – 27 Sep 2017

@nntaleb The Koura valley stayed off and on Byzantine for a while.   Permalink 7:22 AM – 27 Sep 2017

@nntaleb A footnote on associated accusations of “sectarianism” Permalink 6:22 AM – 27 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Final Devaluation of “Racism”: Arabs/Turks accuse Kurds of “racism” for wanting their own state Kurds accuse them of “racism” for opposing Permalink 5:41 AM – 27 Sep 2017

@JudicialWatch The FBI collaborated w/ the IRS in the IRS scandal. The IRS Commish should be removed from office. Learn more here:   ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 2:45 PM – 26 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Isocrates: Treat other states the way you’d like to by treated by them. Silver Rule is the foundation of modern society. Apply to states. Permalink 11:58 AM – 26 Sep 2017

@nntaleb 1918: Woodrow Wilson’s doctrine of self determination. 2017: US/EU Position on Kurdistan driven by oil interests. Permalink 11:34 AM – 26 Sep 2017

@nntaleb The only way to undertand how something works is by figuring out how to break it.   Permalink 11:29 AM – 26 Sep 2017

@nntaleb Politico story does not report that Monsanto ghostwrote Helmut Greim paper on glyphostate.   Permalink 9:25 AM – 26 Sep 2017