Monthly Archives: December 2011

My best gift in years…

My best gift in years I got from Belles Lettres- a BIG event: Erasmus’ lecture notes & collection of aphorisms/proverbs from classical litterature. The distillation of knowledge and wisdom by one of the three most learned men in history. Dwarfs much of the bookstore shelves…

Les Adages

Les Adages. Une première mondiale, l’édition bilingue de ce recueil d’expressions et de proverbes latins puisés chez les Anciens par celui que l’on nomma le « Prince des humanistes »

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Friends, there is a Levantine expression…

Friends, there is a Levantine expression Mi7in محن diacritical sukun or weak kasra over the 7 ح not to be confused with the Arabic Mi7an محن with a diacritical kasra under the mim and fat7a over the 7. I know no equivalent in English or French. It seems to include “affected”, “with attitude”, “folly with awarenes”, but imply a more existential aggressive, “in your face” controlled type of folly. Any idea on how to translate?For instance, when someone asks you why you are wearing dark glasses at night, you might answer “Mi7in”

via Friends, there is a… | Facebook.