Monthly Archives: December 2010

Got some news from the author Jamie Whyte who wrote to say he repents & "felt shitty".

Got some news from the author Jamie Whyte who wrote to say he repents & “felt shitty”. I will not relent. Why? Think of all these helpless authors. Because of the principle of symmetry reviewers should go down with their review. Authors are terrorized by reviewers; he will account for the sins he inflicted on other authors (who limit themselves to just whining). And this guy certainly deserves it.

Book review: The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms – News

No readers of The Black Swan, Fooled By Randomness or any of Taleb’s academic writings about economics, probability, risk, fragility, philosophy of statistics, applied epistemology, etc, will question whether he is qualified to dish out wisdom. And none will be surprised that Taleb, unlike the inspirational writer he calls “my compatriot from a neighbouring (and warring) village in northern Lebanon, Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet,” can be blistering. His observations concern superiority, wealth, suckerdom, academia, modernity, technology and the all-purpose, ignorant “they” who dare to doubt him.