Monthly Archives: July 2017

Scaramucci, Dimensionality, Salafinazis, Keith Kloor, Nick Kristof, McCain, Donaldo, Nocera | Twitter

@nntaleb Bullshit is not Lindy-compatible, unless it serves a risk management/survival purpose.   Permalink 8:50 AM – 25 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle happens to be …bullshit. #meta   Permalink 8:21 AM – 25 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The imbeciles who wrote the article would rank LOWER in the Olympiad than the person they are making fun of Shabby journalism,@ForeignPolicy   Permalink 6:49 AM – 25 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The Syrian “rebels” helped reduce Syrian Christians by 60%. They destroyed the fabric of Ancient Syria. Thank you Donaldo.   Permalink 3:06 AM – 25 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Which produces another inequality Permalink 2:17 AM – 25 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Yes   Permalink 3:52 PM – 24 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Some BSer just tried to frame me as an authoritarianist. If you say “No, I am not” they prey on you by 000s. If you say “fuckoff”, they do. Permalink 3:05 PM – 23 Jul 2017

@nntaleb If you are afraid for your reputation in ANY circle, you should NOT be in academia. Or at least you should not be a scholar. Permalink 2:53 PM – 23 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Recap:Honor means that, for *some* transactions, no price & no threat will ever be high enough for you. Can’t find honor in “intelligentzia” Permalink 2:44 PM – 23 Jul 2017

@LieraMarco L’antifragilita’ di chi fa lavori artigianali: sono più felici di molti colletti bianchi e non rischiano licenziamenti e robotizzazione   Permalink 1:38 PM – 23 Jul 2017

@nntaleb I know Anthony Scaramucci. He is a doer. He does what he says he will do.   Permalink 11:13 AM – 23 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Those semi-intellectuals considered “intellectuals” get furious when shown the same disrespect as they have towards nonintellectuals. Permalink 5:31 AM – 23 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath Problem 11867 from the American Mathematical Monthly   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 4:49 AM – 23 Jul 2017

@nntaleb They finally got the point.   Permalink 10:42 PM – 22 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Ha! Claim on *future* assessment of *present* positions by surveying *present* beliefs as proxy for *future* consensus by *future* pple.   Permalink 5:12 PM – 22 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Loss of dimensionality! #Antifragile   Permalink 4:09 PM – 22 Jul 2017

@catoletters For facts on Syria follow independent British Journalist Vanessa Beeley @VanessaBeeley   Permalink 2:57 PM – 22 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The only thing I wrote about Julian that is vaguely negative: he thought that paganism could be a centralized religion! Permalink 12:10 PM – 22 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath An Inequality with Inradius and Side Lengths   #FigureThat #math #geometry #inequality ” target=”_blank”>″> Permalink 9:25 AM – 22 Jul 2017

@Sebastopol94 Im sure many people think Nassim Taleb is mean in public and nice in private Permalink 8:50 AM – 22 Jul 2017

@PZalloua Mitochondrial DNA shows Lebanese closer to Europe than Cyprus @nntaleb Permalink 7:33 AM – 22 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Ha! As predicted, @keithkloor posts a piece saying he is not a Monsanto shill that is spread by… identified Monsanto shills. @thackerpd Permalink 7:16 AM – 22 Jul 2017

@food_democracy Breaking: Science Fraud 101 or how Monsanto pays fake journalists and dishonest scientists 2 mislead public on GMOs   ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 1:55 PM – 21 Jul 2017

@nntaleb No, sorry, you will NOT stop the madness. Education will migrate from univ. into technical schools. Markets are more rational than humans.   Permalink 7:32 AM – 21 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Interesting misconduct: @keithkloor can only defend himself by using Monsanto resources! Truth is like gold; can’t bury it for long. Permalink 1:55 AM – 21 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The reason we use IF-THEN (see paper) is because NONLINEARITY (convex of concave) <=> gains (loses) of variability by theorem. Permalink 6:00 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb This comment on the State Dept is excerpted from this   Permalink 5:48 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Second thing done in the six month by Donaldo: Tillerson is purging the State Department of IYIs and “faux experts”. Thank you. Permalink 5:42 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb In fairness to Pinker, was told he strongly favors free speech incontrasttomanyofhispeers Note that freespeech is a mechanism,unlike “Truth” Permalink 5:09 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb “Truth” used to reflect the opposite. Soviet “Pravda” means “Truth”. Those committed to the truth don’t say they are committed to the truth.   Permalink 4:21 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@PrisonPlanet Linda Sarsour is vile and a complete disgrace. Retweet if you agree. It’s that simple.   Permalink 2:23 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath An Inequality in Two Or More Variables II   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 1:36 PM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb We have known that Keith Kloor is an unethical shill for a while. But will Nature post a retraction?   Permalink 10:52 AM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Squalid imbeciles like Nick Kristof don’t pay for their mistakes & risk transfer on regular Syrians. Skininthegame.   Permalink 2:45 AM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb I think TEXTURE is better than MATRIX. Permalink 1:50 AM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb IF McCain’s glioblastoma responds to Keto or episodic fasting, THEN cause ~ steady feeding. Few protocols for data.   Permalink 1:48 AM – 20 Jul 2017

@nntaleb So @NickKristof doesn’t want us to stop funding Alqaeda head-cutters to spite the Russkis? You can’t be that stupid & not work for BSTimes   Permalink 4:47 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Minority rule. Agaib.   Permalink 4:37 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb More harmful for free speech? Jihadis shooting Charlie Hebdo journos Salafinazis like @Lsarsour using SJW for cover to ostracize dissent Permalink 2:21 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb More harmful for free speech? Jihadis shooting Charlie Hebdo journos Salafinazis like @Lsarsour using SJW for cover to ostracize dissent Permalink 2:21 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Anyway, that’s the first thing I was hoping Donaldo would do. And he did it. Thank you @realDonaldTrump   Permalink 12:51 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@GuruAnaerobic We add some inverted arrows from perf, exercise, food… Coach -> athlete Program -> elite athlete Drills -> agility Hunger -> carbs   Permalink 12:14 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Correction: handle for the Salafinazi is @lsarsour Permalink 12:13 PM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Quick explanation why Salafinazis s.a. @lindasarsour are more than dangerous to America.   ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 11:57 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Inverted arrows: Science -> technology Govt -> rights Education -> wealth Institutions -> peace   Permalink 10:25 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Forgot to Add the Red Sea: Yemen, Hijaz/Ethiopia, Egypt Permalink 8:29 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Speculation from Genetics: If people eat the same they look the same, and they probably share water. Migrations have stopping time. Permalink 8:14 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Skin in the Game A The Invisible Matrix of Daily Life B The Hidden Symmetry in Daily Life C Silent asymmetries in Daily Life Permalink 7:26 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Skin in the Game: Silent asymmetries in Daily Life Permalink 7:16 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Skin in the Game: The Invisible Symmetry in Daily Life Permalink 7:00 AM – 19 Jul 2017

@CHSommers Dear Women’s March, Ms. Assata Shakur executed New Jersey state trooper. You are extending birthday greetings to a cold-blooded murderess.   Permalink 6:35 PM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Playing with the most representative title Permalink 4:54 PM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Skin in the Game: The Invisible Matrix of Daily Life Permalink 4:50 PM – 18 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A refinement of an inequality in three variables   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 11:54 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Nocera, more pple will mistake Newark, N.J. for the Grand Canal of Venice than mistake you for an arbiter of anything related to intellect   Permalink 10:50 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Not as much as my confidence that you are an idiot. Permalink 10:33 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@ArmandDAngour Makes excellent sense. A Greek and Syriac speaker from a place anciently known as Amia –> Ammianus. Permalink 10:01 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Things like Ayn Rand, D. Trump, Antifragile, Ergodicity, Probablty, SquidInk, IYI, Pseudo-rationality that either you get or will never get Permalink 8:38 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb When you dig into them, most of what is called “rational argument” is highly disguized but extremely articulate BS. Permalink 8:10 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@nntaleb No. People realize that “intellectuals” are mostly stupid actors and see through them.   Permalink 4:53 AM – 18 Jul 2017

@turlevnon جدّي و ستّي بالسّرياني #learn_syriac #tur_levnon Permalink 9:44 PM – 17 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Easy way to get rid of the Monsanto-hired trolls is to block all those harrassing @MaywaMontenegro, @dannyhakim @thackerpd & their friends.   Permalink 7:16 PM – 17 Jul 2017

@nntaleb A hall of shame.   Permalink 1:12 PM – 17 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Where a problem leads to another problem Permalink 7:48 AM – 17 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Evidence that Monsanto has penetrated @Slate @geneticliteracy is a platform to smear critics of GMOs under cover of “science education”. Ha!   Permalink 6:39 AM – 17 Jul 2017

@RonPaulInstitut Photos Of Aleppo Rising: Swimsuits, Concerts And Rebuilding In First Jihadi-Free Summer   ” target=”_blank”>″> Permalink 6:11 AM – 17 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Society is increasingly run by those who are better at explaining than understanding. Forced skin in the game filters these out. (Intro) Permalink 10:24 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The higher the PE the lower future variance…this is an illusion caused by reduced sample size for higher PE.   Permalink 9:13 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@SPORTBETTINGMAN .@nntaleb is more like the howl from a distant alpha wolf. Other wolves understand, but no sheep can grasp the message. MSM is garbage. Permalink 7:58 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Where the press has a CONFLICT of interest with the public. (CHapter in SITG)   Permalink 7:29 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@nntaleb BS vendors like Nocera in the self-serving attempt to hide that the press does NOT represent truth. BS vendors.   Permalink 7:28 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The colors are so attractive hope @DrCirillo and I can do the same. Permalink 5:37 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Dense pocket book w/a map of math in great detail. Great for travel & mathematical flaneuring. French trans. from German. No English equiv. Permalink 5:26 AM – 16 Jul 2017

@normonics People are getting better at sniffing bullshit as they have the more opportunity to smell sweet truth.   Permalink 5:39 PM – 15 Jul 2017

Nocera, GMOs, IYIs, MSM, Flaneuring, Tamar Haspel, Clarissa Ward, “Nudge” | Twitter

@nntaleb One of the “failures” sold a company for billions. There exists no business in which people can be as clueless as journos, yet survive. Permalink 1:47 PM – 15 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A tragedy. Could not just “like” it   Permalink 12:49 PM – 15 Jul 2017

@theenviousleft 97% of media professionals donated to Clinton. Learn about skin in the game and stop lying you obfuscating dunce. @nntaleb Permalink 10:18 AM – 15 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Bullshitters like you, indeed. Permalink 9:24 AM – 15 Jul 2017

@nntaleb This is Sophistry 101 by a BSTimes journo. Typical BSTimes. We are talking abt threat to the West, not threat to Russia. (fake use of SITG)   Permalink 9:18 AM – 15 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath Cyclic Inequality In Three Variables with Constraints   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 6:48 AM – 15 Jul 2017

@nntaleb 2) Cont Election Paper Permalink 5:48 AM – 15 Jul 2017

@nntaleb 1) Submitted this version of the Election paper to a journal. Permalink 5:47 AM – 15 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Three hours.   Permalink 7:20 PM – 14 Jul 2017

@nntaleb BSTimes journo looks at failed AynRanders. He didn’t realize they WERE already successful. No cohort comparison.   Permalink 1:14 PM – 14 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Skin in the Game.   Permalink 1:00 PM – 14 Jul 2017

@nntaleb So we now can quantify by how much books on “RISK” using “empiricism” like Fischhoff’s & oth. nonrisktaking academics are clueless. Permalink 11:32 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Finally found a closed-form for by how much we underestimate the true extreme using a “empirical distribution” (Reason: rainy Friday in NY.) Permalink 11:16 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@ebruenner just concluded v. long twitter debate w/ pro gmo. 100% arguments based on: -credentialism -unquestionable NECESSITY of novel foods Permalink 11:08 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@MastaKace Haplogroup J2 is generally associated with the Romans, it’s also found in high frequencies in area around Dardanelles & Constantinople (1) Permalink 9:58 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@NonMeek .@nntaleb Another attempt at the Alan Blinder Problem with your helpful ideas hopefully I’m getting it right this time. #rentseeking Permalink 9:44 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@nntaleb There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever abt safety of GMOs. Not ONE risk study. Nor does hiding stuff abt Glyphosate help much Keep trying Monsanto! Permalink 5:01 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Charlatan invoke such things as “potential to feed pple” in place of PROOF it won’t cause disaster for same pple.   Permalink 4:52 AM – 14 Jul 2017

@fortierfinance NNT thread one of few places throughout my day I can reliably find justice being authentically served-world seems bit more sane as a result Permalink 11:59 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb IYI Steil, don’t flatter yourself, I am not messing with you bec I am angry; I just take immense pleasure in busting BS vendors. Kapish? Permalink 11:55 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb As I said, media commentators & former Gawker journalists seem have a contagious overpowering concern with… substance.   Permalink 11:39 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb By definition IYIs (Intellectuals Yet Idiots) provide responses that are independent of the question. Permalink 11:34 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Do you have a remark that’s not some asinine platitudinous reply lifted from “Response Manual for low IQ Thinkers for All Circumstances?” Permalink 11:31 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Petty, obsessive, substance-free criticism of Trump by petit-intellectuals (IYIs) has been fueling him, & destroying “intellectualism”.   Permalink 11:22 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb NonFiction bestsellers are NOT correlated w/MSM: Books against bloated gov, Milo, Gingrich, etc. People vote with their wallet. MSM is dead.   Permalink 9:34 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Proved that the so-called “Empirical Distribution” is not empirical, the “robust” is not robust. This is a scratchpad Permalink 9:28 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The daily quizzes by maestro @CutTheKnotMath are like finding a parking spot in NYC: Never easy, never impossible.   Permalink 7:18 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@GuruAnaerobic A fat-tailed process can masquerade as a thin-tailed one bt not the reverse @nntaleb If more experts knew this they wouldn’t talk so much BS Permalink 7:13 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@nntaleb It isn’t natural to know when your vacation/week end terminates. Modern life creates Sunday night blues. Flaneuring removes such a specter Permalink 4:31 AM – 13 Jul 2017

@eldivyn In every undertaking, the more humans try to be demi-gods, the more they become half-monsters.”- @nntaleb Permalink 1:46 PM – 12 Jul 2017

@nntaleb To paraphrase Feynman, math like s*x, is something you do for the fun, with potential side effects. Permalink 10:28 AM – 12 Jul 2017

@nntaleb But @TamarHaspel is a Monsanto shill! Permalink 9:58 AM – 12 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Applied math is math + skin in the game.   Permalink 8:59 AM – 12 Jul 2017

@DanielLMcAdams More photos the MSM is desperate to hide…can’t let middle America know the truth about Syria…   Permalink 7:10 AM – 12 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Free markets eventually lead to free speech. Censorship by social media not compatible w/ free enterprise! Markets => Ideas, not reverse.   Permalink 5:23 AM – 12 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Anyone who listens to an economist has some incurable condition. As to economists…   Permalink 5:01 AM – 12 Jul 2017

@nntaleb My enemies give me the reputation of a total as***le. The bonus is that people are always surprised when I am nice to them.   Permalink 2:40 PM – 11 Jul 2017

@gfriend “Peace: Neither Ink nor Blood” by @nntaleb (and why the Arabs are fighting to the last Palestinian)   Permalink 2:37 PM – 11 Jul 2017

@Theodore8 as close as I will ever get to @nntaleb #cuttlefish #ink #greece #kalokéri Permalink 11:53 AM – 11 Jul 2017

@garyruskin How the #GMO industry gets journalists to buy its messages, by @marionnestle   Permalink 9:17 AM – 11 Jul 2017

@nntaleb [Thread on Pyrrhic Victories] “If we win one more victory, we are doomed!” Si alteram talem victoriam reporta, vero mea erit pernicies Permalink 7:37 AM – 11 Jul 2017

@dannyhakim Key part of agrochem PR strategy is claiming that serious reporting on GMO’s/pesticides akin to being anti-vax or a climate change denier. Permalink 7:26 AM – 11 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The most serious error in statistics is taking properties out of a textbook and applying it mechanistically (a la Pinker boy). Permalink 6:54 AM – 11 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Wondering why journos love GMOs? I am witness to a bit of this.   Permalink 4:04 AM – 11 Jul 2017

@nntaleb What should I discuss? Permalink 1:31 PM – 10 Jul 2017

@nntaleb In about 9 minutes will start my econtalk with@EconTalker Permalink 1:19 PM – 10 Jul 2017

@rpodgornik ..or possibly: Si Athenas et Spartam, quod aiunt, ne clamor ridentem. Permalink 10:05 AM – 10 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Heuristic: when picking a restaurant in an unfamiliar city, don’t look at the menu, look at the clients. Permalink 9:53 AM – 10 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Same as fake entrepreneurs only interested in packaging and selling companies: fake scholars only interested in credentials/local status. Permalink 9:27 AM – 10 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The vanquished cries, but the victor doesn’t laugh. Roman proverb   Permalink 7:26 AM – 10 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Wrong. Data shows that once settled, people tend to stay… like an occupied spot. “Invasions” overstated. Languages move faster than genes   Permalink 6:28 AM – 10 Jul 2017

@RealDHilburn Btw, this Chesterton quote reminds me of the Taleb test to detect ISIS sympathizers among refugees: Permalink 8:38 AM – 9 Jul 2017

@nntaleb A good database of ALL payments frm Qatar & oth Gulf sources to @Charles_Lister & employers for promoting Al-Qaeda? Same for @MiddleEastInst   Permalink 7:42 AM – 9 Jul 2017

@nntaleb 4 hours left   Permalink 7:31 AM – 9 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Getting to *prove* how tail risk estimation methods are flawed in the econ & behavioral econ literature. Permalink 5:22 AM – 9 Jul 2017

@mikeandallie We are having similar mornings. I just spent 2 hrs with Nassim Taleb’s latest paper Permalink 4:57 AM – 9 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Strangely, @clarissaward from CNN posts nothing but fraudulous news/Jihadi propaganda that spreads & never retracts. Why it keep going? Permalink 12:14 PM – 8 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Visit to Kazakstan last mont. No tie, of course. Lost 6 lbs on a zero-carb (no squid ink) diet since. Permalink 11:24 AM – 8 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Exercise: Is uncertainty purely epistemic limitation? Think about it: destroys free will, requires teleology, unescapable preordained fate   Permalink 10:53 AM – 8 Jul 2017

@nntaleb And I am going to ask a “consultant” to tawk about Real Life? Permalink 10:14 AM – 8 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Typos Permalink 7:19 AM – 8 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Why” Nudge” and much of Behavioral Econ is bullshit science. Permalink 7:10 AM – 8 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The reason Cyprus is at a stalemate: negociators are …bureaucrats. Clueless bureaucrats & political “scientists”.   Permalink 5:55 AM – 8 Jul 2017

CNN, Ad Hominem, Scale, Fareed Zakaria, Miller, Sugar, Models, GMO Trolls | Twitter

@nntaleb Starts around :55 Permalink 3:25 PM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb I was wondering if someone knows the lyrics/name of this. I saw the performers in Granada. The singer is Paya.   Permalink 3:22 PM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb #BF Block on Friday: every person who follows CNN. Permalink 12:31 PM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Modernity: we go much, much better at explaining than understanding. Permalink 12:08 PM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Buy real estate they call overpriced Read books called overrated Invest in markets called “irrational” Do things you enjoy but can’t explain Permalink 11:28 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@normonics accords with my priors: individualism enables voluntary collectives (which are superior to involuntary collectives).   Permalink 10:47 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@CutTheKnotMath A Not Quite Cyclic Inequality   #FigureThat #math #algebra #inequality ” target=”_blank”>″> Permalink 7:19 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb (cont) you can have a large distributor. Large producers usually fail. Permalink 6:46 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@normonics my take with application to a Monsanto shill   Permalink 6:09 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb “Economies of scale” are not compatible with reduced survival in SP500, or extinction of large animals. Large is fragile. See #Antifragile Permalink 5:59 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Actually, ad hominem is NOT a logical fallacy is case of “opinion”. MDs= credentials. Courts require credentials before opinion.   Permalink 5:57 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Even the counterample, BOEING, is a coordinator of hundreds of small suppliers & 000s sub-suppliers. Permalink 4:43 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb CNN never retracted the Aleppo stories that we now know are fake These BS vendors need a terminal lawsuit. story   Permalink 4:24 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Simply: Find A restaurant that has >200 tables and serves good food A large winery that makes drinkable wine Same w/farms Permalink 4:03 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Scale matters: small/medium is beautiful, more stable & genuinely more efficient long term. Large becomes top-down.   Permalink 3:33 AM – 7 Jul 2017

@pauld1981 FK-U muscles weight lifting allow you use in any conversation, see NNT discussion abt looking like a bodyguard   Permalink 3:43 PM – 6 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Heuristics for an unhappy country   ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 2:55 PM – 6 Jul 2017

@nntaleb As we saw with the Gawker story, journalists fail to get the First Amendment. So with sub-intellects of CNN…   Permalink 11:44 AM – 6 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Apologies, the con artist is @Charles_Lister, I tagged the wrong person. Permalink 9:06 AM – 6 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Why does @Ehsani22 a v. successful, smart man who knows Syria, keeps fighting with shoddy, low-IQ, AlQaeda/Qatar shills like @CharlesLister?   Permalink 8:39 AM – 6 Jul 2017

@DrCirillo Why you should be careful when using the Gini index under fat tails.   Joint with @nntaleb and A. Fontanari. Permalink 2:17 AM – 6 Jul 2017

@nntaleb “All models are wrong, many are useful, some are deadly.” [SITG]   Permalink 11:21 AM – 5 Jul 2017

@nntaleb A @CutTheKnotMath problem solved by cheating via computational mathematics.   ” target=”_blank”>”> Permalink 9:57 AM – 5 Jul 2017

@wgryan I’d gladly give you the code, but watching @nntaleb bat people around like a cat with a rubber mouse is too fun. Permalink 9:30 PM – 4 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Free-markets: a mechanism by which the strong continuously & unrelentlessly preys on the strong.   Permalink 8:40 AM – 4 Jul 2017

@nntaleb GINI paper with @DrCirillo Permalink 8:05 AM – 4 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Here is who Henry I Miller is:   Permalink 2:40 PM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb “If powerful assholes don’t find you arrogant, you are doing something wrong.” (B. of Proc.) (Henry Miller is a shill for Monsanto & oth.) Permalink 2:32 PM – 3 Jul 2017

@_aleferres @nntaleb antique roman concrete is a great example of antifragility and lindy effect   Permalink 2:01 PM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb techne vs episteme   Permalink 8:53 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb And there is conflation between eating “too much” meat and “too often” (i.e. lack of fasting).   Permalink 8:22 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb I block fools at the first such remark as “excuse to disenfranchise & persecute ppl”. Permalink 7:36 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb So the problem could be nitrate, not meat. Kapish? Permalink 7:27 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb If we’ve been eating animals for > 300 million years & some “study” says it’s “unhealthy”, odds study is wrong/misspecified. #LindyEffect Permalink 7:17 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Rather, We’re eating too much sugar and it’s making us sick   Permalink 6:35 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@Protect_Wldlife What senseless waste. Why would you kill such a gentle creature? For ‘sport’?!? Please RT if you want a global ban on ALL trophy hunting. Permalink 4:17 AM – 3 Jul 2017

@nntaleb A marker for a charlatan: someone who uses arguments type”this is the best model we have”. Skin in the game pple use ONLY reliable models. Permalink 5:34 PM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb A marker for a charlatan: someone who uses arguments type”this is the best model we have”. Skin in the game pple use ONLY reliable models. Permalink 5:34 PM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb All models are wrong. Some are lethal.   Permalink 2:18 PM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Do you use the map of Tokyo in Rome? Or better nothing? Why is it that people don’t get that nothing beats BS. Permalink 2:04 PM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Gawker’s predatorial voyeurism (>20yo college girls) has NOTHING to do w/free-speech Tort laws protect citizens Journos are self-serving.   Permalink 11:20 AM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb To the freq. question, “which book to learn probability?” DO NOT start w/books. Do zillions of Monte Carlo, play & play until you get it. Permalink 7:48 AM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Where I explain why if some psychology results is not BS, your grandmother already knows about it   Permalink 7:14 AM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Socialscience trying to look like science is like an aged man w/dyed hair & excessive facial surgery; ends up looking both v. old & v. fake. Permalink 7:08 AM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The core of the problem: 1) social scientists want to “learn statistics” w/o understanding probability. 2) social science is NOT science.   Permalink 6:10 AM – 2 Jul 2017

@nntaleb A sign of development for a country is in the lack of prestige for government officials. Permalink 5:26 PM – 1 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The Roman army did not employ slaves (except during one Punic war). Only the free can fight. Permalink 1:52 PM – 1 Jul 2017

@nntaleb Marion Nestle @marionnestle needs to have Ukrainian hacker friends who block the low-IQ Monsanto trolls.   Permalink 1:44 PM – 1 Jul 2017

@NonMeek .@nntaleb Found an old gem from rereading #FooledByRandomness. Great, great book indeed. Permalink 9:55 AM – 1 Jul 2017

@nntaleb The problem with psychology & other BS sciences: they are highly convincing, but only temporarily so. Permalink 7:11 AM – 1 Jul 2017

@nntaleb I just published “Why Each One Should Eat His Own Turtles (Revised )”   Permalink 5:47 AM – 1 Jul 2017

@nntaleb 2) It is hard to define “fairness”, “justice” & other terms by SJW; never hard to define freedom. Libertarians put liberty over all else. Permalink 11:21 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Liberty prevails over other concerns s.a. “fairness”, “democracy”: It is analytically & legally much more robust.   Permalink 11:19 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb BTW here is the main distinction between AntiFragility & Robustness   Permalink 11:07 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Cans someone educate that idiot?   Permalink 10:29 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Western Syria: mostly J2 haplogroup, w/some R1b from Neolithic settlements. Eastern Syria: mostly J1. Just a comment.   Permalink 8:13 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Solution, a bit of work.   ” target=”_blank”>″> Permalink 4:47 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@gazmills14 @mrjamesob Mr @nntaleb has an excellent solution to ensure corners are not cut & risky practices are not hidden – apply skin in the game Permalink 3:02 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Riemann Surfaces, sort of. Below is the Abr. & Stig. now used for 50 years! Permalink 2:55 AM – 30 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Not enough. As we saw with Gawker, they can increase ratings by predation over individuals. Permalink 12:19 PM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb It’s a bad idea to NOT sue CNN, @Scaramucci. Unless CNN has skin in the game, they will continue harming citizens.   Permalink 12:15 PM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Usually, if I insult someone, it is that 1) I have written him off as a bullshitter (Pinker), 2) I find him dangerous somewhere… Permalink 11:53 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Regulation vs Legal Systems Permalink 11:52 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb You remember the insults you received far more than those you gave. Permalink 11:13 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb MSM media is pro-AlQaeda.   Permalink 8:02 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb QUIZ duJour: Find 2 variables X and Y with 0 correlation, yet are 100% “dependent”,( if you know what a realization of X, you guess Y.) Permalink 6:14 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb The map misses J2 in Italy (South, Estrusca) “una una faccia una razza”, Corsica, & Western Spain, & R1a in Anatolia/Levant. @fadyasly Permalink 6:00 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Simplifies everything.   Permalink 5:39 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@nntaleb If you were Greek in 1901, the place to be would have been Alexandria, Constantinople, Smyrna,.., perhaps Beirut. Not Athens. Nation States!   Permalink 1:19 AM – 29 Jun 2017

@EvaKerner .@CBinsights asking @nntaleb of #blackswans his take on cryptocurrencies: alternative currencies not signed by Larry Summers is paramount. Permalink 2:18 PM – 28 Jun 2017

@hazelmulhare ‘we are not made for comfort’ Wow. @nntaleb unbelievably excellent talk on ‘anti fragile’ at #futurefintech Permalink 2:14 PM – 28 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Getting   Permalink 1:03 PM – 28 Jun 2017

@investingidiocy To recap: Rule #1: We don’t talk about Fight Club Rule #2: …. or The Wolf of Wall Street And Rule #3: We don’t troll @nntaleb Permalink 2:08 AM – 28 Jun 2017

@vxschmid @nntaleb says this is when the ketchup blasts out of the bottle #igwt17 @RonStoeferle Permalink 8:25 AM – 27 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Self assessment. Like economics. Permalink 7:40 AM – 27 Jun 2017

@nntaleb Is fragile what wants minimum variation around the average. Definition.   Permalink 3:05 AM – 27 Jun 2017