Tag Archives: traffic

Traffic expressed in time to travel…

Traffic expressed in time to travel from point A to point B is convex to the number of cars. If you raise the number of cars by 1% you increase travel time by a lot more than 1%. Obviously, the solution is to spread traffic and avoid concentration. 2-3% fewer cars in one area can mean a lot. Google map is doing just that. It allows the collective of citizens to divert traffic and that small number makes a huge difference. This beats the planners/bureaucrats who have at least in NYC proven that cannot possibly comprehend nonlinear responses.It is the same problem of nonlinear harm in nature. Consuming just a little less of some items, and switching to other food groups, or constantly changing pollutants just as changing routes thanks to Google maps can bring back stability to the system.
NOTE 1: Optimally it would make people switch AWAY from cars.
NOTE 2: travel time is a negative; it is convex so we are concave to it => FRAGILITY.
NOTE 3: This is the same general idea of distribution of stressors/avoidance of concentration.

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