Tag Archives: Talmud

Everything you learn in school contradicts Avot

Everything you learn in school contradicts Avot (Abuoth) 1.10:
“Love what you do, avoid high ranking positions, and do not get too close to the powerful”.

Also: “Torah learning is best combined with a worldly occupation, because the effort of both will keep one from sin. Study alone without work will in the end be nullified and lead to sin.” (2:2)

Elsewhere (Avot 1.3): “Do not seek rewards”.
.שמעיה ואבטליון קבלו מהם .שמעיה אומר, אהוב את המלאכה, ושנא את הרבנות, ואל תתודע לרשות

PS- Also, the Talmud was put together as a corpus, inspired by the methods of and to have an alternative to the Roman School of Law of Beirut (Berytus). All the Beirut texts vanished during the earthquake. The Jews, having a diaspora, never had such problem because versions of the corpus were spread across the diaspora

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