SKIN IN THE GAME & FASTING FOR LENT – I recommended to a friend who had a health problem to fast intermittently as frequency is more consequential than food composition (by Jensen’s inequality). Then I realized that I violated the ethics of Skin-In-The-Game by not doing so myself so I started last week to step-up the duration between meals (except for water and black coffee): 19, 20, 24,… and I just finished 48 hours.

In a way it was easier to eat nothing than comply by the grueling Orthodox lent, just bread and vegetables. I can report that much of the benefits in the literature are indeed there; one feels great not eating, and, strangely, also after eating. There is no loss of energy, but I can’t lift as heavily as usual, while paradoxically feeling detectably lighter walking up the stairs or standing up from a couch. Mental clarity and allergy for economists and BS operators are unimpaired.

But most at the end, one feels reborn… Will celebrate Happy Easter /Rebirth of Adonis in another post.

via SKIN IN THE GAME & FASTING FOR LENT – I… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

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