Monthly Archives: September 2013

Think on this Friday morning of sad situation of the person who sent 400 resumés…

Think on this Friday morning of sad situation of the person who sent 400 resumés and looking at the iphone in a state of helplessness. There are millions of them facing the anxiety of unemployment over the weekend. Now think of the even sadder situation that should they get a job, it will be taken from someone else.

Now think of someone creating a job for him/herself. Odds are that not only he may have solved his own unemployment problem, but also created a job -and some happiness- for someone else.

via Think on this Friday morning of sad… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.

Friends, after yesterday’s Dobelli…

Friends, after yesterday’s Dobelli diversion, let us move to skin in the game. I am posting the talk and paper but let’s try to do heuristics across domains, in areas where I could work (instead of enumerating examples of where it is employed).

The paper is here:
Taleb on Skin in the Game | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty
Nassim Taleb of NYU-Poly talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about his recent paper with Constantine Sandis on the morality and effectiveness of…

via Friends, after yesterday’s Dobelli… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.

OK, OK, I am putting the facts in the…

OK, OK, I am putting the facts in the public domain. You, friends, are now the judges.

Rolf Dobelli’s Case

Please note that I am putting these facts in the public domain, not making any legal or even ethical claim (yet). Just facts.

via OK, OK, I am putting the facts in the… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.