Friends, I am looking for a language that has the word "antifragility". [Just as the opposite of NEGATIVE is not NEUTRAL, but POSITIVE the opposite of fragility is not robustness, but something that has no English word (only strength & robustness) French (only incassable or fort), no Italian (infragibile), no Arabic (متين،غير قابل للكسر), no Hebrew, etc. Any help with !Kung, Asian, Slavic & Germanic tongues? [see note 137 in]

Friends, I am looking for a language that has the word "antifragility". [Just as the opposite of NEGATIVE is not NEUTRAL, but POSITIVE the opposite of fragility is not robustness, but something that has no English word (only strength & robustness) French (only incassable or fort), no Italian (infragibile), no Arabic (متين،غير قابل للكسر), no Hebrew, etc. Any help with !Kung, Asian, Slavic & Germanic tongues? [see note 137 in]

(not quite my book… but close. And I am not so much anti-Platonic: I am mostly against “Platonicity” which is being a sucker for a Platonic form, at the cost of using the wrong form. Forms are not that accessible to us: I call this Opacity)

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