Tag Archives: heuristics

Finally, here is a mathematical proof that the “heuristics” used by traders…

Finally, here is a mathematical proof that the “heuristics” used by traders and derived bottom-up are both more robust and more rigorous (mathematically) than the pseudomathematics used by economists.

The best way to beat economists is to be more rigorous mathematically than they are, not discard the math.


via Finally, here is a mathematical proof that the… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

A BS detection Heuristic. You can tell if a discipline is BS…

A BS detection Heuristic.

You can tell if a discipline is BS if the degree depends severely on the prestige of the school granting it. I remember when I applied to MBA programs being told that anything outside the top 10 or 20 would be a waste of time. On the other hand a degree in mathematics is much less dependent on the shool (conditional on being above a certain level, so the heuristic would apply to the differene betwewn top 10 and top 2000 schools).

The same applies to research papers. In math and physics, a result posted on arXiv (with a minimum hurdle) is fine. In low quality fields like academic finance (where almost all academics are charlatans and all papers some form of complicated storytelling), the “prestige” of the journal is the sole criterion.

I don’t know about literature, sociology, political science, etc. Does the heuristic work there?

via A BS detection Heuristic. You can tell if a… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.