For life to be really fun, a lot of what you fear should correspond with what you desire.
via For life to be really fun, a lot of what you… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
For life to be really fun, a lot of what you fear should correspond with what you desire.
via For life to be really fun, a lot of what you… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Nassim N. Taleb @nntaleb Aphorisms, Rules, and Heuristics (updated)
Envy, like thirst for revenge, is the wicked person’s version of our natural sense of injustice.
via Envy, like thirst for revenge, is the wicked… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Money corrupts those who talk & write about it more than those who earn it.
via Money corrupts those who talk & write about it… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Nitpicking is the unmistakable mark of cluelessness.
via Nitpicking is the unmistakable mark of cluelessness. – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.