DEFICITS & JENSEN'S INEQUALITY – So Art de Vany's statement about energy deficit can be translated into the ubiquitous Sigmoid Function f(x) = [1/(1-Exp[c x]], concave in the positive and convex in the negative.Note that the Kahneman/Tversky Prospect theory has the same shape (with small change in first derivative at 0)It means, as suspected, concentration (feasts/famine) that you should eat a lot when you eat.

DEFICITS & JENSEN'S INEQUALITY – So Art de Vany's statement about energy deficit can be translated into the ubiquitous Sigmoid Function f(x) = [1/(1-Exp[c x]], concave in the positive and convex in the negative.
Note that the Kahneman/Tversky Prospect theory has the same shape (with small change in first derivative at 0)
It means, as suspected, concentration (feasts/famine) that you should eat a lot when you eat.


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