Monthly Archives: May 2013

What would you rather be, poor in a…

What would you rather be, poor in a country that has a large middle class, or poor in a country that has massive inequalities, with many people like you, a very small number of mega-opulent, and no middle class?Think about it in terms of people you are likely to encounter, and compete with. The super-rich are far away, out of reach, in a class of their own, rarely visible outside the media; the middle class is there to taunt you, humiliate you, make you feel envy.The middle class is cruel to the lumpen; it is only a great concept if you belong to it.

via What would you rather be, poor in a… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.

When someone starts a sentence with the…

When someone starts a sentence with the first half containing “I” , “not”, and “but”, the “not” should be removed and the “but” replaced with “therefore”.


“I am not prejudiced, but”

“I will not honor you with a reply, but”

“I do not usually […], but”

The most infuriating is a letter that starts with:

“I do not always agree with what you say, but”

via When someone starts a sentence with the… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.

My nightmare: This [EDITED] got the Black Swan idea in reverse (WSJ)

My nightmare: This [EDITED] got the Black Swan idea in reverse (WSJ):

(reposted after editing my first reaction… more polite but not really)

Spotting Black Swans with Data Science
Traditional analytic models can’t keep up with today’s unprecedented volume and variety of data. The emerging field of data science, closely intertwined with the explosion of Big Data, aims for a better understanding of dynamic, complex systems through in-depth analysis across multiple data sets, an…

via My nightmare: This [EDITED] got the… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.