Monthly Archives: April 2011

The Black Swan of Cairo | Foreign Affairs

Shared by JohnH

Links to entire article which is available to non-subscribers until 6/13/11. HatTip to Dave Lull.

Take, for example, the recent celebrated documentary on the financial crisis, Inside Job, which blames the crisis on the malfeasance and dishonesty of bankers and the incompetence of regulators. Although it is morally satisfying, the film naively overlooks the fact that humans have always been dishonest and regulators have always been behind the curve. The only difference this time around was the unprecedented magnitude of the hidden risks and a misunderstanding of the statistical properties of the system.

What is needed is a system that can prevent the harm done to citizens by the dishonesty of business elites; the limited competence of forecasters, economists, and statisticians; and the imperfections of regulation, not one that aims to eliminate these flaws. Humans must try to resist the illusion of control: just as foreign policy should be intelligence-proof (it should minimize its reliance on the competence of information-gathering organizations and the predictions of “experts” in what are inherently unpredictable domains), the economy should be regulator-proof, given that some regulations simply make the system itself more fragile. Due to the complexity of markets, intricate regulations simply serve to generate fees for lawyers and profits for sophisticated derivatives traders who can build complicated financial products that skirt those regulations.

I break with my rule & post here because the idea was developed on this page (ANTIFRAGILITY comes from regular shocks). Thanks friends.

I break with my rule & post here because the idea was developed on this page (ANTIFRAGILITY comes from regular shocks). Thanks friends.

The Black Swan of Cairo
The upheavals in the Middle East have much in common with the recent global financial crisis: both were plausible worst-case scenarios whose probability was dramatically underestimated. When policymakers try to suppress economic or political volatility, they only increase the risk of blowups.


About to break Orthodox lent, 40 days without animal products (except for fish on a few select days)…

About to break Orthodox lent, 40 days without animal products (except for fish on a few select days). Makes you grasp 1) rebirth (beyond symbolism), 2) celebration without prior sacrifice is theft, 3) religion is about walking the walk, not this modern notion of “belief” 4) antifragility in all its aspects, of course (includes the iatrogenics of abundance, happiness as defined by hedonic states)…

Solution to the AGENCY PROBLEM: Never get on a plane unless the person piloting it is also on board…

Solution to the AGENCY PROBLEM: Never get on a plane unless the person piloting it is also on board.
Generalization: no-one should be allowed to declare war, make a prediction, express an opinion, publish an academic paper, manage a firm, treat a patient, etc. without having something to lose (or win) from the outcome.